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30,000 Pounds of Bagels


Well it was our turn to provide bagels for the cross country meed tomorrow and my mother forgot, but she remembered that Panera Bread often donates the uneaten bagels after closing that they would otherwise throw away. So she calls and they say yes.

Holy fucking shit, they gave us every single bagel in the store. Three garbage-size bags full. We almost didn't fit it in the trunk of the car.

So yeah It's like christmas with all of a sudden at least 50 of every kind of bagel they have.
Eat it. Give some to your neighbors. Then sell it on a street corner one hot day with some drinks.
No, you go to the meet and let the team eat them like you should -.-

We've still got about 1 whole bag left. Won't need to buy any bread for a week, haha.
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