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[09] Prettzel vs shadow_lugia (Ref: Kratos Aurion)

What happened to Umbreon's attack drop?

Also, would the charging up and the release of an attack be considered two different attacks? For instance, if a conditional reads Dragonbreath/Sky Attack(release/charge), would that be considered two conditionals or one?
It was factored in, I just forgot to note it in the end stats. It's fixed now.

As for the second question, I'm not really sure what you're asking. Sky Attack can be charged and released in one action, just like Fly and all the others (Solarbeam, Skull Bash, blah blah blah). If you're just going to use it in the one action then Dragonbreath/Sky Attack is no different from Dragonbreath/Dragon Claw.

If you're talking about using Sky Attack over two actions, however, then yes, it would count as two attacks and presumably require another conditional to account for what would be Sky Attack's striking action (unless you wanted to "skip" Altaria's command for that action and have it do nothing if it isn't finishing Sky Attack).

Is that what you meant?
Okay, Altaria, time to go on the assault. Lay into Umbreon with Dragon Claw, one action Fly (If possible, try to time it so that you avoid any attacks he sends at you), and then another Dragon Claw. If he ever Protects, then do this: if he does it on the first action, use Dragon Dance, and if it's done on the second or third actions, then just Chill. If you're poisoned or paralyzed on the first or second actions, use Facade. If you're asleep on the third action, use Sleep Talk.

Dragon Claw/Dragon Dance/Facade ~ Fly/Chill/Facade ~ Dragon Claw/Chill/Sleep Talk
Prettzel, after this battle, I'm sueing you for tearing out my rental's eye D<

Okay, so first, Umbreon, use a Mimic after Dragon Claw. Fwahahahahaha super effective >:D Then use Psych Up, to copy the stat changes. Finally, use a Taunt, to get rid of any other nasty surprises.

Mimic~Psych Up~Taunt
Prettzel vs. shadow_lugia, Round Six

Pre-Round Stats

Team Prettzel (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Altaria (M) [Natural Cure]
Health: 59%
Energy: 41%
Chills: 1/3
Status: Attack +1, Speed +1; Mimic (Confuse Ray); glad he was able to save face
Altaria's Commands: Dragon Claw/Dragon Dance/Facade ~ Fly/Chill/Facade ~ Dragon Claw/Chill/Sleep Talk

Team lugia (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Umbreon (M) [Synchronize]
Health: 49%
Energy: 39%
Status: Attack -2; right eye badly injured and in a great deal of pain
Umbreon's Commands: Mimic ~ Psych Up ~ Taunt

Arena: The Battle Factory

The Battle Factory’s arena is simple but practical: a large clay arena bordered by a two-meter-wide, three-meter-deep trough of water to accommodate water-dependent pokemon and attacks. The ceiling is retractable, allowing weather attacks to be used. Other than that, there’s nothing of note: just wide-open brawling space with nothing to get in your way.

Round Six: Begin

Bright emerald flames flare into life around Altaria's talons as he lifts himself from the ground again, and he shreds away at Umbreon's back with a vengeance. The dark-type grimaces and grinds his teeth furiously, trying desperately to ignore the pain and make mental notes about Altaria's vicious attack instead--where the flames seem to be coming from, how he slashes and tears. When the dragonbird relents at last Umbreon thinks he has a pretty good idea of how the attack is supposed to work; he watches his opponent like a hawk as he retreats to a safe distance.

Just as Altaria lands on the clay Umbreon bounds forward, crossing the distance between them quickly and efficiently... and with his extended claws blazing with green fire. Umbreon howls and throws himself at Altaria with his forepaws flailing, tearing away at fluffy white feathers and shorter, sleeker blue ones in a bid to give the insolent dragon a taste of his own medicine. Altaria, caught off-guard, squawks in panic and quickly scuttles away before Umbreon can do much more than rip up his wings. How the heck did an Umbreon do that?

Altaria hurries into the air, eager to get away from Umbreon before he really gets the hang of that stolen dragon claw attack. He stays in a holding pattern for a little while, waiting to see whether or not Umbreon makes a move; the jackal-like Pokémon remains perfectly still, however, eyes closed as if in deep thought. When Altaria is relatively confident that there is no bodily harm coming his way that he will need to dodge, he swoops down like a blue and white lightning bolt and drives his beak into Umbreon's back again. Even the Altaria's short, comparatively blunt beak leaves an impressive wound dangerouly close to Umbreon's spine. Umbreon screeches and hits the ground under his opponent's weight, but he does not retaliate. He already has what he wants (aside from having Altaria's scrawny little neck snapped, anyway): his intense meditation of a few minutes ago has allowed him to pinpoint the source of Altaria's strength and mentally mimic it. Despite his exhaustion and injuries he feels nimbler and much stronger than he did before.

Suspicious of Umbreon's apparent failure to act just now, Altaria backs up and squints warily at his foe. Umbreon just gives him a tired smile. Altaria continues his annoyed glaring as he rises up once more, and when he slashes at Umbreon with talons ablaze again he is quick to get out of the way--the last time he tried that Umbreon slashed at him, and if he actually manages to put some real force behind the attack it could spell trouble. Umbreon does not attack, however. He simply lies on the ground where he is, panting and now bleeding from quite a few open wounds but still smiling maddeningly at Altaria. The seconds stretch into minutes, and Altaria grows impatient. Why is he smiling, anyway? He's losing! Surely the stupid thing has enough sense to realize that he's on the ropes! Ooh, that smile, that awful, cocky smile! Does he know something? Is he planning something? The dragon Pokémon's white cheeks flush red with anger again, furious. He screeches a challenge to his smug opponent, raking the clay floor viciously with his claws as a warning. Umbreon just smiles. No words or insults needed (and he's really too sore and tired to do any swaggering around anyway); you just smile. It confuses people just fine.

Round Six: Close

Post-Round Stats

Team Prettzel (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Altaria (M) [Natural Cure]
Health: 52%
Energy: 24%
Chills: 1/3
Status: Attack +1, Speed +1; Mimic (Confuse Ray); Taunted (3 more actions); tired and furious

Team lugia (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Umbreon (M) [Synchronize]
Health: 18%
Energy: 24%
Status: Attack +1, Speed +1; Mimic (Dragon Claw); right eye blinded and relishing his small victories in an attempt to forget his terrible pain

Arena Status: The clay is marred slightly in a few places where Umbreon threw his fits; otherwise, nothing has changed.

Ref's Notes
-shadow_lugia attacks first next round.
Wait, why did Umbreon use Dragon Claw immediately when he mimiced it, while Altaria didn't use Confuse Ray right when he mimiced it?
Uh, well. Technically a mimicked move is supposed to be used on the same action it is copied, but I believe my reasoning behind not having Altaria do it then (if I recall correctly) was that he was going to wait out Umbreon's confuse rays before bothering to expose himself. Of course, now that I look at how I had Altaria use the attack I suppose he could've kept his eyes closed while doing so (oops), but yeah, that was why it happened.
Well, this should be easy. Altaria, he's going to knock himself out already, so you might as well take out your anger on him with Draco Meteor. If he's still alive, then just Uproar twice.

Draco Meteor ~ Uproar ~ Uproar
Prettzel vs. shadow_lugia, Round Seven

Pre-Round Stats

Team Prettzel (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Altaria (M) [Natural Cure]
Health: 52%
Energy: 24%
Chills: 1/3
Status: Attack +1, Speed +1; Mimic (Confuse Ray); Taunted (3 more actions); tired and furious
Altaria's Commands: Draco Meteor ~ Uproar ~ Uproar

Team lugia (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Umbreon (M) [Synchronize]
Health: 18%
Energy: 24%
Status: Attack +1, Speed +1; Mimic (Dragon Claw); right eye blinded and relishing his small victories in an attempt to forget his terrible pain
Umbreon's Commands: Rest ~ Chill ~ Chill

Arena: The Battle Factory

The Battle Factory’s arena is simple but practical: a large clay arena bordered by a two-meter-wide, three-meter-deep trough of water to accommodate water-dependent pokemon and attacks. The ceiling is retractable, allowing weather attacks to be used. Other than that, there’s nothing of note: just wide-open brawling space with nothing to get in your way.

Round Seven: Begin

Umbreon continues to smile despite his position, prone and battered on the floor. Sure, he's in an awful lot of pain right now, but as long as Altaria doesn't do anything ridiculous he'll feel better. All he has to do is close his good eye and rest for a while...

Allowing Umbreon a little napping time is out of the question as far as Altaria is concerned, however. That cock-sure, knowing smile has maddened the dragon-type to the point of desperation, and he refuses to let such impudence slide. He throws his head back and screeches to the ceiling, causing Umbreon, the referee and the spectators to cringe and cover their ears. Altaria's body glows bright green, not with fire but with an intense, blinding light. The air above him shimmers and distorts as more green lights appear near the domed ceiling. The emerald will-o-wisps grow larger and darker, contorting themselves into dense, rock-like shapes of impressive size. The light around the airborne boulders bursts into the familiar green flames and burn wildly, casting the entire arena in dazzling viridian. Altaria's scream rises to a piercing new octave and the newly-formed meteors streak down toward the ground with a terrifying rushing sound. What appeared to have been formed from mere energy collides thunderously with the floor, shaking the ground and kicking up a storm of dust, clay and debris that completely obscures both Pokémon from view.

Altaria's screeching finally dies down and the barrage of flaming meteors stops, the last one striking the ground with a hearty boom. The settling dust reveals a scarred, pockmarked clay floor that, in places, more closely resembles the moon than an indoor battlefield. Smoke is still rising from Umbreon's motionless form, and the referee's hand moves toward his whistle to sound the end of the match. Several members of the crowd stand up and bring their hands together to applaud... and freeze in place when Umbreon twitches. He raises his head and squints defiantly at the seething Altaria. Without making a sound, he lowers his head again, closes his eye and takes a deep, shuddering breath. As the audience watches with bated breath the Umbreon's open wounds begin to knit themselves shut. His legs, splayed out beneath him at crooked, grotesque angles, stretch and twist and reset themselves properly. Altaria's eyes go wide with horror as Umbreon's battered body repairs itself at supernatural speed. No... not after all that... he can't still keep going now...

And, as it turns out, he can't. The rapid healing comes to an abrupt halt, leaving about half of Umbreon's burns and cuts still quite visible and his tail and one ear still bent and broken. No further movement is evident, and after a few tense moments the ref blows his whistle at last. The intense resting has completely worn Umbreon out, leaving Altaria the last Pokémon standing.

Round Seven: Close

Post-Round Stats

Team Prettzel (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Altaria (M) [Natural Cure]
Health: 52%
Energy: 16%
Chills: 1/3
Status: I am exhausted, fluffy, adorable blue thing, hear me RAWR!

Team lugia (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Umbreon (M) [Synchronize]
Health: 50%
Energy: 0%
Status: Knocked out due to fatigue

Arena Status: The clay floor is ruined, dotted with craters and dents where Altaria's Draco Meteor hit and damaged it.

Ref's Notes
-Umbreon did not have enough energy to finish Rest and so fainted before completing the move.
-The match is over and Prettzel is the winner. He gets $10 for winning, shadow_lugia gets $5 for participating and I get $8 for reffing. Good game, you two, and see you in the second round, Prettzel.
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