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[11] Karkat Vantas vs ultraviolet (ref: Moo)

Okay. I want you to keep Kong under your spell and use Captivate. When you're done with that, act like you're blowing him a kiss (but really use Ice Beam). Act surprised, then pretend to 'save him' and break him out of the ice by using Focus Punch - if you think he's going to distract you, go for Drain Punch.

As always, bounce any status (including attract) with Magic Coat; if you're taunted for the first action, go for Aerial Ace instead.

Captivate/Aerial Ace/Magic Coat ~ Ice Beam/Magic Coat ~ Focus Punch/Drain Punch/Magic Coat
oh, Negrek didn't post its effects. "Both pokemon are lightly frozen"!

(although stopping the world would be neat-o)
Yeah, sorry about that; I have a bad habit of forgetting song effects.

For reference, lightly frozen pokémon cannot move, but they will thaw quickly--probably within a couple of actions, or (of course) at the application of fire.
Hey, Kong, she sure is impressed-- with your manliness and awesome moustache, it's no wonder she's so attracted! You know what would really make her love you? Showing off your incredible skills in a field that she'd never expect you to be skilled in-- SCULPTURE!

Sculpt yourself a nice little Substitute and show off your skills to her! Not a very big one, mind you: a cute li'l one, just for her! 10% should be fine.

After that, remind her how awesome she is by returning the favor and Attracting her! You know what, why don't you attract her twice?

Substitute (10%) ~ Attract ~ Attract
Round Four

ultraviolet (O)
Circe (F) <Vital Spirit>
Health: 53%
Energy: 41%
Commands: Captivate/Aerial Ace/Magic Coat ~ Ice Beam/Magic Coat ~ Focus Punch/Drain Punch/Magic Coat
- Nervous. Ice-typed.

Karkat Vantas (O)
Kong (M) <Color Change>
Health: 62%
Energy: 72%
Commands: Substitute (10%) ~ Attract ~ Attract
- Mesmerized by Circe. Attracted to Circe (moderate). Fighting-typed.

"Song 2" comes to an invigorating end and is replaced by a show tune that somehow casts a chill over the arena. Kong shivers, snuffling out clouds of vapor, and though Circe's new ice-typing gives her some protection against the cold, she is soon to grow uncomfortable as well. Frost rimes the stage and fogs the overhead lights. A thin layer of ice grows over both the pokémon as well, much to their surprise. Shock is followed swiftly by panic as they find that they can't move, held fast in their icy shells.

The situation is so dire that it even manages to distract Kong from his infatuation with Circe for a moment. It doesn't take the primeape long to get his priorities straight again, though. He stops trying to smash his way out of the ice and decides that he can't spend time struggling around like a fool; he needs to impress Circe somehow, do something to attract her attention. Of course, that is quite difficult when he can't move much, but all he really needs to make a substitute is a bit of his own energy. Kong concentrates mightily, beady eyes squinting and whole face--and thus more or less whole body--scrunching up as he focuses all his power on extruding a bit of his own life energy. Then, abruptly, he lets out a mighty sneeze.

A great cloud of silvery energy flies from the ape's nostrils, along with a fine mist of mucous, and hangs unnaturally in the air in front of him as it organizes itself. The amorphous blob of power coalesces into a silvery primeape about half Kong's size that plants itself resolutely between its master and Circe.

At this point the kecleon is seriously doubtful that she really wants to attract the amorous attentions of a primeape who just made himself a snot substitute, but she does her best to catch his eye nonetheless. Her efforts are significantly hampered by the fact that she, too, is held immobile by the ice, but it turns out to be moot: Kong's substitute parks itself just where it manages to block the entirety of the kecleon's performance from its master.

That wasn't what Kong had intended. Grumbling to himself, the primeape strains against the ice, trying to lean out around his substitute so that he can see Circe again. The thin layer of ice is already starting to melt, and it doesn't take too much effort before, with innumerable pops and cracks, the primeape manages to tip sideways far enough to peek out at Circe.

No sooner has he started to try attracting her, though, than her scales alter their configuration, flashing mirror-bright under the lights as Circe conjures a magical defense. As Kong looks at her, he is abruptly confronted by a reflection of his own self--his own sexy, sexy self. He watches in fascination as his antics are reflected back at him--his own mighty bicep-flexes to shatter the ice holding his arms in place, his own gestures and winks. His own suave pick-up lines and witty banter are reflected back to his ears. The primeape continues with his attract, fascinated by his reflection and, as time goes on, finally realizing what this means. Circe is showing him what he looks like to her--like a smooth, competent, unbearably attractive pokémon, naturally. She really does like him! Kong quits his antics for long enough to bask in the glow of this happy revelation, a dreamy smile settled uncomfortably across his normally-grumpy face.

Circe cautiously lowers her mirror coat at this point, thinking that Kong might be done. She slams it back up a moment later, though, when Kong comes to himself again and starts his attraction routine up again, with even more enthusiasm than before. At this point, Circe is starting to feel rather uncomfortable. Is this primeape totally obsessed with himself, or what? All she's doing is showing him his own face, and he's hitting on it with all his might. What a weirdo.

ultraviolet (O)
Circe (F) <Vital Spirit>
Health: 53%
Energy: 29%
Used: Captivate ~ Magic Coat x2
- What is wrong with you? Tired. Ice-typed.

Karkat Vantas (O)
Kong (M) <Color Change>
Health: 52%
Energy: 69%
Used: Substitute (10%) ~ Attract x2
- At least as in love with himself as he is with Circe. Has a substitute with 10% health. Attracted to Circe (very severe). Fighting-typed.

Final Notes
- Karkat Vantas attacks first next round. The song will be the RBY Title Screen theme, which will result in a nostalgia rush that raises both pokémon's special (+2 special attack and special defense).
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I was under the impression that ice-type pokemon are immune to freezing! :o or does the Magic of the Song prevent that?

I mean it's not like it'd make any difference, I was just wondering. :o
Bulbapedia said:
The freeze condition (FRZ) (Japanese:こおり Ice) causes a Pokémon to be unable to make a move. It is the only status ailment that does not have a move that will always cause it.
It is evidently associated with the Ice type, as the majority of moves that can freeze are of this type, and Ice-type Pokémon are immune to being frozen.
Bulbapedia said:
Ice-type Pokémon cannot be frozen by Ice-type moves; however, they can be frozen by Tri Attack and Secret Power.

they seem to be in the games! but I digress!
True, but it wasn't frozen by an ice-type move, was it...?

Either way, it wouldn't make a difference, since it didn't come into effect at all...
The method of freezing doesn't matter, I don't think. In any case, no, it didn't affect anything, so that's why I didn't bother to go back and edit.
Erm, let's see, I THINK my song for this round was that Doors song about pyromania (and probably shoving lizards up your ass for sexual pleasure) but I'm not sure. Either way it doesn't make much of a difference, I'll check once I post commands.

Attract her as much as you can. Once she's attracted to you, Bulk Up as much as you can, to show off your manliness.

Brick Break if nothing.

Attract/Bulk Up/Brick Break x3
relax, sit back, and watch the gun show, I suppose. You've worked hard enough.

Chill (act flattered!) x3
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