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Closed Semi-lit: PG-13: The Order of the Dragon Knights

Arite had so far continued to stand behind the others. She felt sorry for the one N'Hee had picked, poor sucker. He'd probably be fully digested by next week. So far, none of the humans appeared to be too comfortable with their choices, or, rather, the ones that they got stuck with. To a degree, this could be explained away by the fact that they hadn't seen dragons until just a few minutes ago, but...

It couldn't really hurt if they got to choose her. It would probably make them a bit more at ease. And besides, she was having a difficult time telling them all apart; they all looked the same to her. The only real differences that she could see and paid attention to was the sound of their voice, the length and color of their hair, and how short or tall they were. Perhaps it would be best if one of the short ones chose her; they would understand each other when it came to their height, atleast.

Making up her mind, she half-crawled, half-slithered over to the dragons, lowering her fin to her back so that she wouldn't appear as intimidating. She laid down again with a dull thump. Laying down, she was only a bit taller than the humans.

"Well... I... um..."

Dammit. She was so shy when it came to introducing herself in situations like this.

She swung her head and flicked her tail, a sign of nervousness.

"Well... which one of you wants me?" she finallly managed to ask.
It had been too much. The sudden revealing of a dragon after that week long trek through the kingdom, then the had to be chosen by one. He would like to be able to chose for him self, so when one asked, the started to speak, "Well" and then stopped, looking around. Master Lanhol nodded at him, so Erandor assumed it would be ok to continue. "I'll go with you," he finally said.
Ominak slips off of the dragon's wrist, landing on the ground next to the others. He brushes himself off and draws himself up to his full height, looking out at the other dragons. He notices that a few of the other kids were timid and scared at first, while some of the dragons looked at them as meals and toys. He just shrugs and places his hands on his hips and awaits for a dragon to pick him.

How tough can it be to live with a Dragon?


Maia studies the humans as they arrived, silently deciding which will be her partner. She watches as the Black dragon nabbed the first one, a boy, and leave. She shakes her head and mutters a soft prayer for the boy. She then slinks forward and looks closer at the human. She say a few girls and a few boys, not must perked her interest.

Then ones caught her attention.


She reaches out her paw and lifts a boy's chin softly with her claw. She smiles at the young boy clutching his wooden sword.

"I will be pleased if you would join me as my partner...you perk my interest with that look in your eyes and that silly little sword of yours."

She then curls her tail around the boy and lifts him onto her shoulders. She runs her tail softly over the top of his head, as if petting him like a pet.

"You will do quite nicely."

((Ominak is fearless...and Maia is strange. Gee, this will be fun~)
Raiha gave a nod, not displeased with his partner. "Anyone's better than the creepy black one, anyway."

Raiha looks down at the others on the ground, quite liking being up so high. He lets his legs dangle from Maia's shoulders, for the millionth time wishing he had a real sword so he didn't look like such a fool.
Maia cooed at the small boy and slips out of the building. She then taps the boy lightly on his head and folds out her wings.

"You best hold on. I'd like to fly you back to where I stay. I do hope you like it, it has a lovely veiw of the ocean."

She then looks back at the temple, wondering who will be the next to be choosen by a dragon. She then lets out a soft chuckle.

Time could only tell.


Ominak starts to fidgit, waiting for this to be over. His mind hasn't quite fully grasp what was going on, but he didn;t give it much mind. He was going to do something great, something better with his life rather than take over his father's business. He was going to have a partner, he was going to train to be a fighter...he was going to work hard and be...a knight of sorts...

"....That sounds like it will take a lot of energy...and serious work..."

Ominak's mind finally caught up to him. His easy-going life of laziness and calm afternoons was in danger. He looks up at the dragons and hopes that the one that chooses him would be laid back too. He places his hand on the belt that held his large spear.

To anyone else, they'd think he was raring to go into train by how he holds onto the strap of his weapon.
Endymion walked forward with his choice of humans grasped tightly in his tail, the top of his tail twisted so that it pointed away from her body. Even the natural body armor along the top of his tail had sharp points, that he wanted to show to her, but didn't want to impale her with. He began to hear a greeting from the human, but while he took in every word, he remained silent, crouching his hind legs down into a sitting position as he arrived back at his little chosen spot. He didn't even reveal that he was even listening, not looking back at the human as she was talking, until he curled his long tail around to his left side, and turned his shoulders and neck around to face her. His right forepaw remained planted on the ground for balance, even sliding outward just a little, but his left shoulder leaned in toward her, and he lowered his neck, creeping his head slowly down toward her face. Endy then began to speak in a deep, smooth, resonant voice, not particularly loudly, but since they were close, it didn't need to be loud.

"Welcome, Ardeina... to your eternal dream." He held one finger along the top of her long, dark hair, and stroked back, down her hair, then rubbed one of her cheeks with the backside of one of his claws, smiling pleasantly "Here, you may experience a reality beyond your greatest, wildest fantasies. Or..." His expression suddenly drastically changed, his smile becoming a sneer, showing off his enormous teeth. He also turned his claw around, so the curve hugged her chin, up to the point lightly poking her cheek. His voice became a little more raspy as he continued. "... It can become a page out of your worst nightmares." Endy's long, pointed tongue slowly slithered out from the corner of his mouth, saliva dripping onto his tail in front of her, as he then licked across her face, leaving the tip of his tongue showing between his side teeth. He looked straight into her eyes, his own normally red eyes practically glowing demonically, then whispered to her. "Don't think for a moment... that I am beyond just starting anew. Because, when it comes right down to it, I am just like you. I will do -anything- to make sure I get my way."

Seeing that most of the dragons finally had picked their partners, Mr. Lanhol spoke up to the whole group. "All right, as soon as you are finished here, you are free to take your leave. Lunch will be here, at high noon, and don't be late, or you will not receive any food. Dragons, why don't you take your new partners to their new homes... Show them around, and all of you can get to know each other at your own pace, starting with your new partners."
((Oh dear. Gonna have some trouble catching up...))

Charlie did his best to fade into the background. None of the other chosen kids seemed to have noticed him yet -- they were too busy arguing among themselves. Charlie settled further back into his chair, which seemed to be on the verge of breaking down. This room was not very well made -- it's obvious that they are not supposed to stay there for too long. But where will he go? This was a cave in the middle of nowhere, and there was, as far as he could see, only one entrance. Basically, he's trapped here if anything happens. And the only thing he could do was to wait.

The other kids seemed to feel the pressure of waiting, too, as the argument seemed to turn into a fight and the noble girl burst into tears. Charlie flinched inwardly -- he could never deal with crying girls. He shuffled deeper into his corner, away from the commotion. It was a good thing too, as, just then, a previously invisible wall opened and almost hit him on the head. A ragged man walked in, and, introducing himself as Mister Lanhol, invited everyone to go through the door he came in. Although the man said that leaving was optional, his meaning was clear -- go through the door, face all the tests, or else you're doomed.

The other kids all seemed a bit nervous -- of course, anyone who isn't nervous probably is insane. But, they suddenly got quite excited and, one by one, they filed out the door. Charlie quickly stood up and followed, not wanting to be left alone in the room, where anything may happen. After all, whatever those "tests" the man mentioned couldn't be worse than what he had already been through, right?

Little did Charlie knew that he was wrong. Very wrong indeed. As they exited the cave (which was actually more of a tunnel), he found himself staring at a huge green head, with glittering green scales and long, sharp fangs. A dragon. Charlie had never had a good impression of dragons -- all he had heard was that they were evil, vile creatures that pillage villages for fun and eat humans. There had been stories of whole villages burnt down by dragon fires and all their inhabitants eaten, even the children and the weak. There had been stories, terrible tales of dragons slaughtering innocent villagers who accidentally came too close to their caves. Charlie had never imagined that he would see one in real-life, and he had hoped that he never will.

Charlie stood there, frozen from shock and fear from the huge creature in front of him. The tales of horror swirled in his head, making him dizzy. Yet, the longer he stared at the dragon, the less afraid he felt. The huge dragon, although terrifying and dangerous, was, somehow, beautiful. The green scales reflected the light and shined magically, and the long, sharp teeth, although deadly, had a strange charm to them. The way its eyes glittered with intelligence and wisdom and its huge, muscular chest heaved with each heartbeat was all, in a way, spectacular.

"....or Zz'lara can also carry you in her hands, whichever you wish." The words snapped Charlie out of his daze. He was supposed to ride this huge thing? This evil, horrible... Charlie found that he could not think of such creatures as vile anymore. He also found that he was on longer afraid, but, instead, shaking with a strange new kind of feeling -- excitement. Charlie quickly scrambled up onto the dragon's open paws after the other boys, marveling at the long sharp talons.

Charlie felt a strange shuddering, and the ground suddenly dropped away beneath them. They were flying. Flying. Charlie gripped at the dragon's huge fingers tightly, feeling the wind blast against his face. He was flying. Like a bird. He knew that he should be afraid, for there were countless things that could go wrong, but, somehow, he was just excited. The ground rushed away -- was that a village in the distance? -- and Charlie found himself grinning happily. The dragon suddenly stopped, and they landed into a temple.

The temple was huge. It was beyond huge. It was the biggest structure he had ever seen in his life. The green dragon looked tiny compared to it -- Charlie couldn't help but gasp in surprise. The green dragon went into the building, and came out again with several other dragons following her. Wait. The dragons will be choosing their partners? Charlie found himself staring at the huge row of glittering scales and sharp teeth. A few dragons seemed to have made up their minds already and whisked up their partner -- Charlie felt sorry for the guy who ended up with the black -- while others seemed to ponder over their decisions. Suddenly, a huge, slender purple dragon walked over to him and asked him to become her partner.

"Uh, I'm, um..." Charlie found himself at a loss for words. After all, what is one supposed to do when a dragon about a gazillion the size of you ask to be one's partner? "Uh, well... Sure..." Charlie gulped, "Nice to meet you, I guess." Then, almost as an afterthought, Charlie added, "You have very pretty wings."


Razkr snapped out of his staring when Zz'lara landed in the temple. Although the shiny, sparkly cloud had long faded, he had been too occupied by trying to figure out how the cloud had been formed to pay any attention to his surroundings. However, humans were another thing altogether. The bronze dragon quickly ran up to the front of the temple and lined up with the other dragons, his whole body vibrating excitedly. Humans! What do they look like? What are they going to do? What do they eat? Despite all the questions running through his head, Razkr managed to keep his mouth shut. Mustn't give the humans a bad impression, right?

"It's time, children. Time to decide your destiny..." Zz'lara boomed, and the black dragon immediately begun to inspect the humans. Razkr tried to keep out of the way -- the black dragon is eeeviiilll -- and he didn't want to accidentally hurt any humans. After all, they were all so small! Their thin pink legs barely seemed able to support them, and they all looked rather nice.

"Hi humans! This is so awesome, right? I mean, this is the first time I've seen you humans before, but I suppose that's fine. Anyway, I'll take whoever wants me~" he shouted cheerfully, his voice booming across the temple, unable to hold in his excitement any longer.
Gallea looked oddly at the bronze dragon, still confused. None of the dragons had looked at her, save the blue-purple one, but it had quickly walked away. She should ask the bronze dragon to pick her.. was that how it worked? Or should she wait? A lot of the others had been chosen already, but she had been ignored..

Against her better judgement, Gallea decided to wait and try not to call any attention to herself.

Kismet looked up at her human again. "You heard the man, I guess I'll show you around. Where should we go first.." She lashed her tail impatiently.
((psst that's you FMC))
Darn, looks like I'm stuck with the one there, Kinri thought as he panned his head slightly to look at Ominak more clearly and with obvious consideration. Frankly, the young man probably didn't know what was this would be like, did he?

The young dragon smiled innocently-barely any teeth showing at that- as he made his way over to the would-be merchant. And, despite the fact it may well be impossible, Kinri did try and not look overly imposing as he lowered his head to look at the chap with both bright-blue eyes.

"Hmm..." His tail twitched back and forth. "You certainly seem interesting...but don't worry, I won't eat you." He smiled a bit whimsically; the impression a trifle odd in contrast to what one would expect from something like him before he lowered his narrow snout a little more so that he could be level with Ominak's ears. For all the world he looked rather like the sneaky con artist at work, to be honest. The shape of his head and that mischievious look in his eyes didn't help either.

"Think you'd want a partner?" He whispered, that voice of his the lightest of draconic purrs, "I mean, if you think things would work out between us, would you want one? Because I think you'd be a lot of fun to have around...but if you don't think it'd be fun to be my partner, all's good, right? But what do you say, give it a try?" He pulled his head back, that innocent, friendly smile back in place.
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Arite smiled faintly, managing to supress a giggle. Well hey, that hadn't been too bad.

Of course, now that someone had chosen her, she was faced with more questions. A lot more, most about that human specifically: its hobbies, its name, its gender (its voice sounded masculine, but was the dragon definition of masculine the same as a human's? She wasn't sure), and bunches of other things. There was only one question that was crucial at the moment, however.

"Er... how would you prefer to ride? Sitting on my back and being carried in my claws are the classic ways, but walking with you in my claws would be awfully uncomfotable for me. A lot of others are wrapping their tails around the other humans, but that looks awfully uncomfortable for you. So, um... you know."
"I'll ride on your back if that's okay with you," Erandor responded. He was so glad that that the second female that he talked to today didn't snub him. He smiled. I really hope that we get along...

"Uh, I'm Erandor by the way."
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"Hullo... Kismet..." Alanna mumbled, staring up at the large purple dragon. "I'm Alanna..."

The girl made a soft eeping sound when the dragon's tail brushed her, but she moved towards her carefully. She wasn't sure if she was supposed to just climb on, or wait, so she waited. The girl bit her lip, looking up at Kismet with wide brown eyes.

"Um. We could... Explore?" She ventured, unsure of herself.

"It's... lovely..."

N'hee smiled when she heard her human's soft reply, and held up her wide black wings, walking to the edge to fly off. She placed her front paws on the edge, wings trembling and ready.

"That's good, my little prince... You will be a king! Now I will show you to my home, our home, for now. Get onto my back, between the shoulder blades, my little prince. Hold on tight..." She purred, moving her head so she was looking straight ahead.
Ardeina had enjoyed being carried until he stopped to speak to her. His tail received some admiring and cautious glances: the spikes on each segment looked dangerously sharp. However, once he began speaking, her little glow of interest faded rapidly, to be replaced by apprehension and the feeling that this wasn't going to turn out well. He was careful with his claw, not putting much pressure on her head when he stroked it, but she expected him to press down at any moment. Not only that, but once his tone changed to one promising danger, her heart began to pound, and she could barely keep from flinching. He would kill her, if he had to. He even admitted it.

Fortunately for her, she had long since mastered the art of freezing an expression on her face, and kept looking blandly at him even as he licked her, hiding her terror and disgust. When she was sure he was done talking, she nodded stiffly. "I understand." she said in the politest, coolest tones possible. "I hope our partnership is successful then, to keep you from the trouble of having to start all over again. Now, may I have your name?" She had thought her partner would treat her as an equal, but there was no mistaking that he wished to be in control, and what could she do? He was a dragon, massive, strong and with powers she couldn't even guess at. It made her wonder - what had just gone wrong, to get her stuck like this?


Morrigan beamed down at the human, tail slowing its wild lashing until it became a friendly wag. "Really? Thank you! I think so too. Do you know how it feels to fly? These wings are perfect for it. I can do all sorts of tricks, and fly for hours, and even hover for a really long time. What's your name? And I think I should take you to my lair - do you want to go? I think you'll have to get on my back, but I don't think you'll have too much trouble, right? Zz'lara is far larger than me, after all. You were really brave to do this as well." she chattered, watching him carefully. She needed to see how he reacted to her talking, see if he tried to enforce Lanhol's suggestion or try to hurry her.
Verne sat incredibly still along the black dragon's shoulder, staring forward, watching the ground in front of him moving backward as N'hee carried him outside. When he saw the edge of the cliff approach, he tensed a little, but her words, as obviously blatantly faux they might sound to someone in their right state of mind, sounded to him like a guiding light, protecting him, leading him to salvation. "Of course..."He followed her orders without question, crawling over to the side, then laying down between her two shoulderblades, wrapping his arms as much as he could around her neck and shoulders. "Is this good... master?" He wasn't quite sure why he added that word at the end, but it seemed to fit.


Endymion watched as his new human reacted to his sudden shift in message. She was trying so hard to be brave... It was rather cute actually. The silver dragon smirked, starting to chuckle, with a slightly sinister quality to it. But just as quickly as he had changed the first time, Endy suddenly quieted and smiled gently again, removing his paw from around her, though still keeping her within his tail. He sounded almost cheery and giddy. "Well, now that that's taken care of, what do you say I show you our new home? I'm sure you'll simply love it!" He stood up, stretching out his legs, then began to prance toward the entrance to the temple, his tail waving and bobbing her up and down gently.
Raiha takes a seat between Maia's shoulder blades, holding the handle of his sword in between his teeth. Sheathing his sword would be irritating, but this way he couldn't speak very well.

"The ochean?" He said, slightly muffled. "I shtill haven't leared how to shwim."
Ardeina blinked, feeling her head beginning to throb at this sudden turn around. Why had he just suddenly acted as if nothing had happened? "Uh - yes, your home will surely be a lovely place." she remarked. Ow, her head. His prancing made her position rather uncomfortable. Each step jarred her, and she found herself sighing. Riding on his back would be impossible, with all the spiked segments, so this was the only way to move, but that didn't make it any easier to bear. "How far is it? Will we have to fly?"

Was this cheeriness an act? Or was his threat from earlier an act? Or maybe, both were? The train of thought was stupid, so she stopped thinking about it before her brain exploded. This wasn't going to get her anywhere.
((Well damn, I guess my post didn't go through. I HAVE TO GO THROUGH THAT ALL OVER AGAIN D:<))

"That's always fine," Arite replied. "Just watch the fin. I have no idea how easily it tears, but if it did then I'm pretty sure that it would be painful."

She was actually pretty glad that this one had chosen her. Erandor - apparently that was the human's name - must've been just as nervous as her. Or even more nervous, since she could swallow the human on a mere whim. But to her, he was actually just plain adorable.

"My name is Arite," she said softly. "I haven't a clue what it means, but I've never heard or seen a name that makes much sense. There are a lot of people named Thomas, or so I've heard, but a lot of them are single children. Why would you name a single child Thomas when that name means "twin"? John and Theodore mean "gift of God," apparently, but a lot of Johns and Theodores are rebellious little brats who don't care about anyone but themselve. Not all of them, but some always are." She sighed.
Endymion stepped forward a little more naturally, approaching the edge of the cliff. When it seemed like her questions had fallen on deaf ears, he turned a little bit to the side and stopped walking, lifting his right forepaw. "Do you see the hill over there? Right in front of us, in the distance. It should only take a few minutes, and yes, we will need to fly."

The silver dragon opened and spread his wings wide, but rather than immediately taking off, he craned his neck around, turning his head to face her. "How are you doing back there, Ardeina? If you're uncomfortable, we can try a number of other positions for you to ride in. I noticed you came in on Zz'lara's back, so we could try to fit you on my back, between a pair of my armor segments, if you'd like. I can always hold you in my paws, as that would likely be much safer. Orrr..." He suddenly grinned. "I know a perfect place... if you're feeling a little more adventurous.." Endy lowered his hindlegs and tail to the ground, letting the former noble down, then turning his upper body to face her, his wings still spread. "I will let you choose this time. And before I forget, since you asked me so politely before..." He paused for a moment, bending his elbows to lower himself to the ground. "My name is Endymion, or you could call me Endy, for short."
"Alanna. Nice name." In a single motion, Kismet picked her up and put her on her back, just in front of her feathered wings. "I guess we could explore.. we could fly." Twisting her head back to look at the girl, she decided against that.. "Or not. Hmmm. There're a few caves nearby.. or the sea. You can choose, if you'd like."

((Gallea doesn't have a partner yet :<))
Ardeina gulped at the sight of the hill. Flying? To it. Oh yes, she was going to embarass herself. Again. She forced herself to meet his eyes as he talked about different arrangements for being carried. On his back - well, she'd have something to grab on, but she would be terrified of her grip slipping, and cutting herself on a spike, and it just didn't seem safe... His claws were safe, yes, but she didn't want to appear to be a wimp. "The perfect spot... would that be you carrying me in your mouth?" she asked warily, hoping dearly that it wasn't that. She added quickly, "A pleasure to meet you, Endymion."

And this was where her need to show that she wasn't a coward crashed into her need to stay alive for longer than the first five minutes of meeting her partner.
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