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Search results

  1. shadow_lugia

    Closed Semi-lit: PG-13: The Order of the Dragon Knights

    "Well, I suppose a dragon's diet depends on what kind of dragon it is. Like I said earlier, I enjoy fish and underwater plants, but I've never seen, say, a red dragon eat underwater plants." She looked softly and Erandor. "And, remember, you don't have to cook for me if you don't want to. I'm...
  2. shadow_lugia

    Closed Semi-lit: PG-13: The Order of the Dragon Knights

    "Hmm..." grunted Arite, thinking hard. "It's possible. May even be probable. I've never thought to ask Zz'lara - or Master Lanhol - how old they were. It seemed like a rude question."
  3. shadow_lugia

    Closed Semi-lit: PG-13: The Order of the Dragon Knights

    ((Um, could you please stop godmodding? So far everything you've said I've done is okay and probably what I would've done, but I don't like my actions being controlled :<)) "Perfectly fine," dismissed Arite. "So... my age. I've never paid too much attention to my age, but if I can remember...
  4. shadow_lugia

    Closed Semi-lit: PG-13: The Order of the Dragon Knights

    "We should..." Arite trailed off, thinking. "Hmm... I dunno. Getting to know each other more would be convenient, but I'm not sure if there's something else I want to do. What do you want to do?"
  5. shadow_lugia

    Closed Semi-lit: PG-13: The Order of the Dragon Knights

    "Ah, a tent... That's good," Arite sighed, letting herself become submerged. As Erandor set up the tent, she frolicked underwater and ate a few aquatic plants. She poked her head out of the water after a while, and put her front - paws? hands? - on the shore, although she left most of her body...
  6. shadow_lugia

    Closed Semi-lit: PG-13: The Order of the Dragon Knights

    "I... guess I just sleep right here. On the ground." Arite frowned; this was one problem that she hadn't thought about. "You probably don't want to sleep in the mud with frogs hopping all over you... We're going to have to improvise. "If there was a carpenter in town, then we could probably...
  7. shadow_lugia

    Closed Semi-lit: PG-13: The Order of the Dragon Knights

    "Okay," Arite said, excited and a lot less nervous now that her and Erandor were getting along so well. "Oh, and if you fall off, just shout. I'll catch you." Hopefully. She crouched and carefully launched herself into the air. Normally she just would've jumped, but she had to remember that...
  8. shadow_lugia

    Closed Semi-lit: PG-13: The Order of the Dragon Knights

    "Why yes, I am female. We both assumed right, that's a good thing... And yes, you said it. I'm a water dragon, pretty much. So the thing I think is the most important is the water, but you probably didn't mean that. "Well... I do enjoy the books, as you could probably tell. Mostly Zz'lara or...
  9. shadow_lugia

    Closed Semi-lit: PG-13: The Order of the Dragon Knights

    "How did I find those things out, you say? I read, to sum it all up. English - as you call it - isn't my natural language, but it was easy enough to learn. I don't know every word, and every so often when I'm reading I find a word that I don't know the meaning of or can't pronounce correctly. Do...
  10. shadow_lugia

    Closed Semi-lit: PG-13: The Order of the Dragon Knights

    ((Well damn, I guess my post didn't go through. I HAVE TO GO THROUGH THAT ALL OVER AGAIN D:<)) "That's always fine," Arite replied. "Just watch the fin. I have no idea how easily it tears, but if it did then I'm pretty sure that it would be painful." She was actually pretty glad that this one...
  11. shadow_lugia

    Closed Semi-lit: PG-13: The Order of the Dragon Knights

    Arite smiled faintly, managing to supress a giggle. Well hey, that hadn't been too bad. Of course, now that someone had chosen her, she was faced with more questions. A lot more, most about that human specifically: its hobbies, its name, its gender (its voice sounded masculine, but was the...
  12. shadow_lugia

    Closed Semi-lit: PG-13: The Order of the Dragon Knights

    Arite had so far continued to stand behind the others. She felt sorry for the one N'Hee had picked, poor sucker. He'd probably be fully digested by next week. So far, none of the humans appeared to be too comfortable with their choices, or, rather, the ones that they got stuck with. To a degree...
  13. shadow_lugia

    Closed Semi-lit: PG-13: The Order of the Dragon Knights

    What? We get to choose? But... a good partnership has to work two ways. Arite was nervous now. How could a good partnership work if only the dragons got to choose? Couldn't they all get to know each other first, for the best chance of success? She was also taken aback by the humans'...
  14. shadow_lugia

    Closed Semi-lit: PG-13: The Order of the Dragon Knights

    Arite glared at Endymion, about to tell him that if he had actually known a few things then she wouldn't have spoken at all. Zz'lara entered, though, and she decided to shut up. She had always liked Zz'lara, enjoyed her company. One wouldn't necessarily call them friends, but they certainly...
  15. shadow_lugia

    Closed Semi-lit: PG-13: The Order of the Dragon Knights

    Arite frowned, her scaly forehead creasing. "You'd think, what with your intelligence," she said, every last individual sound dripping with sarcasm, "you'd know better than to ask that. The more a man knows, the less he speaks."
  16. shadow_lugia

    Closed Semi-lit: PG-13: The Order of the Dragon Knights

    Arite glared back at Endymion, a cold, proud look in her eye. "No, thank you. I'm perfectly fine over here." A ripple went down her back and her fin flashed, which was meant to show it off. More dragons were here now. If Arite had all her types straight, then the only kind of dragon not in here...
  17. shadow_lugia

    Closed Semi-lit: PG-13: The Order of the Dragon Knights

    Arite inclined her head to the silver dragon who had spoken. "Endymion," she greeted him, although not very entusiastically. She had never been one for silver dragons. They were too playful, too naive, too ignorant to appeal to her. They liked to make storms and mess with her pool. And she was...
  18. shadow_lugia

    Closed Semi-lit: PG-13: The Order of the Dragon Knights

    Arite was moving swiftly and silently through the water, like she did every morning. She was an early riser, and she liked to take a swim after she woke up, and maybe eat a few underwater plants. Of course, her peaceful, meditative state was ruined when she saw a green dragon at the surface...
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