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Black & White

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That's what I had thought about it too when I first saw it.

I wonder where it fits in with the nature vs. technology and yin-yang theme, though.
Maybe it's like, uh, Reshiram is steam (fire) power, Zekrom is electrical pwoer and Kyuremu is... ice power? Uh. Perhaps not.
Oh, you mean the chicken ice guy?

I'd assume it acts as a counterbalance to the heat based powers of fire and electricity. Or not. I dunno.

guess what I misread that as.

Did the exact same thing the first time.

EDIT: Just noticed; Psychic Elite 4's Pokemon seem to look like something to do with sleeping. (two things to cuddle in bed, one causes dreams, and the Shinporah could pass for a dream catcher) Look at what her room is.
yup.I thought that too. I was looking through the dex for the 3rd mascot and saw that red thingy in a cloud(lol) so i thought thats prolly not it so i think it is Kyuremu
I'm pretty sure Mamepato's final evolution (Uh, Kenhorou?) also has rather different gender forms... Hold on...


The left-hand is male and the right-hand female.

...Amongst others, probably.
Pretty sure this is a season-based change, not gender.
I don't. The game is going to suck, and the series should have stopped at Gold and Silver.

Me too. Actually, who doesn't? Perhaps we should take the time to make our teams and anticipate the extraordinary grind. I mean seriously, level 59 to for a first stage? 64 to get the second stage? Well we're apparently given the Lucky Egg by Professor Aragi, but still, that's just crazy.

EDIT: YouTube is failing me. Is that legendary theme have the Dennis Penance chanting in the background?
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I don't. The game is going to suck, and the series should have stopped at Gold and Silver.

Me too. Actually, who doesn't? Perhaps we should take the time to make our teams and anticipate the extraordinary grind. I mean seriously, level 59 to for a first stage? 64 to get the second stage? Well we're apparently given the Lucky Egg by Professor Aragi, but still, that's just crazy.

Those levels ARE pretty ridiculous. On the bright side, there's apparently a new, lower shiny rate which I'm pretty happy about. Also, there is a cat. I WANT IT.
Awful news everyone.

Apparently Wargle and Kirikizan are exclusive to Black, which would lead you to assume that White gets Gorrugo and Valjina instead, like I assumed. Though I don't know how true this is. (and then everyone flocks to Black)

Also, Urugumosu is apparently encountered at level 70. Is it a special Pokemon? The fact that it is so late in the game (apparently after E4; not sure if accessible before hand) stuffs my chances of using it through out the game. Ah well, only time will tell us the truth.
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