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What Games Are You Playing?

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Right now, I'm just playing Pokemon Yellow. I just beat LT. Surge and I'm attempting to train my squirtle.
Team: squirtlepikachucharmeleonivysaurpidgeotto
I'm playing Chrono Trigger (DS) at the moment. :D I've had it for a while but was distracted by TWEWY and never really got into it, but now I'm addicted to it~

God I totally love Ayla and the Mystic Mountains in general. <3
Right now, I'm playing Okami. If you don't know what it is, you're missing out.

I'm also playing Platinum off and on right now, including a couple of hours at my friend's house where we compulsively decided to get Spiritomb and platinum flags, and so moved our secret bases right next to each other. :D
Played and beat Mega Man 4 in the span of about two days. I actually liked it a lot more than I thought I would. I ended up liking it about as much as I like 3, though not as much as 2 or 9.

Dust Man's stage is amazing and is visually (not necessarily level design-wise) probably my favorite in the series. I didn't think a stage in a Mega Man game could be so atmospheric, but this managed it. Also, Bright Man's theme is underrated. In fact, most of the music from this game is. Even if it is overall a peg below 2 or 3, that still evens out to being "completely effing awesome".
I restarted Onimusha Dawn of Dreams for the first time since I played it back when it came out (I can't believe it's already been 4 years... I was a freshman when that came out! Time flies...). It's even better than I remember it, but that might be just because I blew through the first 3, and Tactics with relative ease. Especially Warlords, since that's just Resident Evil with swords; it's only a 3 hour long game, provided you know what you're doing o_o
I got Klonoa 2: Lunatea's Veil yesterday, and beat it the same day. It was short, but super-awesome, just like the Wii Klonoa. It was a lot harder thought, the Forgotten Path was a nightmare.
I'm currently trying to beat every boss as quick as possible and, getting all Mommet Dolls, completing the scrapbook and beating the Chamber o' Fun.
I'm going to have something to do for a really long time.
I got Klonoa 2: Lunatea's Veil yesterday, and beat it the same day. It was short, but super-awesome, just like the Wii Klonoa. It was a lot harder thought, the Forgotten Path was a nightmare.
I'm currently trying to beat every boss as quick as possible and, getting all Mommet Dolls, completing the scrapbook and beating the Chamber o' Fun.
I'm going to have something to do for a really long time.

A word of advice on collecting the Mommet Dolls; If you haven't gotten all of the pieces in the Dark Sea of Tears, there's one that's easily missable in one of the caves. I don't remember which one exactly, but try to look hard there xD

Chamber o' Fun was... Fun >.>, Just, after you unlock it, good luck with the Chamber o' Horrors. It's a bitch, especially if you're trying to speed run it for unbeatable record times (My best was about 4 minutes, whilst collecting all of the Dream Stones. I've never been able to do better ;_; )
Wii: Super Paper Mario (Started playing two days ago, currently in Yold Ruins or whatever it's called.)

DS: Kirby Super Star Ultra (STILL playing this thing, even though I've long gotten it to 100% completion. Best mindless carride game EVER.)

GB: Pokemon Yellow (Started a new game a little over a week ago, just made it to the E4. This playthrough I'm naming my Pokemon after TCoD members. Team: STEAFI (Storm, Earth, and Fire)/PIKACHU, SKYMIN/FEAROW, EXO-RAIKOU/CHARIZARD, DRAGON/SEADRA, KAI/HAUNTER, MALE GARDY (Male Gardevoir)/VENOMOTH)

*ahem* It's the only moment in gaming that literally left blisters on my thumbs. Good luck. You'll need it. Glad you finally got Klonoa 2. Isn't it just awesomesauce?


Woot I have a pokemon named after me! :D And I like Fearow so yay!

*ahem* It's the only moment in gaming that literally left blisters on my thumbs. Good luck. You'll need it. Glad you finally got Klonoa 2. Isn't it just awesomesauce?

It's even more awesome sauce then I thought, everything about it is great, especially all the characters and the music. Both Leorina and King of Sorrow are awesome villains, with awesome motives and great boss battles.
Wait, what?

Nah, Venomoth is just awesome, albeit not expected, but I didn't expect you to name a Pokémon after me what so ever.
Yeah, the Pokemon don't have much significance. I was like 'hey I need a Venomoth OKAY LET'S NAME IT MALE GARDY' and so you have it. I just chose the Pokemon I wanted for my team and then named them after members with names that are the most appropriate. It's apparent with stuff like Skymin the Fearow and Dragon the Seadra.

And then you have Male Gardevoir the Venomoth. Wut.
I'm replaying Okami, but I haven't gotten very far at all. I dunno what it is, but I just don't seem to get tired of this game. :D

I'm also playing Platinum, but again, I haven't gotten very far. xD and I'm thinking about replaying an Ace Attorney game, but I'm not sure about that yet.
Started yet another playthrough of Tales of Vesperia (I think this is my 7th?) as I'm waiting for Tuesday to hit; BlazBlue finally comes out! Can't wait to get my hands on the artbook >D

This time instead of 10x EXP bonus at the GRADE shop, I took the Combo exp, to encourage myself to do more than just Yuri and Repede's infinites, and and the Lightning Dog + Gold Cat combo... So this'll be interesting. Should be done by Sunday!
Final Fantasy VII. Lots and lots of Final Fantasy VII.

That and Super Mario Bros. 2 (the Japanese version, but the Western release as part of Super Mario Bros. All Stars on the SNES-- that is, The Lost Levels version).

Because I am obviously very cool. :3

... oh.
And the Kaizo Mario World ROMhack, because I'm really, really masochistic.
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