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Closed Semi-lit: PG-13: The Order of the Dragon Knights

N'hee smiled down at Verne, showing her teeth as he spoke.

"Thank you for choosing me, N'hee... I wasn't sure what to think at first, but you really can be nice. You're strong, rich, self-confident... everything I could have hoped for. I'm honored to be your human. Just tell me what you wish of me..."

"Why thank you, my little prince... You will be everything I have hoped for as well, after I train you in the Way of the Black Dragon. You will learn to be fast and strong, to fight without mercy and with skill. The way of the Black Dragon is a path that is rough and unpaved, but you can do it. With my help. Have a good sleep, my little prince..." She hissed, nuzzling the little human with her nose.


"Okay!" Alanna chirped, poking around the clearing happily, holding up her dress as not to get it dirty. The clearing was awful nice, for wilderness, and she liked it. Now, to find a good spot...
Ominak grumbles a little in his sleep and opens one eye to look around a little. He sits up and makes his way off of Kinri's back, landing next to his front paw. Ominak fixes the strap on his chest and studies the land around him.

"Hm...so this is where you live? Interesting."

He walks out ahead of him and looks back at Kinri, a grin on his face.

"So. What now?"
"Well, it's where I live now," the green dragon amended as the young man made his way to the ground, "Like others of my kind here, I'd be much happier in the sands..." His voice trailed briefly as he considered that. Indeed, he'd much rather actually have sand to burrow under in the night, instead of soft dirt so covered in the verdant growth of the cooler lands others favored.

"But that's our lot, I suppose," He added abruptly, before moving over to the boulder. "As to what next..." Kinri looked down at Ominak, a bright, mischievous look in his eyes that was mirrored in that bizarre grin that just so didn't seem possible for a dragon. "How about you watch?"

The young dragon snorted as he looked at the boulder thoughtfully. True, he didn't have the magic yet-unless one wanted to call breath that could make a flock of birds drop from the sky magic. Personally, one might consider choleric breath disturbing, though...

Still, it wasn't so bad when used in the right situations. This just wasn't one of them, however.

Kinri's tail flicked back and forth as he gripped the over-sized rock with both forepaws and tugged hard. "Nnnnggghhhhh~" He grunted, wings flaring a little as he braced with his hindfeet. One could see the muscle in his body ripple a little as slowly at first, then a little bit more easily, the boulder came free to show a hole leading into the ground.

Said entrance was suitably sized for a dragon such as himself, and certainly large enough for one such as Ominak to walk in with no worries of having to duck their head....
Ominak watches as Kinri lifts the boulder to reveal a cave behind it. He lets out a low whisle and walks to Kinri's side, studying the cave.

"So you sleep in here?"

Ominak then takes a few steps away from the dragon, watching the boulder in his hands cautiously. He didn't want to become a pancake.

"You...do have that boulder there, right? You're not going to drop my mistake...are you?"
Kinri grunted in acknowledgment to the young man's first question as one could see the faint glow of phosphorescence made by the various things that thrived in the dark. Well, at least it was well enough to see by, it looked like; and certainly seemed to be a bit brighter further in.

At least Ominak had a sense of self-preservation; which was quite good, to say the least. "Miiight...want to go on in," he huffed, "I'll not drop it on you, don't worry Omin..."

Of course, he didn't. What he did drop it on was one of his hindfeet as it slipped neatly from his paws.

Almost immediately, the most strange, comical expression graced Kinri's face as his snout twitched, and his eyes immediately narrowed. "Don't worry, I'm fine," He practically squeaked in a voice that sounded so different from the tone he normally spoke in. "Just...go on in...."
((Not sure where to start here, so let's try this.))

Loreat watched from a corner as the humans filed in. He had waited for this day for a long time, yet for once in his life, he had no interest in being loud. To be honest, he was afraid that no one would choose him because of his small size. He was afraid they would laugh. Though he wasn't usually shy, he had the right to be self-conscious, as small as he was. Maybe his scales could make up for it. If there was one word to describe him best, it was vain. He was incredibly proud of his scales and would usually show them off, but this was an occasion to be insecure and afraid. He would wait.


Kourth entered the cave, looking around. No one had talked to him on the way here, and for that he was grateful. He wanted to be away from all these people as fast as he could. He saw some people eying him earlier, and he was uncomfortable with being the center of attention. Attention lead to questions, and some questions go better unanswered. Questions like how he lost his eye. Questions like why he has so many scars. Questions like why he was here, of which the answer was unknown to even Kourth himself. He was a servant. He ad always been a servant, and a servant is all he was ever meant to be. Not some hero, or adventurer. And he certainly did not deserve a dragon. Not. A. Chance.

((Hopefully I posted enough.))
"Is that all you wanted to ask?" Raiha said, rolling over so he was lying on his stomach. He was starting to get hungry, but he could probably attend to that later. He slumped down for a second so his forehead touched the ground, and closed his eyes, stretching out.
The woodworker that Ardeina approached gave a small, subtle smile. He was a man in his late thirties, though he looked weathered and aged like a man in his early fifties. The man spoke to her in a gruff voice. "Ah, young lady, what can I do for you? A bed? Well, that should be no problem. What do you have to offer in return then?" Before Ardeina had much of a chance to respond, however, the ground shook slightly, as Endymion began to approach. "Not gold, at least right now. We would like to work for our purchase. She is my new partner, so if you also know anyone else in need of a hand, I would be grateful."
"Oh," The woodworker took a step back in surprise, but then stood his ground, recognizing the silver dragon. "Endymion? Oh, I see, you've finally been partnered, have you? Well, I suppose we can work something out. The two of you look rather cute together." He smiled, his brow wrinkling a little.


Verne smiled as he snuggled up to his new partner, the great black dragon, N'hee. She had at first acted ferocious and almost nasty, but really had surprised him, seeming all too caring for him. "... The way of the black dragon..." he began to think out loud, quietly to himself. "... I must be dreaming. I'll wake up and find out I've missed my opportunities, that I'm still just a lowly worker, that I'll never be anything..." He reached up and began to pet the dragon's large snout, rubbing his hand along her nose, down to her lips. "But it feels so real..." He looked up at her, his eyes already beginning to narrow and close, heavy and tired. "Who are you... what are you, really?" His voice sounded hazy and dreamlike, and before she could answer, he closed his eyes, drifting off to sleep, though his ears and subconscious were still open to listen...


Mr. Lanhol chuckled as he watched as almost everyone had left by now. But two dragons remained, and two humans hadn't been chosen yet. "Well, things seem to be going pretty smoothly now. We'll see how things are later when we reconvene. Zz'lara walked over to the two remaining dragons. "Well, there aren't many humans left now. Go ahead and choose the one for you. It's up to you, not up to the humans, who to choose."

(remember though, for things to work out, Chaon's dragon should choose Evoli's human and Crazy Linoone's dragon should choose Chaon's human)
N'hee smiled as Verne drifted into sleep, resting her great black head alongside him. The little human was growing on her already, and she was quite taken by the young man's willingness to listen to her. She purred, closing her acidic green eyes and letting out a soft exhale before letting herself drift into sleep herself.

((this post is short and faily but gets my point across.))
Ominak slips into the cave and turns to talk to Kinri when he saw the boulder drop on his hind foot. Ominak closes his eyes and mimics a soft 'ow' before opening his eyes again. Before he could ask if he was ok, the dragon replied that they were fine.

"...If you're sure...."

He walks deeper into the cave and looks around a bit, his left hand holding onto the strap on his chest.

Pretty cool in here...


"Well, my dear. If you have anything else you'd like to share with me, then enlighten me about you."

She nuzzes the boy lightly with her chin, noting that the boy was tired. She smiles down at the boy.

"You seem tired...you should rest then. If you need anything else, please do tell me deary."
Ah, well, maybe it wasn't just made by the more unwholesome things out there-though patches of moss were the most obviously noted things making the light glow. It seemed more like dozens of small stones, maybe some kind of crystal, were the predominant material making the light.

Still...the dragon nodded as Omin went inside-and, as it were, waited a few minutes (For the young man to be far enough inside to not hear, he hoped) before displaying precisely how creative he could be with swearing as Kinri rolled the offending rock to one side. The most interesting though to note, however, was that though rather colorful, it was not really that offensive.

Okay, it might be to other dragons, but still.

Once that was over, the young green shook his foot a little to help it recover before making his way inside-with a slight limp, as it were.

If his choosen companion had reached main part of Kinri's home, their eyes would be greeted by pretty much the same glow as in the tunnel itself. Well, the stones would be in more abundance; mostly along the ceiling and positioned so as to light the chamber evenly (And so that the dragon wouldn't conk his head on some of the larger ones). A nest of sorts, if one wanted to consider it such, was set in the precise center of the room that seemed to have been crafted mostly out of dirt and filled with grass.

The edge of said bed was about knee-high when compared to Ominak's height, but certainly large enough for the dragon himself. There was no wealth, unless one counted the glowing crystals, and a small recess to one side that was filled with water. Not a bad place, but fairly simple, really.
Ardeina simply nodded at the woodworker, and was more than happy to let Endymion take care of the proceedings until... "Work? You mean, to get a bed, I need to work for you, or for someone else?" she asked, bewildered and disgusted. Working was something servants did, not nobles, and surely things couldn't change so much that she had to do work by herself! What if she was hurt, or something was too heavy for her? Her muscles weren't up to slaving away for the good of someone else!

"But - I'm a noble. Surely there's something else I can do that doesn't require me looking like a serf?"

((Fail, but yay, spoiled Ardy~))
((Linoone is alliiiiive))

The weird ...things growing out of the sides of Morrigan's head were quivering in the strangest way, and Charlie couldn't help but feel nauseated again as he watched the tendrils move. Of course, the fact that Morrigan was excitedly jabbering away about doing spirals and loops did not help. Even though they do sound kind of fun... Charlie wondered what part of his sanity did he loose when he dove with Morrigan. This was not the way he usually looked at things. Of course, he did not usually hang out with dragons.

Charlie turned his gaze away from the quavering... things sprouting from the side of Morrigan's head before he could throw up. "I think I'll pass this time," he said, "Perhaps you can perform the tricks in the air while I watch?" After all, there's plenty of other times he would be able to do a loop or a spiral, now that he's partnered with a dragon. And, during those other times, he would not be trying to keep his stomach contents settled.


Hm, shiny.

That thought had occupied Razkr's mind for the last -- how much time was it? -- and he had forgotten completely about the humans. It was only when Mr. Lanhol started talking did he snap out of his wondering and realized that most of the humans have been taken.


Razkr glanced around nervously. There seemed to be nobody left... Hm, has that statue always been there? Razkr had never seen that before. It was a huge statue of a human, with lots of muscles and silvery hair. Razkr peered closely at the statue, studying it. Yup, this statue had definitely has not been here before. Then the statue blinked. That's strange, statues don't blink... Oh. It's a human. It's a human. Razkr burst out in nervous chatter. "Oh hi human you are quite big aren't you I've never seen a human this big before I thought you were a statue because you were so big and I'm Razkr and would you bemypartnerplease?" He snapped his mouth shut. He had talked too fast, and he was feeling quite nervous -- ohh, shiny.

((Poor Kourth. He's going to die from a massive headache in Razkr's nest...))
Kourth took a step back. This dragon was a little talkative... okay, very talkative. It was clear that the dragon was as nervous as he was. When the dragon finished his rambling, Kourth approached it. "It's okay. I'm a little nervous myself. As for being your partner... I'm not even sure I deserve one. I've been a servant all my life, and now this? It's so hard for me to imagine myself doing anything but washing dishes, or sweeping. I just don't feel like I really belong here." He sighed. Did he really belong anywhere?
"Nothing much..." Raiha mumbles, before placing his sword at his side and stretching out, then drifting to sleep at the spot. His breath came calmly and deeply, and his hair lay all around him.
Finally comfortable next to his partner dragon, Verne let himself drift away, freeing his subconscious to wander into the land of dreams....

I hear a voice... a calm, feminine... seductive voice... Who is it? I opened my eyes and looked around. It was pitch black. Where am I?
I felt something touch my cheek... both cheeks... someone's... human hands? They rubbed my skin, down my neck to my shoulders... I turned my head. Hard to see anything... only a glimpse. Tall... almost as tall as me...dark...slender, shapely... eyes closed...
"I'll be waiting... Verne..."
Eyes opened... mouth grinned... for just a moment. Green? green eyes? And... fangs... like a vampire? Who...?

Verne suddenly awoke and sat up. He was sweating a little, and breathing quickly. His heartbeat felt like it was pounding. He looked around, and saw black... shiny black scales. And light, filtering in around. He muttered to himself, thinking out loud, maybe just loud enough for a dragon to hear."Oh, it was a dream. Then... this is real..." He slowly calmed himself and looked out. It was brighter out, maybe a couple hours had passed. He then turned the other way, looking toward N'hee, to see if she had awakened.


Endymion started to chuckle, listening to Ardeina's reaction about working. "Think of it as another test, Ardeina." He sat down right beside her and patted her hair back a little, then rested his talon-like claws on her shoulders, "You want this bed. Now, you have to do whatever it takes to get it. Although..." He gave a short snicker. "... If you change your mind, there's always a spot next to me, in the nest. I'll be sure to keep you safe and warm..." While he was talking to his partner, he continued to face forward toward the woodworker, speaking loudly enough so that the man could hear, until he then paused and turned to Ardeina, quieting his tone. "This is a much different place then what you're used to. Here, everyone knows that they're the descendants of great warriors. Thus, everyone is forced to be more or less self-sufficient. But this will be good for you. Remember this... it will always separate you from the serfs. Serfs work because they have to. Nobles work... because they want to. If there's something you really want, you have to do whatever it takes to get it. And you have to continue to re-evaluate how much you want it. That has always been my philosophy.
Razkr cocked his head in confusion. The human was saying that he did not deserve to be a dragon rider, and would rather sweep floors and wash dishes instead. That was quite strange, and, seeing that the human was specially chosen for this job, he (or she) definitely deserved it. Mr. Lanhol and the older dragons were wise, and there's no way that they could be wrong. Perhaps the human did not know how wise the other dragons are, and how they picked only the best of the humans. "Human, of course you deserve it! The other dragons and humans specially picked you for a reason! And and and, there's no way they can be wrong because they're old and wise and had been doing this for a really long time! If you like washing dishes and sweeping floors, you can do it here if you like! I'll let you sweep my cave, and although I don't have many dishes, you can wash the other shiny things I have! So, so, can you be my partner please? I'll make sure I get some dishes for you to wash if you want to wash them so badly..." Razkr's voice trailed off, but he continued to watch the human expectantly.
Kourth chuckled. "Don't worry, I don't really want to wash dishes, it's just the only thing I've ever known how to do since I was a child. This just seems a bit unreal to me is all. And by the way, my name is Kourth..." Being generically called human was awkward, and he figured he might as well get to know this dragon considering... "And I will be your partner. Your name is..?" He waited expectantly for the dragon's name.
N'hee yawned, her eyes flickering open. She had awoken already? It seemed like she'd gotten to sleep only a moment ago...and that dream. What did it mean? Little dark-skinned humans with acid green eyes...how odd.

She shook her large head a bit, snorting, then looked down at Verne.

"Why good morning, my little prince. Did you sleep well?" She purred, slipping flawlessly into her usual persona, lowering her head so she was eye to eye with the human. She smiled.
Ominak walks around in the cave and studies the vast beauty that was the odd gems on the cave's walls. He ends up standing int the center of the cavern room and just stares in awe.

"It...more than I would have figured for a cave..."

He then sits on the floor and unstraps his spear, resting it next to him.

This should prove interesting...


Maia smiles down at the sleeping boy and rests her head on her front paws, her own eye sliding shut as a soft breath escape her. Listening to the crashing of the soft waves, she slowly drifts into a peaceful sleep, her front arm encircling the area where her little human rested.
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