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Closed Semi-lit: PG-13: The Order of the Dragon Knights

"How did I find those things out, you say? I read, to sum it all up. English - as you call it - isn't my natural language, but it was easy enough to learn. I don't know every word, and every so often when I'm reading I find a word that I don't know the meaning of or can't pronounce correctly. Do you have any idea what a cake is? It seems to be something to eat, but the only cakes I know of are a cake of mud and a cake of soap, neither of which seem very appetizing. I've also heard of other languages, like French, but I don't know any words in that language other than bonjour, monsiuerr, and madamoiselle. One of the elder dragons probably knows it, but I haven't asked. Can you imagine approaching someone over fifty feet taller than you and probably atleast a century older than you and asking them to teach you French?

"And indeed, the names have nothing to do with the personality. It just seems rather odd, atleast to me. I love irony.

"As for where we're going... I'd prefer to go to my pool first, if just for a few moments. I tend to get a bit uncomfortable when I'm not moist. And then we can pretty much go wherever you want to explore, provided it's not in some other dragon's lair. I don't mind where we go, since I've already seen most of these places.

"And there's also so much to ask you... Most of the questions are insanely irrelevant, but to start off, I'd enjoy being able to call you by a pronoun other than it. So... you're male, right? I'd assume such, but it's nice to be sure; I've heard that people tend to get upset when they're known as the gender they are not."
"Ah, you'd rather I be in the air while we talk, hmm?" Kinri turned his head so that one sky-blue eye could watch the young man climb up and get himself situated. "I'd suggest sitting right between my shoulders then; just in front of my wings." That might be a good idea-if he had to do some serious flapping it certainly wouldn't do to have Ominak squished by the muscles there, would it?

"By the way," the green asked as he delicately made his way outside-he certainly couldn't get a good updraft indoors, afterall- "What's your name?" He glanced back at Omin, obviously curious. "You may call me Kinri-my full name's a bit hard to pronounce, even for other dragons it seems." He smiled roguishly, as if that were a matter of pride.
Ominak skitters her her shoulder blades when told too, finding another place of comfort. He then smiles when the Dragon, Kinri, introduced himself.

"I'm Ominak. I was the son of a Merchant in the human world. Before I left on my adventure here, my Father gave me this spear."

He chuckles, holding the strap over his chest.

"He said that it was strong enough to kill sharks...He alway speaks like he's selling something...even when he gives gifts. He's a nice old man, but a bit...odd."

He then stretches and leans forward on Kinri's back, resting his chin on his folded arms.

"So. Got anything to talk about, Kinri?"


Maia watches him play with the water with his wooden sword, smiling at the young boy. She couldn't describe what she felt for the boy, just she felt like she wanted to scoop him up and hug him. Tight.

"Aye...I do have a collection of sorts."

Her tail then weaves out and pets his hair.

"Now...tell me. Why do you use a Wooden sword and not a real one?"
"This is just a practice sword," Raiha said, waving the wooden blade around. "I was just a servant, so I'd never have enough money to get a real one. If I could, I'd totally get one though."

Laying on the ground, he looked at Maia upside down, his hair falling on the floor and his eyes waiting for the next question.
Endymion smirked as he listened to Ardeina's odd request. "Water, you say? Aren't you.. covered in it?" He chuckled a little bit, her clothes looking rather drenched with dragon drool, as his mouth couldn't help but water a little with the maiden held in it. "Well, you know, this place isn't a restaurant.. We cooould do mooooore flying, if you want to find a stream or head down to the lake..." He didn't say anything further, as he then just began to walk inside.

While the ledge itself was just big enough for a larger dragon like Zz'tara to stand upon without worrying about its potential collapse, the cave itself was more of his size. The entrance was roughly 20 feet tall and wide, and shaped like an arch. Then the cave inside opened up to a width of about double that, but was slightly longer than wide, maybe 60 feet long. In the center, though slightly toward the back, there could be seen a nest-like bed, circularly shaped and maybe twenty feet in diameter, with a three foot tall rim. It looked like the structure of the bed was built with branches, but as one approached, you could see that the middle was tilled with wool. The cave itself seemed to be designed only for movement back and forth, as to the sides of one clear path down the middle, the floor was practically covered in 'treasure.' No, not gold and jewelry, but rather, it looked like various human-made 'toys.' Most of these were cast off into sections. Endy had, it appeared, an extensive collection of hand-crafted dolls, including a larger one, maybe 6 feet long, shaped and colored kind of like a chibi silver dragon, without all the point spikes along the back, and only with small points on the 'head'. This doll was laying on the edge of Endy's nest, away from the other dolls, which were smaller and looked more like humans or other animals. There were a few balls, of various sizes, appearing to have been made out of leather, there were also a group of various human clothes... shirts, dresses, pants, boots. There was a small selection of pointy objects, weapons, in one corner of the cave, as well as shields and human-sized armor. Also, there was just a lot of various miscellaneous 'junk' piled around. It seemed like every time Endy took a visit to the human city, he always came back with another gift, like people knew he liked receiving gifts... like he had already 'been' around humans before, and did so quite often. It was a rather odd sight to see, to say the least.

Endymion walked past his nest, over to the back of his cave, and sat down. "Over here, Ardeina." In a smaller section at the very back of the cave, there appeared to be a small pool of water, with a little 'spring' water dripping into the pool from the wall continuously. The cave itself seemed to be next to a small underground spring, and Endy likely used the pool to drink from, like a water bowl.. The section was just big enough to fit his head comfortably, with the bottom maybe 6 feet wide and 3 feet deep, roughly hemispherically shaped. "Will this do?"
Ardeina flushed, as she was covered with drool. And she doubted she'd have anyway to get herself clean... Would she stink? Why had she bothered to wear clothing that would only get ruined? The offer of flying to find water made her feel even worse, and she grimaced. "No - I don't want to fly now." As he entered the cave, she struggled to her feet and followed after. The sight of all his accumulated treasure distracted her, though. True, it wasn't gold and jewels, but rather dolls, weapons, clothing... The last delighted and puzzled her. "You have clothes! Nice ones too. But... why?" She glanced at the weapons as well. Would she be required to use one for this 'training'?

However, water was more important, and she decided to rummage through his collection later. Hurrying over to the spring, she sighed in relief. "Yes, that's perfect. Thank you." She sank to her knees and cupped her hands, not willing to dunk her head into the pool to drink. It would have been, after all, undignified. Her stomach began to settle, and the cold water cleared her head as well. "That's better..." Now she didn't feel like she was going to fall over when she walked.
"How about I call you Omin?" the green dragon asked in an amiable tone as he padded outside the confines of the temple. Well, there's a nice breeze, he thought to himself as the young man situated himself more appropriately, that should be promising.

"Now, before I see if I have anything to talk about," Kinri said lightly-at this point he was standing at, what was to him, a suitable point to attempt flight from (Not to mention it afforded a wonderful view of the area below, should one choose to look), he glanced at the mentioned spear. A rather nice toy, he supposed, and it shows they have means of defending themselves.

"Anyway, as I was saying, before I see about anything I can talk about," He snorted as he stretched his wings in preparation, "You are a merchant? Oh, I've heard a lot of things about that type of thing...and I don't think our worlds are really all that separate-we're just more..." He paused, thinking briefly, "private about our lifestyle. I mean...you humans tend to run from us no matter how friendly our intentions, or just attack..." He shrugged a little. "Anyway..." His tail lashed slightly as he tensed-and leapt.

Very, very fortunate for them that the breeze was in their favor as Kinri's wings flared and caught the wind after a few terse seconds of falling. "Now, about anything to talk about," the young dragon said as he leveled out more or less suitably....
Endymion climbed into his nest, turning to watch the human as she took her drink. He was perched, sitting with his hind legs and tail curled around, while his forepaws rested one over the other, on the edge of his next. His tail curled itself around his favorite plush toy, squeezing it gently. "Well, what do you think of the accommodations, my sweet little human? I have only the best... and you deserve the best." He began to try to play into her selfish pride. "You are a noble, after all... not just any noble, but hand picked by the kingdom, and hand-selected by myself... heh hehe."

(failpost... still waiting for Verne to be able to move too)
"Oh, asking questions about me now, are we? Okay, then. To answer your question, I'm not going to eat you. For one, you're much too small, and for another, I imagine you would taste like a monkey, which isn't very good at all," Brinnak babbled, oblivious to how blunt he was being. "Oh, and you're fun to talk to, so that's another reason."

"I mostly eat deer, sheep, things like that. Sheep are annoying, all wooly and whatnot. Never a human, for reasons explained previously."
Maia then smiles when the boy turns himself upside down. She chuckles and flicks her tail lightly under his chin, then tickles the boy's belly with the tail.

Then a though struck her. She slips her head into the cave and starts to root through her collection, looking for the prize at hand.

"Ah ha...there it is."

She picks up a object in her paw and slips her head back out of the cave, looking down at the small boy before her. She then lifts his chin with her tail.

"You...would like a real sword, yes? Do it matter where it comes from?"


"Well. Human's tend to be afraid of anything that is bigger than themselves and has the power to eat us in one gulp. We're silly and un-trusting at times, but we're not all that bad."

He then grins, not knowing if Kinri could see it or not.

"And sure. You can call me Omin if you like. It sounds cool!"

Ominak brushes his hair out of his face after they took to the air, looking over the side at the land below. He let's out a low whistle at the sight.

"This place is beautiful..."
"Not at all," Raiha said with a grin. He felt joyed, like a child in a candy shop, and it showed in his eyes, as he removed his wooden sword for something else in his sheath. He gently placed the sword on the floor, looking expectantly at Maia.
Ardeina wiped her mouth, looking around at the cave. Despite the collection of -well, of everything - it was still a cave. Not a room. Not a house, or a castle, or anything she was used to. Still, politeness dictated that she reply while skirting the honest answer, and it was nice. Just... not ideal for a human. "It's very nice. Its size makes it impressive, and your collection of objects is astounding... It's very comfortable too." That was a lie - she was just happy she didn't have to be taken down a mountain to find any clean water.

A prickle of guilt as he complimented her made her admit, "I don't feel special. I'm not a warrior. I'm not brave, or strong, or anything that seems useful. Why would you, or the kingdom, need someone like me? I can learn, but..."
"Reaallly now," Kinri said in what one could swear was a teasing tone, "Is that the only reason? But a valid one either way." So that's why our city is a secret, the young dragon concluded, Or at least I think that's the reason. The majority would swarm this place like ants...and we'd only be able to handle so much...Wait, depressing thought; got to stop that... He would have shook his head to disparge it, but that would have really hampered with his gliding.

"And thank you-it's always easier to have a shorter form of one's name to use, Omin," He said in response to the chap's previous words, "And yes, it is beautiful. And to think, almost everyone that lives here is a human...Which doesn't make sense if it's supposed to be a city for us, as I understand." Perhaps it was meant as a dedication to them, but still. He chuckled as he allowed himself to circle with the updraft. "Now, anything you want to know? We can trade questions..."
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((Inactive Linoone is inactive. And who doesn't have a partner yet? Poor Razkr is just sitting there...))

Charlie stared at the hulking dragon in front of him. It -- Charlie couldn't figure out its gender -- seemed extremely excited, judging from the string of words sprouting from its mouth. And... it seemed to want to fly. Of course, judging from the huge wings the dragon has, it's probably great at it. And it seemed to want to take him to its lair -- Charlie supposed that there's no harm in going. After all, he's surrounded by dragons. The worst that can happen is that he gets eaten, and the dragons didn't seem like they intend to do that.

"My name is Charlie," he said, trying to be formal in case the dragon gets mad. "And I would love to fly and visit your lair. May I know your name?"
"Um, I'm male, yeah. And you're...female? So, you're a water dragon? I mean, you said that little thing about water. I love swimming, so we'll get along pretty well.

Uhh...cake is a kind of sweet bread, that is sometimes served with a sugary glaze, called icing...It's really good. Maybe one of the girls here knows how to make it...

I don't really know what all I'm supposed to know about this place, could you show me what you think is the most important?"
Morrigan grinned. "You sound like Endymion when he's showing off. My name is Morrigan. You don't need to be so formal, really. Say what you want - would you like to get on my back, then, if you want to fly? I could carry you in my claws, or with my tail wrapped around you, but you don't get such a good view. Or we can just sit and talk, but then you could get hungry or thirsty." The thin tendrils around her jaws waved, another way of showing her excitement, though it looked rather weird to someone not used to it. "I don't think there's much food or water around here. Do you really like all your food cooked?"
The dragon seemed extremely nice -- Charlie was a bit taken back. He had always imagined dragons as evil beings, and he's still not quite used to a nice dragon yet. Charlie glanced at the other dragons and decided that perhaps this purple dragon is probably just nicer than usual. "I... Uh, sure. I'll climb on your back, I suppose. Thank you."

Charlie looked around for a handhold -- the scales were pretty slick, and he did not wanted to grab the waving mane in case he accidentally hurt Morrigan. Charlie finally settled on hoisting himself up by climbing on the purple's arms and holding on to the base of its wing. He found a comfortable spot on the dragon's shoulder blades, right in front of its wings. Charlie marveled at the muscles around the wing -- they were quite tough and powerful, probably from all the flying Morrigan seemed to love. Charlie could see the strange mane wriggling before him -- they looked quite strange twisting about.

"Yeah, we do..." Charlie said, his voice trailing off. He had never been much of a talker, but he felt as if he should say something. "Well, sometimes we eat our food raw. We don't usually cook fruits, unless we're making pastries or jam."

"And, um, by the way, may I know your gender? I don't want to accidentally use the wrong pronoun, so..."
Maia chuckles and places her paw on the sand, uncurling her clawed fingers to reveal a sword of fine metal. The sword is made of fine metal and has odd designs along a sharp blade that look like curled fire. The hilt of the sword is covered in quality leather and tied with a cord that ends in two blue beads.

"This is one of my treasures, little one. I do hope that you will treat it well."


"Hmm...we can certainly trade questions."

Ominak looks down at the city below, seeing the small houses that housed other humans like himself. He begins to wonder who would live with Dragons willingly and how they got here to begin with.

But that was a question for another time.

"So, Kirni, how old are you? If you don't mind me asking"
Morrigan tried not to shift in case he slipped off, but his clambering over her legs like that was rather annoying - as if a particularily large bug was crawling over her. Belatedly, she realized that if she stretched out on the ground, he would have had less of a climb... Oh well. "Are you comfortable? Ready to race the wind?" she prompted, excited. Their first flight!

However, his talking distracted her. "You eat fruit? And make it into... what's jam? Why would you eat fruit? It's so small, and really bland..." She made a sound of distaste. "Oh, and I'm a female. Are you a... male? It's hard to tell with you humans." How would he react to this flood of questions and chatter? She knew it was rude to not give him a chance to answer, but she needed to gauge his temperament. Would he try and answer them, or reprimand her for being so hyper?

((So short. >>))
"Very good." Kinri was silent for a second at the young man's question as he considered how to answer it. Typically his kind weren't ones for keeping track of something so...well...trivial, in his opinion. Still, he was young; it would be a few centuries before he actually got bored with keeping up with one's age.

"My age...Hmm..." He tilted his head slightly so as to roll a eye on Ominak's direction, "I could lie and say I was a few hundred years old, but I'm not like that..." Not usually, anyway. Maybe if he was trying to get out of trouble, but otherwise... "I'm around thirty, I believe. My turn," He said with just a touch of shrewdness, "Now, how old are you?"
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