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Closed Semi-lit: PG-13: The Order of the Dragon Knights

"Well, nice to meet you Arite," Erandor said as he climbed on her back, careful not to disturb her fin. "Where are we going? and where did you get those crazy ideas about names? Alot of people are like that, and their names have nothing to do with it..."
"Oh wow, first guess! You're brilliant, you know, Ardeina." Endy chuckled a little bit. This was one decision that could show him quite a bit about what went into his partner's thought pattern. He decided to mention a couple reasons why it might be 'perfect,' since she did appear wary of that possibility. "It would likely be the safest spot, as it would allow me to keep an even more absolute grip on you, to keep you from falling. And it would likely allow for a more lively connection between the two of us... If you trust me, that is. You certainly wouldn't be a coward then." The silver dragon peered toward the young human, grinning, waiting patiently. "Like I said, I will leave that choice up to you. You can always return to my tail now that you've heard some alternatives. Or you can always suggest something else... I'd love to hear what crazy methods you could come up with yourself."
((I'll take you, Dragon!))

Brinnak sighed to himself, wondering why exactly he needed a partner. Especially a human one... Ah, well, if he had to have one, might as well get it out of the way...

Glancing half-heartedly at the group of hairless monkeys, the red dragon saw a rather short human, at least for an adolescent. And what was this? She had a scar! Interesting... Maybe she (for the human seemed to fit the bill of 'female') could fight, at least more than the other puny humans.

His decision made, Brinnak reached out a claw and hooked it into the seam of the human's 'clothing'. Lifting her closer, Brinnak sniffed at the human and set her down in his other hand.

"And what is your name, little human?" he asked in a fake-sweet voice.

((If this seems like godmoding, sorry, but what is an unarmed human girl going to do if a dragon lifts her up?))
Gallea flailed for a second as she was lifted into the air, before hoping it was in the dragon's best interest not to drop her. "Uh.. I'm Gallea." She was set down in his hand, or she thought the dragon was a him. Gallea looked down at the ground. She never really liked heights, but she guessed she'd have to get used to them, being around dragons.. "And.. and you are?"
"Nice of you to ask, human. I am know as..." Brinnak took a short dramatic pause. "Brinnak, the red dragon!" Brinnak ended with a flourish of his other claw and a blow of smoke out of his nostrils.

Brinnak thought for a moment, and then asked, "Am I correct in thinking that you are female, hu-, I mean, Gallea?"
Gallea smiled. Brinnak seemed friendly, they might get along easily.. "Yes. Yes I am. And.. you would be male?"
Ominak stares at the dragon that stood before him, wondering how he missed a huge creature like him walking over in front of him.

The Dragon wanted to be partners...

"Sure! Why the heck not"

Ominak grins up at the Dragon and fixes his strap.

"so, what shall we do now?"


Maia muffles a chuckle and takes to the air, soaring above the temple and the land below. She does a easy circle in the air and glides on a air stream to allow the boy to look down at the land below.

"Welcome to your new home, my dear boy. I am the Blue Dragon, Maia. I do hope you enjoy the scenery."

She then glances back at him and smiles.

"And as for the Swimming...I'm sure I can teach you. One way or another"
"But of course, my little Gallea, and a fine specimen if I do say so myself. I would be insulted at the question, only I asked the same of you," answered Brinnak.

Hmm, this human is surprisingly likable. Interesting...

"So, now that we have our genders straight, I have... a question. Why exactly do you humans all wear... oh, what's the word? Clothing? Yes that's it. Why do you wear clothing, Galllea?"

Brinnak stared at the tiny human, waiting with draconic curiosity.
((:o making me answer weird questions, I see >_>))
Gallea blushed. "Uh. Well.." She paused. "Humans get cold easily, and we need clothes to stay warm." Maybe that would do. "And our skin isn't as tough as your scales, so we get cut easily." She looked at her scar in embarrassment. "For example.."
((Yep. {;))

"Hmm, well that makes sense, I suppose. Of course, I've never had a problem with cold," said Brinnak, and loosed out a small tongue of flame into the air.

"You know, Gallea, I like you. You're lucky. N'hee, that black dragon, will probably eat her partner soon." Brinnak finished, and picked at a canine tooth with a black claw.
"Hey, there's water and stuff," Raiha says thoughtfully, looking down at the scenery. "So are you like, a water dragon?"

Raiha started swinging his legs back and forth, now in a precarious position on Maia's side. He wondered if dragon's kept treasure, and if there was a sort in the pile.
Ardeina blinked at the sudden compliment. Why couldn't he decide on being nice or not? It was making her head spin. She reluctantly nodded as he made his point - it would be the safest way to be carried if she was worried about falling. Slipping down his throat was an entirely different story, but still... She didn't want to be taken for a coward. "I think you're right. It'd be the best way to be carried." she agreed, wishing he wasn't big enough to swallow her. Still, they were partners, right? He wouldn't eat her - not unless she made him angry, or made a mistake, or something of the sort.
Oooh, brave. Or was it foolhardy? Eh, they're the same thing in my opinion. Kinri did like such optimism-and the look of surprise had been relatively priceless. "Very good! I'm sure we'll at least try to get along wonderfully." Again with that mischievous smile of his.

Besides, Green dragons could be a lot quieter than one would assume, to be honest; being not so large and bulky certainly had such advantages.

Still, at the young chap's question the dragon looked discretely from one side, then to another. "What to do next?" He frowned slightly. "You know, I'm honestly not sure...this is sort of new to me..." He sat back more comfortably on his haunches. That's a very good question...Oh, I know....

"Hmm...how about we learn about more about each other?" His head cocked slightly-much in the same fashion as a dog does when it's confused. "Not right here, of course-I'm sure you don't want anyone else overhearing anything..." He smiled a little, or seemed to, anyway. "How about back that way?" The dragon nodded towards the other end of the temple, "I'm not really much of a flier-a glider, actually...but how about you climb on up?" Kinri bent forward, tail twitching idly so that it looked like he was bowing. "Just climb up my foreleg and settle yourself where you think you'll be comfortable."
"Uh, thanks." Gallea looked over at the black dragon in question, and bit her lip. Maybe being unnoticed was a good thing, then.. "So.. what do you eat? Sheep, plants, human females around my age, or what?"
This was an interesting surprise... Ardeina seemed to be willing to do anything to prove her bravery, even if it meant placing her life in the jaws of a dragon she had only just met. She still seemed confused as to what Endy was looking for, but she was willing to trust him anyway. It was a good start, he thought anyway. "Interesting..." Endymion replied. "... Very well then. Just relax, and let me take care of things... but let me know if something is wrong." The silver dragon first took a long look at the human in front of him, stepping forward toward her, then crouched down, first with his neck craned above her, but in one quick motion, Endy curled his neck to the side of her and twisted his head so that his chin lined up with the front of her body, then he opened his mouth and bit down gently around her stomach just below the chest, and legs, just above the knees. While his teeth felt rather sharp, he was careful not to put enough pressure with them to break through her skin. The dragon then closed his lips, and curled his tongue around her hips, using those softer areas to support her weight, and using his teeth only to lock her in place, so that she wouldn't rock or move in an uncontrolled fashion. This whole positioning was done in only a second, and then Endy lifted her up off the ground, twisting his head back to normal so that she was lying on her stomach, horizontally, perpendicular to the main axis of his body, her head and lower legs sticking out of the sides of the dragon's mouth. Endy nodded, partially to make sure she wouldn't slip, and partially to let her know he was ready, then stood still, waiting to hear her thoughts.

(hmm, all this should be visible to the others leaving, since he's actually facing back toward the temple currently)
Ominak nods and starts to crawl up the Dragon's leg like a bug. He then swings himself onto the Dragon's shoulder and finds a place to sit comfortable. He then chuckles and pats the Dragon's shoulder.

"Then glide. We can talk as much as you wish."


Maia chuckles a little and sweeps down toward a cave near a beach, landing in the shallows of the water. She then strolls into her cave and lays herself down, slipping her tail in a small pool of water.

"You could say I'm a water dragon. Most Blues are."
Ardeina couldn't help tensing up even though he told her to relax. It was foolish, but her sanity told her that this was not smart, that she should have accepted a ride in his claws... But no, she had to show him that she wasn't a coward - she was a noble, and to be respected, not looked down upon. She was determined to show her partner that it wasn't all titles and bragging. Still, the feel of sharp teeth pricking her skin, and the warmth of his tongue made her shudder, and then go very still in case his fangs punctured her skin. They didn't, and she guessed he was being careful, but...

When he stood, she fought some vertigo. Seeing everything sideways was odd, and made her feel slightly ill. Having him nod - and dreading if she skidded or fell from his mouth at this height - only made her feel worse. "Next time, I think I'll take a ride on your back, or in your claws, or something." she croaked. "I think I'm as ready as possible, though." If standing was making her feel dizzy, what would flying do?
Endy smiled a little bit at her statement. He knew he had backed her pride into a corner, and wanted to laugh a little bit, but restrained himself for her sake. He turned around, spreading his wings wide once more, his head moving over the edge of the cliff while he was still standing. Then... he leapt off the cliff...

The silver dragon first dropped maybe about a hundred feet, building up speed before he began to glide out from the plateau. He soon leveled off passing well above the forest below. He remained relatively stable, flapping his wings occasionally to keep his altitude. Then after feeling he gave his human passenger enough time to get used to the situation, he turned his body to the right, twisting his head along with the turn, so that her body pointed diagonally upward. After straightening himself out again as he finished his aerial turn, Endymion flew straight ahead, toward the mountains in the distance. He began to gain a little more altitude as he started to pass over a human city. From her position, she'd naturally be looking down toward the city unless she did something to avoid doing so, but from this height, the humans below in the city looked small, like mice scurrying about in slow motion, doing their normal daily activities.

As Endymion approached the mountain he lived in, a small cave could be seen in the side of the steep cliff, with a ledge laying out just beyond the opening to the cave. It quickly got larger though, the closer the dragon got to it. He lifted himself just above level with the ledge, rearing up and flapping his wings to slow his approach, his neck curled to keep his head remaining in its normal orientation. Then Endymion landed, his neck bobbing down to absorb a lot of the jerk from landing. He first hit ground with his hind feet, then soon lowered his forepaws down to the ground. Finally he lowered his head, twisting it back so that he could let Ardeina down onto her feet.

"How was the ride," Endymion asked his partner, chuckling a little, grinning widely.
Raiha gave a small nod, crouching near the shore. "So, do dragons keep treasure and stuff they find in their caves like the stories say?"

With his wooden sword, he slightly stirred the water near him, watching the ripples distort his reflection.
Ardeina closed her eyes, feeling the wind sting her face as they dropped, and dropped, and dropped... At last he levelled out in a glide and she opened her eyes, though they watered from the rushing of air past her face. As soon as she calmed down and thought that this perhaps wasn't too bad... He turned, and she suddenly was looking up at the sky, if on a slant. It was unexpected, and she felt dizzy from the sudden change. Thankfully, it didn't last too long, but she had lost all confidence in the smoothness of the flight after all. The scenery was remarkable, everything seen from such a height that the clarity surprised her.

At first, being surrounded by warmth from Endymion's mouth was very uncomfortable, but as he rose in altitude, the air grew chilly, and she began to be thankful that only her head and legs were freezing. The city stunned her when she saw it - so small, compared to the massive size she knew on foot. She could barely see the people... The world was so small from a distance. It almost gave her a sense of power over those on the ground. At last, they approached his cave, and she braced herself for an extremely rough landing, but the jolting wasn't as bad as she thought it would be. Collapsing on the ground, she rubbed at her legs. "It was cold. I didn't expect that... And I felt really sick when you turned. If I was on your back, I could... I could see what you were planning to do, maybe. And um... do you have some water? I really don't feel all that good." Hopefully, next time, she could do better. She would have to.
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