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Closed Semi-lit: PG-13: The Order of the Dragon Knights

As Morrigan moved onto the ledge, Charlie could hear the wind roar in his ears, even though he's not even airborne. The cliff Morrigan chose to build her nest on was quite windy indeed. Along with the chiming and clinking of the various charms in the cave, Charlie could barely hear what Morrigan was saying.

"Great! So," Clink! "Can I show off to you?" Clink! "I" Clink! "Lots of fun" Clink! "You don't need to worry about falling off because I can catch you faster than you can fall!" The rest of Morrigan's jabbering was blown away by a gust of wind.

Well, whatever Morrigan was saying, she sure sounded excited about it. Charlie did not want to put out the dragon's excitement, or, in the worst case, get her mad. Morrigan did say that she would catch him if he falls, and Charlie did not doubt that -- the huge dragon must be able to fall faster than he, a puny human, could. Charlie decided that agreeing with Morrigan's comments must be a good idea. Whatever Morrigan's comments were. "Uh, sure. Go ahead and show off, if you want," Charlie said, shifting to a more secure position on the dragon's back. Well, Morrigan did say that it was fun, and she did sound pretty excited about it.

((I feel sorta sorry for Charlie now...))
Ardeina blinked as he explained it to her. She had still thought that it wouldn't have required needing to ask, that they would just have instantly bonded and become friends. But no - that sort of thing only happened in stories. She would have to think - how to challenge and learn about Endymion? The fact that he was already testing her... He was intelligent. Very much so. Maybe even smarter, or at least less nervous than her. As the membrane around her solidified, she bit her lip. It felt odd, not being able to move freely from her spot. But at least she wasn't going to fall now...

"Yes, I'm ready." she replied, steeling herself. Hopefully, the flight would be smoother - and at least she wouldn't be wet with dragon saliva when it ended.


Morrigan didn't notice how strong the wind was, or how loud the chimes were. Otherwise, she would have definitely raised her voice, but no - she was far too used to the rushing of the wind. And since Charlie didn't seem to be scared by the prospect of fancy flying, she wasted no time in launching off of the ground, wings flapping heavily. She didn't need to look for a thermal - the wind was so strong that it carried her upward quickly, and all she needed to do was adjust her position as she soared higher. A dive would be the simplest thing to do, she decided, and the purple dragon shifted into a hover, wings beating quickly as she angled herself perfectly.

"We're going to dive!" she called cheerfully, turning her head to look at her rider. "Get ready!"
The silver dragon glanced back and nodded, then stretched his wings, standing just outside his cave. "Very well... hold on then." The spike just in front of her was not quite pointing at her, and was in more of a position to be a hand grip than a threat, but it was still pointy and close by. Endymion turned forward again and leapt off of the ledge by his cave, diving down first to pick up speed, then leveling off. He first flew over the forest, but after a minute or so, he came up upon some wooden and stone houses, in the middle of a field. Beyond them lay further houses, several hundred in total, perhaps. It was a pretty large, bustling city, with a few different sectors... a farming sector around most of the outside, lumber and mining next the the forest and mountains respectively, and a central marketplace, where the craftsmen lived and worked. Endymion flew over the fields, landing in an open space near the marketplace. "We're here..."
"Hmm..." grunted Arite, thinking hard.

"It's possible. May even be probable. I've never thought to ask Zz'lara - or Master Lanhol - how old they were. It seemed like a rude question."
Morrigan suddenly lurched forward, and Charlie found himself airborne. The dragon's powerful wings flapped mightily as they rose up higher and higher into the sky. Charlie saw the ledge become smaller and smaller, until it blended into the cliff side completely. He could not tell where he was, for all around him was sky. Great, blue sky, with only a few wisps of clouds. During the first two times he flew, he was too busy looking downwards. Now that he has turned his attention towards the sky, he realized how mind-bogglingly huge it was. The blue seemed to stretch all around him, and the only thing he could hear was Morrigan's great, steady wingbeats as she hovered in the air.

Charlie decided that he loved flying.

"We're going to dive!" Morrigan called out, "Get ready!" Charlie felt the dragon shift beneath him, probably trying to find a good angle to dive in.

So that was what he blindly agreed to... Charlie found anxiety build up in the pit of his stomach. He had never done anything like this before, and he did not know whether he will be able to take it or not. It was too late to back out -- Morrigan had already settled into what seemed to be a diving position and was looking at him expectantly. Charlie gulped and pressed his body onto the dragon's back, wrapping his hands around the dragon's neck more securely.

"I... I'm ready," Charlie managed to squeak.
Ardeina decided that flying on his back was far more comfortable this way. She had no fear of falling, and she could look down at the houses without much fear now that she was sure that she wasn't going to just slip off. "Wow..." she remarked quietly. Seeing a city from the sky was no small thing. As Endymion landed, she wondered if she had to wait for the goo to disappear before she could get off his back. "Endymion, can I get off now?" she hazarded, looking around. The marketplace promised fine clothing and jewelery, signs of status that she needed, even here. The problem was that she lacked money... Unless having a dragon partner instantly made everything free. That would work out very well... "And... what do you think of this place? This city?"


Morrigan grinned at him and turned back to look ahead, simply gliding for one moment. And then she was ready, with no interfering winds nearby. The time was perfect. Wings folding at her sides, she arrowed downwards. She didn't think about her inexperienced rider, or she would have tried a shallower stoop. Alas, poor Charlie - it was a steep dive, meant to show off the stinging of the wind and how the land rushed up to meet them both.

Just as she was about to crash, she snapped up and then levelled out in her flight, keening with excitement. Slowing down, she circled in the air lazily, peering over at her rider. "So? Did you like it?"
After Endymion landed, the fluid holding Ardeina in place began to dissipate, evaporating back into mist. "Of course you can get off... Do you need help getting down?" The silver dragon laid on the ground, lowering himself so that she was only maybe 7 feet off the ground instead of about 12. "The city? Well, it's a very interesting place. There are a lot of people, with a lot of different ways of thinking. Yet, in many ways, they share some key similarities... Now then, look for a craftsman. We're going to get you a bed of your own, unless you prefer sleeping with me... " He snickered a little bit, turning his head back to watch her.
Charlie shut his eyes and held on as tight as he could without choking Morrigan. He could hear his heart pounding, and his whole body was screaming "this is not a good idea" at him. The boy tensed himself for the drop that was about to happen, his body trembling with nervousness. Yet, Morrigan seemed perfectly content on just soaring around smoothly. There was no rush of air or feelings of, well, falling. Perhaps this is what a dive feels like... Charlie opened his eyes and relaxed a little. He had never ridden on a dragon before, let alone one diving, so he had no idea what it would be like. The boy peered to the side, only to find that they were still in about the same position as before.

A strange silence settled over as the dragon ceased to flap her wings. Charlie did not have time to react as Morrigan folded her wings and fell. Charlie felt his whole body sliding forward as he fell, but soon the dragon was going faster than he was -- the only thing he could do was hold on as the ground rushed towards them and the wind blasted his face. The whole world seemed to blur, and Charlie felt his eyes tear up as the wind buffeted them. They're going to crash, they're going to crash, oh god they're going to crash...

All of a sudden, Morrigan opened her wings and abruptly pulled up. Charlie slammed into Morrigan rather painfully, inertia keeping him going even though the dragon had changer directions. He heard a loud wail -- Morrigan seemed to be whooping happily as she slowed down and started circling. "So? Did you like it?" The dragon asked. Charlie stayed in his riding position, still too shocked to reply.
"Yeah, age questions can get a little weird..."

The conversation dying, Erandor looked around. "I think that I'll start cooking now... What do dragons usually eat?"
Ardeina slid to the ground, stretching. "A craftsman... A carpenter, then, right?" Without farther discussion, she homed in on the market. "You know - I like shopping. You can buy so many beautiful things... I don't suppose we can get more than just a bed?" she asked, tone wheedling. "Maybe something shiny, jewels, maybe an expensive book, or a painting..." She assumed he was coming with her - surely he knew the local craftsmen better than she did, since she had just arrived...

Oh wait. Dragons didn't need craftsmen. Oops.


Morrigan trilled, now concerned. "Uh... Charlie? Are you alright? You look pale. Did I make you sick?" She quickly landed, not bothering with the elaborate shifting to settle on the ground safely. She couldn't bother with that if he was hurt, or needed to get back onto the ground quickly. Maybe she would have to explain that later... For now, though, all that mattered was making sure her partner was alright. And maybe food - didn't food make anyone feel better?

((Short and full of fail. :P Yes, CL, Kali, it is more fail than yours. Really!))
"Well, I suppose a dragon's diet depends on what kind of dragon it is. Like I said earlier, I enjoy fish and underwater plants, but I've never seen, say, a red dragon eat underwater plants."

She looked softly and Erandor. "And, remember, you don't have to cook for me if you don't want to. I'm perfectly fine with eating my food raw. I've never tasted cooked fish, so I might even prefer it raw for all that I know."
Charlie was still in a state of shock and barely noticed Morrigan's rough landing. His head was filled with blurred visions of the sky and his ears rang with the roar of the wind. "Uh... Charlie? Are you alright?" Morrigan said, snapping Charlie out of his daze. The boy carefully relaxed his arms -- he was probably choking the poor dragon -- and noticed that they have already landed. "You look pale. Did I make you sick?" The dragon asked, looking concerned. Charlie wasn't sure what to respond to that. On one hand, he felt as if he would either throw up or drop dead on to the ground. On the other hand...

He felt awesome. Adrenaline rushed through his body, and he was literally shaking with excitement. Charlie took a few deep breaths and calmed his stomach down, thankful that he hadn't eaten anything before the ride. Although his eyes still stung from the wind, Charlie found himself grinning stupidly.

"That. Was. Awesome," he managed to say, quite glad that the wind had blocked out Morrigan's voice before takeoff. If he had known that Morrigan was going to perform some tricks, he would have never agree -- and he would have never felt the thrill of a dive.
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(time to phailpost again...)
Endymion sat up after Ardeina slid off of him. The silvery fog that once had stuck to her now began dissipating into the air, carried off by the wind currents. The silver dragon pointed his head down toward his partner. "Carpenter... yes. They would make human beds, correct?" After hearing her talk about shopping, however, Endy began to smirk. "I take it my own treasure isn't enough, then? You want to build up your own? Well, this isn't your old home. Things aren't just given to you, just because you command them to be. You have to earn them. And in order to earn shiny things, you'll have to do something that will make the ones who have them want to give them to you." He shook his head. "We'll take care of the bed today, but the jewels may have to wait. And just know, that building your treasure, whatever you cherish, will take time. You'll have to be patient."
Ardeina stopped to listen to him. As for whether she wanted her own hoard or not... It always worked like that. Gold, jewels, things of wealth were a measure of how much respect and envy she would receive. How could she not want to show off her rank? Still, this new condition was nothing like the usual trade. Doing something to make the other person want to give it to her... "You mean favours?" she asked, even as she began to walk towards the nearest woodworker once more. Upon reaching the stall, she inclined her head and tentatively spoke, not sure of what bargaining would be like in a city of dragons. "Ah... I would like to purchase a bed-frame." Mattresses could be anything from feathers and down to rushes, and she didn't particularily care as long as the shape was that of a bed. She was not going to sleep in a nest.


Morrigan listened impatiently for her rider's response. Thankfully, he seemed unhurt - and even thrilled. "You liked it? Really?" Her tail lashed in excitement. Her tone switched from pure enthusiasm to bordering on micheif. "Want to go again? Or maybe do a loop or a spiral instead?" The possibilities were truly endless once they were in the air, and, if he liked it, she didn't need to bothering going slowly or making the flight easier than it had to be. The tendrils at her jaws waved aimlessly, another measure of her glee at the moment. "I didn't think you'd like it so much, but none of the other dragons like flying as much as I do either. I'm the best one." she boasted, eyes bright. "I can do nearly anything in the air that land-dwellers can do, and more! It would have been dull with a human that was scared of flying or didn't like chasing the wind. I'm glad you like it!"
"You're not the only one...I have no idea how we will can do this. But hey, all we can do is try"

Ominak closes his eyes and lets himself rest, realizing how tired he really was. As his mind starts to wind down, he lets out a soft sigh.

"Sorry if I sounded...bored of life. The world must be a mystery to you...I hope you'll one day be able to witness it like I did."

Ominak then relaxes and lets his mind wander into a calm rest.

"Wake me...when we get there...would you please?"


"My...that sounds like an interesting home."

Maia reaches out her tail and uses the tip to tickle the boy's belly, smiling down at him. She then coils her tail around him and draws him closer, tucking him under her chin.

"I hope you enjoy your time with me. I'll try to make sure you're comfortable here with me, my darling little human"
Kinri repressed an impish smirk. "Indeed, we'll try, won't we? And I'm sure we'll get in lots of troubl-er, I mean, have lots of fun together, right?" The young dragon tried his best to look innocent, as it were. Of course, the impression he gave was more of the type to make one put their face in their palms and groan. Oh well, at least he was trying to be sincere....hopefully.

"Oh, you didn't sound bored of it-just jaded, is all." Kinri tilted his head back to look at the tired young man. "But yes, hopefully we do...and hmm?" He blinked. "Oh, certainly...we're almost there, in fact." His tail twitched a little as he plodded onward a bit further before stopping at a seemingly random spot in the forest.

The area itself, as it were, seemed to be nothing more than a small hillock with various shrubs growing on and around it-save for one spot that had a half-sunken rock on it. "Ah, here we are," He said with mild satisfaction-after a sneaky glance to either side, as if to be sure no one was watching.

Honestly, though, the place looked so...well...normal. It didn't seem like the lair of a dragon, or where one would be. More like the place where you'd find a wolf den or a warren of rabbits.
Gallea winced inwardly. "So I guess we should change the subject.." She trailed off, before a burst of inspiration caused her to perk up. "Hey, Brinnak.. Where do you live? If we're going to have to work together, we should take a rest somewhere, and your home is probably better than anywhere else." Gallea paused again, looking around. "And we seem to be the only ones left here.."


Kismet tried not to smirk at her little charge, and instead, forced a grin that she hoped didn't look too fake. "Well, I guess you're going to live her for a while too, so we should find you a little corner of your own.." She brushed a few branches and leaves away from Alanna with her tail feathers. "Go ahead and look around, if you find a comfortable looking spot it's yours."
Brinnak snorted into alertness and looked around.

"Hmm, it seems you are correct. How did I miss that?" asked Brinnak rhetorically. "Well, I spend most of my time in a nice little burrow. It's where I keep my stuff."

"Well, the fastest way to get there would be to fly. But how would we get that to work?"
Gallea looked up at the sky in thought. "Well, you could carry me in your claws.. unless you land on all fours." She winced at the image that formed in her head. "That wouldn't be good. Maybe.. I could ride on your back, or..." Gallea trailed off. That was all she could think of.. "I honestly don't know," she admitted.
Well, I suppose that would work. You'll have to hold on to one of my back-spikes, though..." Brinnak turned around and proffered his back, his tail running down to the spot in front of Gallea.
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