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Search results

  1. S

    What Games Are You Playing?

    Team Fortress 2. I wish I had more time to get good at it, as lately I've been swamped with homework, but I'm in love with it. Still kind of nervous about the "improving just by throwing yourself onto a server and playing" thing because it's so easy to drag down the team, but whatever.
  2. S

    What Games Are You Playing?

    Decided to see what all this Touhou fuss was about, so I downloaded Embodiment of Scarlet Devil. It's hard, no doubt, but also very fun. I'm liking the bullet hell genre more than I thought I would. The lolis are cute, and might make for some nice cosplay fodder, but the main thing I like is...
  3. S

    What Games Are You Playing?

    Oh hell yes. The locales in Prime are frigging gorgeous. So far my favorites are Phendrana Drifts and the very first part of Tallon IV you step on (the rainy area)
  4. S

    What Games Are You Playing?

    Metroid Prime off of the Metroid Prime Trilogy disc. I'm actually physically able to play the games now thanks to the combined magic of motion sickness pills and ginger tea, and am very happy to find that they're freaking amazing. I also like the Wii controls for these games way better than the...
  5. S

    What Games Are You Playing?

    Just beat Super Metroid for the second time. Man, I completely owned the crap outta Ridley. And I mastered the Infinite Bomb Jump! :D...It was too late to do any real sequence-breaking, though, so yeah. Still have no idea how to Mockball. God I love that game so much. :3
  6. S

    What Games Are You Playing?

    I just totally owned the Oregon Trail. (Actually, Dysentery died of a broken leg, as did Snakebite. Derp, Your Mom, and Pancake all made it safely to Oregon, though)
  7. S

    What Games Are You Playing?

    NOT A MEGA MAN GAME, amazingly. I'm playing Platinum right now. About to fight Byron. Mah Team: Salsa - Monferno (F) Candygram - Gabite (F) (If you actually get the reference, I'll be amazed) Flash - Luxray (M) Beat - Swablu (F) Pixel - Porygon Miles - Floatzel (M) Loving Platinum a whole...
  8. S

    What Games Are You Playing?

    OH SWEET GOD THE CHAMBER O' HORRORS. *ahem* It's the only moment in gaming that literally left blisters on my thumbs. Good luck. You'll need it. Glad you finally got Klonoa 2. Isn't it just awesomesauce? Woot I have a pokemon named after me! :D And I like Fearow so yay!
  9. S

    What Games Are You Playing?

    Played and beat Mega Man 4 in the span of about two days. I actually liked it a lot more than I thought I would. I ended up liking it about as much as I like 3, though not as much as 2 or 9. Dust Man's stage is amazing and is visually (not necessarily level design-wise) probably my favorite in...
  10. S

    What Games Are You Playing?

    I know it's a remake, but I never played the original Klonoa and know almost nothing about it. And that makes sense, especially seeing as Klonoa, at least at this point, barely speaks.
  11. S

    What Games Are You Playing?

    I bought Klonoa! (Lol at the coupon for Wahoo's I found inside. Yay free tacos.) Okay, I have to say that when I booted up the game I didn't know that there was an English voicetrack in the game. I'm definitely not a snob when it comes to dubs, but I nearly strangled someone after I heard...
  12. S

    What Games Are You Playing?

    Whew, finally was able to really get into Mega Man 3. Turns out it was mostly Top Man's level that was really glitched and the rest of the game moved fine, for the most part GAH the part with the eight dark bots (AKA the revisited Mega Man 2 robots) is making me angry. I have to relive the...
  13. S

    What Games Are You Playing?

    Perhaps it's just the way the VC emulated it. I just tried playing the ROM I have of it on my computer and there was little to no slowdown. I take it back, but it's still considerably harder than 2, mostly 'cause the levels are longer. :/
  14. S

    What Games Are You Playing?

    Trying to play Mega Man 3 and realizing how much more annoying it is to play than 2. I would like it better if it had more polish and if it didn't suffer massive slowdown every time more than two enemies would be on screen. Don't get me wrong, it's good, but I still like 2 and 9 better...
  15. S

    What Games Are You Playing?

    ^ This. Never played the original Klonoa, but I can back up that Klonoa 2 is amazing. Better than Empire of Dreams, IMO. Damn, now I want to play through Klonoa 2 again. Too bad my PS2 is ancient and can barely run anything anymore. ;_;
  16. S

    What Games Are You Playing?

    It's damn hard compared to MM2, the game that broke me into the series. It's really not too terrible compared to other games I've played, but there were some times where I was convinced they had replaced part of the level with an IWBTG screen (I'm looking at you, Jewel Man's stage...)
  17. S

    What Games Are You Playing?

    Mega Man 9. It's pretty fegging awesome. Though I'm pretty sure this game made me grow nuts just for the sole purpose of kicking me in them. Damn thing's hard. I'm gonna have a lot of fun playing on Proto Man mode...
  18. S

    What Games Are You Playing?

    Still haven't beaten Mega Man 2, but I'm going ahead and playing MM3. I can't stop whistling that little Protoman tune now...
  19. S

    What Games Are You Playing?

    Still playing through Mega Man 2 multiple times. I blame Hyadain and their awesome (if slightly shounen-ai) remixes of the robot master themes. Fuck, the final boss is pissing me off. I can blow off the front of the ship just fine, but then after that the bullets move in such an erratic...
  20. S

    What Games Are You Playing?

    Just got the urge to play Mega Man 2. Problem is that I don't own a hard copy and I hate playing it on a ROM without a controller. D: Playing it anyway. Damn you Hyadain, now all I hear from the stages' music is lyrics on how much the Robot Masters love and/or want to sex up Rock... ;_;
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