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Search results

  1. surskitty

    Pokémon Team Regulations

    Re: Pokémon Team Regulations And if so, is there any possibility of a discount based on repeat species?
  2. surskitty

    Pokémon Team Regulations

    Re: Pokémon Team Regulations Hey, thanks. I think that includes most of the Pokemon where I wasn't entirely sure how I got it.... OKAY SO I can't remember if someone already suggested this, but how about a subforum for profiles and have people keep track of their own stuff but provide links...
  3. surskitty

    Pokémon Team Regulations

    Re: Pokémon Team Regulations I had meant that maybe people could post lists of Pokemon and being all like, "okay so I had this, can anyone vouch for this" but :/ Even if people aren't always keeping records of things, people might still remember some of it. Or not. It wouldn't really work for...
  4. surskitty

    Pokémon Team Regulations

    Re: Pokémon Team Regulations That would be really awesome. Some people might've saved copies of things like reffings, though, and people might remember "yeah, I gave Foo a Bar." It'd rely at least somewhat on people not making stuff up, but it wouldn't have been hard to cheat in general in the...
  5. surskitty

    Pokémon Team Regulations

    Re: Pokémon Team Regulations ... but why couldn't they just go get a rarity seven? Also Negrek~~ ; ; I don't really want to go digging through the IF thread~ Why not go with something like if someone saved their team somewhere, they can post it and certain trusted people can verify bits that...
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