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Closed Semi-lit: PG-13: The Order of the Dragon Knights

Endymion smiled as he heard her finally remark about his mist. "Everything happens for a reason, my dear. Of course, I could use my mist offensively against you, but right now, I choose to use it more defensively. With it covering you, you will be perfectly safe on my back when we fly, as I can keep you attracted to my body electrically. I guess you could think of it like a kind of body armor. Besides..." The dragon smirked, nuzzling Ardeina. "You do look rather cute wearing it, Ardeina." He laid his head down on the side of his nest, next to the human. "Well, it's still quite some time until lunchtime. Why don't you take a nap for a little while? You must be exhausted... It's been a rather interesting morning so far, don't you think? And I'm sure that it's only going to get more curious, for someone who's been displaced so greatly from what they know."
"We should..." Arite trailed off, thinking.

"Hmm... I dunno. Getting to know each other more would be convenient, but I'm not sure if there's something else I want to do. What do you want to do?"
(What was that Kail?)

"That sounds like a good idea. So, um. How old are you?" Erandor asked as he set down the last pile of branches. Arite slithered back into the pond, snaking her head and neck into the tent, where Erandor had laid down. "Is this comfortable for you?"
((Um, could you please stop godmodding? So far everything you've said I've done is okay and probably what I would've done, but I don't like my actions being controlled :<))

"Perfectly fine," dismissed Arite.

"So... my age. I've never paid too much attention to my age, but if I can remember correctly, I'm around... twenty-five or so. Why? How old are you? And how long do humans tend to live? Does being partnered with a dragon increase their lifespan?"


"You're about 10 years older than me, I'm fifteen. Humans usually live to be about 25 or so. And dragons have magical powers, right? So, they could probably extend the life of a human they are partnered with... We'll have to ask Master Lanhol."
Maia looks down at the small boy and ponders about that what she could say to that question. As far as she knows, she was able to do the same things as other blue dragons, she she doesn't see how that could be a special power.

"Well...I'm quite normal to other Water Dragons. Except for my coloring and markings, all I can do is swim very well, fly, sing to a point that ships hit rocks trying to find a singing mermaid, and breath a stream of water from my mouth."

She then shrungs.

"Quite ordinary."


Ominak closes his eyes and chuckles a little at the question. He recognized a double edged question, but he kindly took the bait.

"Aye...there are some that believe that. But then there are those that believe that Dragons steal princess and fight knights. Then there are those that believe that dragons fly down and terrorize villages, demanding a price so that it won't kill the humans as long as they sacrifice something to them."

He then opens his eyes and pats his shoulder.

"But then there are some that believe that Dragons are wise creatures that can solve the problems of humans...if they so wished. There are those that find them as great beings that hold all the knowledge of the world. And then there are those that believe Dragons can polymorph and look like us...so they can learn what we humans know."

He then takes a breath and lets out a slow sigh.

"So..to answer your question...yes. There are some that believe that."
"That's... a little scary," Raiha said, frowning slightly. "And it's not very normal to me... humans can't fly or breathe water or anything like that, although maybe some girl can sing well enough to crash ships. In fact, I think the only way humans could compete with dragons is in weaponry, dragons can't use weapons like bows or swords, can they?"

He tapped the blunt side of his sword with his chin, wondering how much use it would be against an enemy dragon.
"Oh?" Kinri said with a chuckle as he continued his spiral downward (To be honest he didn't feel the patting...or perhaps was just too distracted to notice), "Well, I can correct a few things there...I think." Though, one had to admit he did briefly wonder what polymorphing was-at least until he remembered it as another word for changing one's shape.

"We can't change our forms that I know of, for one thing. And I wouldn't know about dragons away from here on the more...well..." He frowned, the expression quite odd for him, "evil things you mention. If they're true, they don't apply around here to my understanding." At least for us green dragons, anyway... he thought.

"As to wisdom..." He continued as one could probably note the ground coming closer at a mild rate-the particular landing site, one might also take note of, was a rather dry, barren area that seemed either to be a mixture of sunbaked clay or sand- "It depends. I'm young, so I doubt I'd be able to impart much to you yet. As to anyone else...just depends on if they respect or like you enough, I guess."

The young Green glanced back at his choosen charge with a rather innocent smile. "Anyway...that brings up another question...where you one of those that believed wrongly of some of us?"
"Though we can not use such items, we are equipped with claws and fangs. We have no need of 'Weapons', because we naturally have our own means of protecting ourselves."

She brushes her tail over the boy's head, petting him like a child.

"You sure have a lot of wonders, my dear boy."


"Was I one of them?"

Ominak moves himself so he would be sitting up on Kinri's back. He glances at the ground, seeing that they were almost to the bottom. He then sees that it was sun baked and cracked looking.

Must be a dessert of sorts.

"I wasn't one of the ones that thought wrong of your kind. I personally thought dragon's were stories to keep rotten kids from misbehaving. And to keep people from doing anything dangerous. Before today, I didn't think they were real."

He then chuckles, stretching his arms.

"Hope there's no hard feelings about that."
Alas, it wasn't really a desert, but close enough that Kinri and the other green dragons in the area much preferred to land here...and maybe bask for a bit, should the opportunity arise. Most of the area around the city was actually rather forested when taken in its entirety.

Still, it wasn't so bad.

"My kind? You mean green dragons or all dragons in general?" The young dragon asked with a distinctly roguish undertone to his voice. "But no, no hard feelings...It can't be helped when we actually don't make ourselves known so much." At least around here, anyway.

And, as it were, they were about to land. Kinri flared his wings a little so as to land hindfeet-first. "So, want to stay on? It might be safer, if anything, mind you..." True, green dragons probably weren't very inclined to eat humans- more or less the type to actually question them and more content to know what's going on in the area than anything else. Or maybe causing a bit of harmless trouble; just depended on the situation.
With a powerful beat, N'hee started to wing her way to the mountain cave she called home, her strong muscles seething under her tough scales like serpents.

"We are going to my cave. After that, you can pick somewhere for us to go. You can see a great deal from my home." She hissed, landing on the rocks with a cat's grace, her paws holding tight to the rocks so she wouldn't slip. "Here we are..."


Alanna clung tight to Kismet's back, the feeling of the wind whipping her hair around her face, the powerful sound of the dragon's heart, and the whooshing sounds her wings made as they clipped though the air rather soothing to her. She nuzzled against the dragon's scales, making a soft happy sound that was most likely lost to the winds.

She could hear the dragon, her new partner and friend, talking, but all the words were blending together, the thrill of what was happening pushing them into a word-stew in her mind. This was wonderful...
"I guess so... the only comfort I think we have is that we can use a variety of weapons... so you could say humans aren't particularly strong in any field except versatility." Satisfied with his conclusion, Raiha lays down, laying his sword behind him and looking at the water upside-down.

"What about you? Do you have any questions?"
Kismet pointed down with a claw to a spot near the ground that would otherwise have gone completely unnoticed, a kind of rock spire sticking out of the trees. "Ah, here we are.." She dipped a wing, starting to spiral down towards it.

"I might warn you, this landing will probably be rather rough. I'll do my best for you, though.." Nearing the pillar of rock, Kismet stretched her claws out and flared her wings, effectively grabbing on and coming to a complete almost vertical stop.

"Just hold on tight for a second.." She slid down below the treeline, coming to a kind of clearing, with cracked rocks and broken branches scattered around the edges. "Alright, here we are. You can open your eyes now," she teased. "And here we are.. my home." Looking around, Kismet laid down so Alanna would be able to get off. It seemed she was getting attached to her.. already? Well, as long as she became an adult sooner or later, she didn't care about her.

But she didn't know humans were so small and breakable then, Kismet noted.
"I'll stay on your back. Easier than walking after you."

He fixes the strap on his chest and settles himself into a more comfortable position, waiting for Kinri to begin moving again.

"As for what I meant. I meant Dragons in general. But I'm quite pleased to see that there are things in this world that are interesting. I was starting to get bored in the outside world..,you pretty much see it all when you travel a lot"



Maia looks out at the water, thinking of what she could ask of the boy before her. She rests her head on the sand and lets her mind flood with questions.

"...Tell me about the world outside of this place. Where you came from, what you enjoyed doing. I'm quite interested in the outside world...the place I've seen outside of here is the ocean and boats."
"Hmm... well, I'm only a servant, so I didn't see much. I was the servant of an important young lady, so sometimes I'd see things while I was with her... nobles wear fancy clothes, and a lot of it's purple... I saw one old man wearing a purple robe with so much gold thread lining it that it almost shined."

Raiha frowned, thinking of interesting things. "Then, there was a forest near one side of the manor, with these reeeeeally tall trees that cast shade all over the grounds. One really big tree was an apple tree, but there were other kinds... that practice sword was something I carved in my free time from a piece of mahogany that had fallen during a storm." Raiha closed his eyes for a moment, trying to remember what the manor had really looked like.

"As for the actual house, it was made of some shiny red wood, with one stone path going towards town. It was pretty big, and it had lanturns hanging around the outside. A few of the doors around my master's room were like paper, and it had some fancy patterns around it... I didn't really enjoy doing much of what the other kids did, I mainly practiced with my sword. The other kids would kick around balls and such."
"Ah," Kinri said with only the vaguest hint of interest as he looked around for a moment-for once in his life he actually didn't want to attract attention. "True enough..." The young dragon glanced back at Omin, tail twitching idly as he allowed the fellow to situate himself again before making his way into the surrounding woodland.

All in all, the view granted when at ground level probably wasn't the best...though perhaps riding on a dragon did make the perspective slightly interesting.

"So you traveled much?" He asked finally-rolling a blue eye towards the chap on his back- "We don't get to travel...for very obvious reasons, I guess." Yeah, one could imagine. See the sights, enjoy the food...not to mention terrify the locals accidentally, maybe flatten something when you land...yeah, there's plenty of reasons...
Verne tightened his muscles as he watched N'hee descend to the ground, and felt a slight jolt as she landed. He pushed himself back, sitting up on dragon's shoulders, and looked ahead and around. "Wow, our new home.. I never imagined I'd be living in a cave. I guess there are worse places I could be living..." He muttered, and tried to climb down off of the black dragon, but then he realized something. "Meep! ... I didn't mean... I mean, I'm sure you're is the best cave there is, and I'm glad to be here with you." He looked a little embarrassed, hoping he didn't insult his new partner. Verne finally landed on the ground, staggering a bit but gaining his balance by holding onto a rock, and peeked inside the cave, wondering what he'd see...
((I have returned! Bow in my presence! ...It was fun, but I had no computer, so I'm happy that I'm back. :P Be warned, this will fail...))

Ardeina brightened at the idea that she could not worry about staying on Endymion's back. His words about a nap did remind her of what had happened so recently. "Yes, it has been interesting so far. I'm glad to have met you. I don't like the idea of living my whole life and not knowing about dragons..." she said, words blurring together a bit as she began to feel tired. A nap sounded great - even if she was currently on his nest, rather than a proper bed. "It's alright if I just sleep here... isn't it?" she asked, stifling a yawn.

Morrigan grinned as he slid down. "I'm glad you weren't scared. Having a partner that didn't like flying would be no fun at all." Tendrils waving excitedly, she led the way into the cave. It was well-lit, mostly because the opening was quite large, to allow the most wind and light in during the day. There were, surprisingly, not all that many treasures lying around, but rather... Bells and windchimes and tiny golden and silver charms hung from jutting rock, put there inexpertly by her clumsy claws. The cave itself wasn't crowded by anything - there were many stalactites and roughened boulders that looked like they had been carved out by more than just wind and water.

Her nest was a circle of rocks, with feathers and various soft grasses put in a heap in the centre. A small hole, originally a crevice in the rock, had been widened, letting fresh air blow into the cave onto her nest. There wasn't much of comfort, or entertainment, but she lived in the air - why bother filling a cave with things she didn't need? The wind was her playmate.
Ominak looks around at the terrian around them, taking in what could and wondering where Kinri lived.

"Yeah. I've travelled all over the place. Country sides, cities, villages, any where where there are people to buy my Pop's wares."

He lets out a bored breath, looking out ahead of him and Kinri.

"But after being every where...you start taking it for granted and get bored of putting on a act for the nobles like puppets and having to pray that we have a good sale so we can feed the nobles back home with our hard earned money. But we still ate..somehow even in the slow season."

Ominak then rests his head in his hands.

"All of that took too much energy...too much effort and smiling too. But now...things should get interesting again."
The silver dragon remained still as he listened to Ardeina's tired-sounding replies. His head rested near her, and he only opened his mouth to speak. "Well, they say, ignorance is bliss. Many humans, I'm sure, go their whole lives not knowing much about dragons, or not caring. As long as both humans and dragons don't interfere with each other, they don't care about each other. And there are also those on both sides that, out of ignorance, choose to invade into the other's territory, only provoking hatred. Hatred, fear, ignorance... they can be devastating forces, to humans and dragons alike. They can only be countered by knowledge... understanding... respect..." He didn't mention love, however, oddly enough.

Endymion rubbed the soft backside of his tail, near the tip, against the noble's shoulders and back. "Of course you may rest here. Everything I have is now yours as well. I unfortunately don't have a human-style bed, but if you prefer, we can try to obtain one later on. Perhaps my nest won't be too bad, however... you'll just have to try and see." After rubbing her, Endy started to curl up around her as he laid on his side, leaving her enough room for herself, but allowing her to rest her head against his softer underside should she choose to. He closed his deep red eyes and his breathing slowed as he began to rest.
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