blazheirio889 vs Whirlpool
3vs3 Rotation
DQ: 7 Days
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned Moves: Weather moves, moves requiring external resources, perish song
Arena: Cold Storage
Driftveil City has plenty of attractions: its picturesque lighthouse, its bustling marketplace, and, most important of all to trainers, its official gym. Surely any of those would have made fine sites for a battle and a worthy introduction to Driftveil's culture.
Instead, trainers and spectators find themeselves huddled, shivering, in a glorified walk-in refrigerator.
As it turns out, it's rather expensive to rent out Nimbasa's music hall for a few crazy trainers to have their battles in. And it's even more expensive when you have to pay for repairs after a couple of those trainers smash a hole in the stage and set fire to the orchestra pit. Over budget and facing a suddenly-inflated insurance premium on whatever location it decided to rent, the league found itself too strapped for cash to secure one of Driftveil's more desirable locales.
There was no way they could simply call off the battle, though, so they made do. And, with a bit of effort, they even managed to wrangle a local into teaching their battlers a unique bit of Unovan battle-style, the rotation battle. He's a heartbreaker... His name... Charles...
In a rotation battle, each player sends out three pokémon from the get-go, though only one fights at a time. Up to once per round, at any time, a trainer may choose to "rotate" their pokémon, swapping the one in battle for one of the two in reserve. Now, though the arena manages to avoid the iciest parts of Cold Storage, the floor's a little slick, and the pokémon being rotated in will need to take an action to get its footing. The act of rotating therefore takes a full action, but is otherwise unpenalized. A pokémon that is rendered uncapable of leaving the field under its own power cannot be rotated out.
The frigid conditions of Cold Storage are going to sap a bit of the fun out of this new battle style, though. It's so freezing that all pokémon in battle will lose 5% health and energy at the end of each round, whether or not they're currently in battle. Ice types, of course, love the cold and are immune to this effect--too bad they happen to offend Charles, who can't stand their shameless aping of his aloof and distant attitude. At the end of each round, any ice type actually in battle has a 10% chance (each) of becoming taunted, tormented, confused, or paralyzed as a result of suffering through Charles' intense, furious, and yet carefree stare for the entire round.
For these battles, the first player to post will post all three pokémon that they will be using, as well as which one will start in the active position. The second will then do the same, as well as issuing commands, and the battle will proceed as normal from there.
blazheirio889 [xOO]
[Yukianesa] Froslass (F) Snow Cloak :: Nevermeltice
Signature move: Pebble Jet
Health: 71%
Energy: 70%
Natural Gift ~ Ice Punch / rotate out ~ Ice Punch / rotate out / standby
Status: Pleased. Hungry (-1% damage for physical attacks).
Paralysed (moderate)
[Khao] Typhlosion (M) Blaze :: Magmarizer
Signature move: Volatile Spirit
Health: 58%
Energy: 58%
standby ~ rotate in / standby ~ rotate in / Volatile Spirit / standby
Whirlpool [xOO]
Light Screen: 3 more actions
[Snowveil] Swinub (F) Snow Cloak
Signature attribute: Albinism
Health: 31%
Energy: 59%
Hidden Power ~ rotate out ~ rotate in
Status: Absolutely furious. Under telekinesis (1 more action). Suffering a friction burn (+2% damage from ice attacks, 9 more actions).
Attack -2, Defence -2
Taunted (3 more actions)
[Slash] Zangoose (M) Immunity :: Moon Stone
Health: 58%
Energy: 58%
standby ~ rotate in ~ rotate out
Round Ten
Yukianesa raises her uninjured hand, this time a safer distance away. Her palm glows with a green light that grows brighter and brighter, then shoots out, a lance of energy unhindered by Snowveil’s shield. Snowveil’s limbs aren’t long enough to even try to block, so she’s left flailing in the air at the strike. She snarls, but instead of lunging futilely as before, closes her eyes. Tiny points of light appear around her and swirl around her body, all sorts of different colours, and more and more flicker into existence. The light of the veil reflects off every icy surface. Then her body flares with silver light, and the orbs of the veil rocket forth in a spiralling beam that strikes Yukianesa’s chest.
Then Snowveil jerks and falls, and though she lands on her feet, the slipperiness of the floor nearly makes her fall.
Now that she can finally move, Snowveil turns around and darts off back to her trainer. Yukianesa stares after her a moment, then does the same. Their replacements are a bit slower in getting to their positions, though. Their breaths are slow and shallow, and they barely move even when prompted. The typhlosion is a little quicker in slipping and skidding across the floor on three legs, hindered by both the ice and his attempt to keep a red box close to his heart. The zangoose carefully digs his claws into the floor so he doesn’t slip, and he makes it to Snowveil’s former position a few seconds later, holding a more recognisable moon stone in his jaws.
Either items work differently for Asberian pokémon or these are purely decorative. (And this—conditional swapping and being too slow to attack immediately upon switching in—is not how rotation battles are supposed to go, but Asberians are pretty well known for not following the same rules as everyone else.)
Unlike Khao, who adjusts his stance to something resembling battle-readiness, Slash just turns around again and walks back to where he came, claws clicking against the floor. Or at least, he would if not for a spectator shouting from the sidelines, and instead he lets out a puff of air and rises to his feet, baring his claws.
Khao shakes his head and growls. His mane of fire, reduced to a low ember, now flares to life, even larger than normal. Tongues of flame leap and spit off his fur, but instead of being unleashed, the fire races across his skin. The flames reach the tips of his claws and even blanket his face, only leaving patches around his eyes free. The ice at his feet melts to form puddles, but the floor won’t be any less slippery for it. The flames burn lower and continue to crackle, and the smell of burnt hair wafts from him. If he hopes to stave off the cold of the Cold Storage, even self-immolation wouldn’t be enough, but it’s clearly giving him a confidence boost. Even the small flame in his magmarizer flares in response, and barely visible beneath the flames, he glows a dull red.
Khao rises to his hind legs and roars, then grins down at Slash, and the even the protective dome of energy the zangoose shares with his partner flickers out, leaving him exposed to whatever attack Khao intends to unleash next.
End of Round Ten
blazheirio889 [xOO]
[Yukianesa] Froslass (F) Snow Cloak :: Nevermeltice
Signature move: Pebble Jet
Health: 62%
Energy: 63%
Natural Gift ~ rotate out ~ standby
Status: Hungry (-1% damage for physical attacks).
Paralysed (moderate)
[Khao] Typhlosion (M) Blaze :: Magmarizer
Signature move: Volatile Spirit
Health: 52%
Energy: 51%
standby ~ rotate in ~ Volatile Spirit
Status: Wreathed in flames and ready to go. Flash fire activated.
Whirlpool [xOO]
[Snowveil] Swinub (F) Snow Cloak
Signature attribute: Albinism
Health: 13%
Energy: 52%
Hidden Power ~ rotate out ~ standby
Status: Suffering a friction burn (+2% damage from ice attacks, 6 more actions).
Attack -2, Defence -2
[Slash] Zangoose (M) Immunity :: Moon Stone
Health: 53%
Energy: 53%
standby ~ rotate in ~ nothing
Status: Bored.
- Several crates of food are broken.
- Snowveil’s hidden power is steel-type.
- Light screen faded at the end of the round.
- Volatile Spirit activated the magamarizer.
- Rotation can only happen once per round.
Next round:
Whirlpool issues commands
blazheirio889 issues commands