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Closed Semi-lit: PG-13: The Order of the Dragon Knights

"Aha!" Raiha shouts, delighted. "This is really awesome, thanks!"

Raiha starts spinning the blade around by the handle, waving it around and practicing the first form he knew.

"Wow, it's a lot lighter than my practice one too!"
"Why yes, I am female. We both assumed right, that's a good thing... And yes, you said it. I'm a water dragon, pretty much. So the thing I think is the most important is the water, but you probably didn't mean that.

"Well... I do enjoy the books, as you could probably tell. Mostly Zz'lara or someone else lets me borrow them, sometimes to study English and sometimes because there's things in there that they think I'll find interesting. I think there's a library somewhere, though, although it isn't very big and splendid. There aren't any dragon stories, atleast not ones that portray dragons as evil, since that would be insulting to most of us...

"And cake is a sweet bread? Hmm, that's interesting. Mud and soap are most certainly not sweet, so why do they have the same name? Just like how 'kind' can mean a species or nice, and 'light' can mean the opposite of dark or the opposite of heavy... I prefer fish or underwater plants myself, but bread certainly smells nice enough."

((I can tell Arite likes Erandor more than Endymion. Why? Because she talks a lot to Erandor. She tells Endy that smart people talk less, and rambles to Erandor... Hypocrisy :P))
"Careful, little one. You'll need to get used to the light blade so you don't hurt yourself"

Maia watches him, amused by the young boy's spirit. She settles down on the sand and slips her tail back into the ocean, flicking it softly on the water as the young lad plays with his new sword.


"I'm 15. That's the age us humans reach when we take the test in our world...apparently, from my answers and skill...I was sent here to live with Dragons like yourself Kinri"

He stretches his arms ahead of him and he smiles at his fate. To think a simple test and his life changed so much. He closes his eyes for a few moments and takes in the atmosphere of the place.

This certainly looks like a place to chill out at times.

"So. Where do you live?"
"It's quite easy," Raiha says, grinning as he spins the hilt around his hand. "When you do something for 6 years you don't suck at it."

Carefully putting the sword in his sheath, he sits down in front of Maia. Sitting cross-legged, he looks at her for a while, which is difficult seeing as how she's a couple times her size. "So. How old are you?"

He didn't know if dragons used the same calendar as humans, so he might as well find out all he can about his new partner.
(Crazy Linoone: PMW's character is the only human left, since Shining Eevee's claimed Evoli's character in the OOC)

Endymion smiled, sitting still in his nest, peering over his human. "Well now... You don't have to know everything, just yet. You're young, just as I am. Perhaps I see more in you than you see in yourself? Or perhaps I'm not looking for a warrior right now. Ask yourself then, why did I choose you? If you can answer that question, maybe then you will learn a little bit about me... and about yourself. Oh, and I would say you're quite brave. Bravery is not about being fearless. Being afraid of nothing is grounds for stupidity, not bravery. Bravery is being willing to go through with what you feel is right, even when you know you're scared. And I would say that's something you showed quite strongly."

The dragon smirked as he continued. "I would not have let you fall, no matter which choice you chose. That would have been such a waste, no matter what happens between us. But for you to stand up and let yourself be a chew toy for a dragon you just met... That was impressive, to say the least." He didn't mention about using her pride to trap her into that choice... but he did know one thing. Pride was not a bad thing, and it was shown it could lead to bravery.

Endy then continued speaking to her. "Well, after your drink, why don't you get cleaned up a little bit. I know the water's cold, but you can wash yourself there, and don't worry about my water... I don't mind one bit how you taste. Then perhaps you can change those wet clothes of yours. I should have something that fits, at least. When you're done, just come over and let me know. Then... perhaps you can tell me a little more about yourself... and you may ask me anything you wish. Perhaps about my treasures?"

With that, the silver dragon curled back within his nest, laying his head down next to his hind paws, and his tail around the side behind his head, closing his eyes. He knew how picky humans could get about their appearance, particularly about their clothes, so he didn't want to disturb his human right now.
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"I like reading. Lets go to the library! After you swim a bit, that is..."

Since Erandor was already on Arite's back, he just had to sit and wait for her to take off, if indeed that was what she was going to do. He had no idea where her home was, if it was in walking distance, or if she had to fly there.
Charlie shifted a bit to make sure he was sitting at a secure place. He hoped that he's not harming the dragon in any way... "Um, sure. Sounds fun," he answered, noticing Morrigan's excitement. The purple dragon must really love flying. She look like she's built for it, too, with her huge wings folded at her sides and her aerodynamic shape.

Morrigan chattered on, and Charlie found himself a bit overwhelmed by all the questions. Nobody had ever paid him that much attention before, since he's just a regular serf, and Charlie almost wanted to just ignore Morrigan -- until he remembered that he was talking to a dragon. A dragon. A huge hulking lizard that did not know any human ways, and curious to find out. Charlie decided that it was better to be polite and answer the questions. And, after all, the poor thing doesn't know what jam is!

"Well, for us humans, fruit is pretty big and pretty good. I suppose it's hard for you to tell the flavor of fruit if you only eat a little bit... If you eat a lot of fruit at once, it should taste pretty good. Jam is a sticky, thick, and sweet liquid made from cooking fruit with sugar and other spices -- it tastes really good," Charlie answered patiently. Perhaps he could make some jam for the dragon, if there is any fruit around here. Of course, he's not exactly a great cook, so he will probably mess up... Charlie decided that it was probably a bad idea.

"And, yeah, I am a male."
A test? the young dragon wondered as he angled slightly to let his wings catch another updraft, Why test them? If they want to come here, I say let them. Okay, maybe for a Green dragon Kinri was certainly bright, but maybe his reasoning wasn't always the most sound...perhaps it was that mischievous streak his breed had influencing his thoughts. Who knew?

"So they had to test you first? Interesting," Kinri said lightly-trying to keep an even portion of his attention on the young man, his thoughts, and on what direction he was gliding at the same time- "But to answer your question..."

"Normally we green dragons enjoy very warm, dry places...you know, with sand or parched ground." He seemed a bit indifferent to that. "But as for me, outside of the city." The young dragon tilted his head just a little to look back at Ominak, a slight smile gracing his oddly expressive snout, "Not many of us actually live in there, apparently."

There was a slight pause as Kinri considered another reasoning for that question-aside from curiosity, of course. "I may be guessing wrong, but I'm assuming you'd like me to land before continuing with our questions?"
"Okay," Arite said, excited and a lot less nervous now that her and Erandor were getting along so well.

"Oh, and if you fall off, just shout. I'll catch you." Hopefully.

She crouched and carefully launched herself into the air. Normally she just would've jumped, but she had to remember that she was carrying precious cargo now.

She made a quick banking turn after a while before beginning her descent. This was something else that she was doing differently; she usually waited until she was right above her pool and dropped straight down. She had always liked the feeling of free-falling from who-knew-how-many feet (she always liked to say 'a couple hundred feet, but she was unsure if her measuring was correct) and letting her head split the water. For Erandor, though, that would mean a belly flop, unless he readjusted his position while free-falling.

Arite carefully landed on the shore by the pool. "Careful not to step on anything," she cautioned him. "I always keep this area clean, but goodness, isn't there always someone who comes along and messes it up again? And there may be frogs, although they usually stay on the other side, since it's boggier."
It was amazing! Arite launched herself into the air. With a few flaps, Erandor must have been hundreds of feet in the air. A few minutes later, a medium sized pool came into view below them. She quickly descended, and soon Erandor was being showed around.

"So, uh, where do you sleep?" he asked.
Ardeina flushed as he asked her why she thought he had chosen her. She really had no idea why - and though he seemed to think her brave, she couldn't imagine ever going through that experience again. Still, the notion of washing off all the dragon drool appealed to her, and cold water wouldn't kill her... right? "That sounds good. Thank you for offering." She went to find some of those clothes she had seen before, and indeed, some fitted quite nicely. Deciding that going around in a dress would only ensure she tore the fabric, she chose a pair of breeches and a shirt, before returning to the pool. "Um... Don't look." She had no idea what to think of changing in front of a giant dragon, but there wasn't anything to use as cover, and eventually, when she was satisfied that his eyes were closed, she undressed and slipped into the pool.

Her bathing was quick, as cold water was uncomfortable and she was nearly dancing around in order to keep from going numb. Scrambling out, she donned the new clothes, dumped the dirty ones in a pile and then carefully walked over to Endymion. "I'm done." she announced, a bit nervous. It seemed they would be having a conversation - talking to him like this was one thing, but telling him about her life seemed odd. Still. They were partners, and it would be good if they shared their lifestories and all that.

Morrigan flapped her wings once and then leaped into the air, feeling her muscles ripple as her wingbeats steadily increased. She needed these first few minutes of hard work before she found an appropriate thermal and borrowed that in order to rise higher in the sky. She stayed silent until she reached a satisfying height and felt the tingling of warm air under her wings, and began to soar. Her wings flapped slowly, expending less energy, and their huge surface made the task of keeping herself aloft and above the thermal an easy one. "Ah... that feels good." she remarked as the wind rushed past. She was starting off slowly, so that he didn't fall off or get frightened by the speed of her flight. Of course, any fancy flying would have to wait... What a pity.

"Oh good, I thought you might be, but it's hard to tell. If I ate a lot at once? The problem is that it's so hard to get all the fruits in a pile without lots of plants getting in the way..." She had never thought of getting someone to pick it for her - unfortunately this meant whole strawberry plants and apple trees were torn out of the ground when she tried to taste it. No wonder she couldn't taste anything... "Jam sounds good. I like sweet things, but it's hard to get them. So I usually just eat meat. Do you have any shinies? You know, like bright things? Gold, silver, bronze? How are you doing anyways? Am I going too high, too fast?"
Charlie instinctively tried to grab for something as Morrigan took off, but there was nothing to grab -- the only thing that's within reach is her wings, and it's definitely not a good idea to touch a dragon's wings while she's flying. He could feel the dragon's muscles rippling beneath him. It was strange, to say in the least. Charlie had never felt something quite like it -- sitting on the back of a flying dragon is different from being held by one. And Morrigan was a good flier. Charlie did not have much experience with flight (since he had only flown once before in his life, and that was a few minutes ago on another dragon), but he could tell how smoothly they were moving.

Charlie peeked from the side of Morrigan's neck and saw the ground drop away beneath them. The huge temple got smaller and smaller until it looked like a regular house. They must be flying quite high... Morrigan's wings have ceased to beat as fast, and now the huge, majestic things spread out around the dragon, and begun to soar. But Charlie did not feel afraid. The air was calm and the view was simply beautiful.

The dragon did not seem to know how to eat fruit. Charlie found it quite amusing. "Well, picking fruits is quite a lot of trouble..." An idea struck him. "Oh, maybe you can try to blow the fruits out of the trees. You can flap your wings to create wind and blow the fruits off. Of course, you probably shouldn't flap too hard, since it might be troublesome to find all the fruits if you blew them too far away..." Charlie paused. He had never quite spoken so much in his life, and he wasn't sure why, but he was feeling quite talkative. "And I might have a coin or something... Hold on..." The boy reached into his vest pocket while keeping one hand on the dragon's back to keep his balance. Coin... Coin... There was a small piece of bread, some lint, and -- ah-ha! Charlie pulled out a bronze coin. Although small spots of tarnish had started to appear, it was still quite shiny. Charlie held it up to the sun and had to quickly turn away because it was too bright. "Is this coin alright? It might be a bit rusted though... And you're flying just fine, thank you."
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The silver dragon had turned his head away and closed his large red eyes as Ardeina bathed... He didn't have to be asked, as the first time she looked, he was already apparently sleeping. Endy waited until he heard the human's soft voice nearby. He opened his eyes and turned his head toward her, smiling as he saw her new outfit, chosen from his pile of human clothing. Endy patted an open spot of his nest with one of his forepaws, next to all four of his feet and within the ring of his tail. "Why don't you climb on up, Ardeina?" He looked to her face, peering with his deep red eyes, not seeming to blink.

"Tell me then, Ardeina... What questions do you have for me?" Endymion asked her, waiting to see if she accepted his offer to enter the nest. "I'm sure you must be very curious, being uprooted from your nobility home, having to start from scratch, being paired with a creature many times your size... I may not answer everything exactly as you may be expecting, but I'm sure you will understand eventually."
Ardeina looked at the nest, and after sighing heavily, began to scramble up. She sat close to the edge, but after a moment of staring at the open spot, scooted a bit closer. "Talk about... Well... All I've known about dragons was from stories. Could you tell me a bit about your kind? So I know not all of you go around pillaging and burning towns and all that." He seemed to want to keep some information from her - or could he be testing her patience or something of the sort?

She would understand eventually... Yes, it could be some sort of test, or him simply being cautious. How many times would he do something like this, make sure she had the potential he seemed to be looking for? What if she failed? What if he hadn't been bluffing, earlier? She sighed again. 'What if's were only going to lead her around in circles until she was in a panic.

Morrigan made a thoughtful noise. "Yes, that'd work. I would use something else, but I'm not sure if it'd work on things like trees and fruit..." She suddenly twisted her head and neck to get a good look at the coin. "Yes, that's nice! Bright. Rust doesn't matter - you can get rid of it... right?" Her small pile of treasure was hardly something she was an expert on. All she did with trinkets was occasionally pick them up, look them over in the light and then put them back.

"Er... Charlie. I'm going to be going faster now. I want to get there soon. Don't worry, I won't do any tricks or anything until you're used to all this." she announced, obviously thrilled that her passenger wasn't falling off or being sick or screaming his head off. Switching from the pattern of beating her wings and then gliding, she tucked her legs close to her underside and began to use her tail as a rudder, propelling her forward and helping when she angled for a turn. Now, though, she flew straight and fast, keening softly at the feeling of wind rushing past. She longed to start showing off how well she could fly, but she didn't want to scare her partner, or worse, send him plummeting down to the ground.
"I... guess I just sleep right here. On the ground."

Arite frowned; this was one problem that she hadn't thought about.

"You probably don't want to sleep in the mud with frogs hopping all over you... We're going to have to improvise.

"If there was a carpenter in town, then we could probably hire him out to build you a bed, along with someone for a quilt. Every dragon has a stash of treasure, and I'm no exception. I've found a bit of gold and silver, although mostly I find quartz. Quartz is everywhere, therefore it's probably of little value. I also have a couple of pearls, although I'd prefer not to spend them unless absolutely necessary. And I have some - things - that I'm not quite sure about.

"But even then, it's highly unlikely that anyone could build you a bed by tonight. And what if it rains? What happens in winter? You'd need more than a bed, you'd need a house. And that's even harder to get. I'm not sure if I have enough treasure for a bed and a house..."

((Well hey, something that even my real-life self can't see a solution to.))
Endymion seemed a little amused to see how reluctant Ardeina seemed just to come to him, but when she finally did, he rested the end of his tail against her, slowly curling it halfway around the back of her waist. "My kind? Well, most of what I can tell you, a keen eye and acute wit would have already determined for you. Dragons are as diverse as, well, you humans. There are many different species of dragons, as you saw today, at the temple, and every dragon is unique. Sure, there are plenty that I'm sure would love to go around pillaging and burning towns. Honestly, it sounds fun... But not all dragons can breathe fire. The red and black dragons are probably the most likely to go visit human towns, just to cause death and destruction, so I can see why you humans would talk about them, and imply that all dragons are like that. Honestly, the brutes just don't think ahead sometimes. But anyway, for instance, I cannot breathe fire myself. I have a different element..."

The silver dragon then blew a silvery mist into the air. It began to swirl around the two of them, forming a dense, foggy, cloud.... a glowing, sparkly cloud. "I may not be able to say much more about dragons in general.... but what would you like to know about me?" Once again, the breath attack was not filled with much electricity, and the only sign of its potential as a weapon was the gentle tingling sensation that could be felt.
Ardeina looked at him carefully. So he too thought that pillaging a village would be fun? But he obviously wasn't doing it right now, or planning to. "So... your element is... mist?" she guessed, feeling ashamed at her lack of knowledge. Normal fog or mist didn't tingle like this, but she had no idea what it was... "As for what I want to know about you, well, how is your life here? Do you like it? What are your strengths? Um... In return, I'll answer whatever you want." Remembering the dragon's own caution, she added quickly, "Anything within reason."

There was nothing to do now but wait for his answers, and the trade of questions. It wasn't as if she had anything else to do, and this way, she would get to know her partner better. He had been bluffing. ...Right?
Endymion smirked as he then began to pet the human with a paw. "Oh, technically, I am a storm dragon. I can use my mist to change the properties of overhead clouds, for instance. But there's so much more I feel my mist is capable of, that it only takes an active imagination and some practice and control to do much more with it. The key is, well, you've seen lightning during a thunderstorm, correct? The same power that goes into lightning also flows through my mist, only at a smaller scale. So, by controlling the way this... energy... is distributed, I can change the properties of the mist itself, and how it interacts with objects around me. In fact... by using my mist, I can instinctually 'feel' different objects surrounding me, just from the signals it sends me after interacting with the different things. However, the further away I try to reach with my mist, the less I can control it.... the less it comes back to interact with me. That is my power, though."

He lifted his head, looking around at his cave. "I feel I have a rather comfortable existence, and I wouldn't trade it for any other. I'm so lucky there's a human city nearby to help me build up my treasures. Pillaging and burning towns may be fun, but it's too dangerous and destructive. I have my own methods, far more safe, efficient, and reliable... hehe. When I feel like it, usually somewhat early in the morning, though this was a little too early today... I'll often go honor the city with my presence, descend upon the unsuspecting populace..." Endy grinned, sticking his tongue out a bit to the side of his mouth, pausing for dramatic effect, "... and steal away their children. Sometimes 2, 3, even 4 at a time. Oh, the look on those youngsters faces, when they find themselves in the clutches of a giant, vicious dragon..." He snickered, glancing at Ardeina to try to see her expression, while the mist around seemed to only swirl more and more violently, a little sticking to her skin, covering her in a thin film of silvery, glittery mist. "The parents, of course, will do anything to get their children back, safe and sound, so, later in the afternoon, I'll return and trade back their children for goods and treasure... hehe... Such a brilliant scheme, if I do say so myself..." He paused again, then spoke more softly to her, "Of course, the townsfolk probably would come after me with torches and pitchforks too, just like the red and black dragons... if it wasn't for the fact that when I return them, the children always seem to act all giddy and excited about their perilous torment as a dragon's hostage..." Endy didn't say why, but he glanced over at some of the toys and dolls laying on the ground within his cave, saying, "... I wonder why..."

The silver dragon didn't right away go on to answer her next questions. Instead, he just smiled widely, looking down toward her.
"Well, I do have a tent and a pad, they didn't send me on a week long journey across the kingdom with nothing. It should be fine for now, but maybe later I'll try and earn money in town, for a more permanent dwelling.

And, um.. I think I have some food left. It's in my backpack. I also have a knife if things get desperate."

Erandor started to set up the tent, for later. When it was up, he foraged in the surrounding woods for some sticks and prepared to to build a fire.

((Can we start using the magic stuffez now?))
((Gah, catch up time.))

Celeste looked behind her. Most of the other dragons and humans had left or were leaving. All but one other than herself, she saw when she looked back.

"Are you in need of a dragon, human?" She paused. "No, perhaps I should rephrase that. I will be your dragon." Celeste made her way towards Ilia. "I am Celeste. And you are...? I would like your name and gender. Your life's story can come later. And I am female, as you could hopefully tell."
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