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8 Bit Trip

How the heck does it have that many views already!!?

This was amazing. God that looked awesome.
'1500 hours of moving legobricks and take photos of them.'

...exactly *how* much time is that...days, weeks, months or..? Cause every second was fucking awesome
Aaaand catchy tune, too.
'1500 hours of moving legobricks and take photos of them.'

...exactly *how* much time is that...days, weeks, months or..? Cause every second was fucking awesome
Aaaand catchy tune, too.

1500 hours, about 25 hours in a day...

1500 divided by 25 is 60.

So it took two months.
Two months, but that's in exact hours. I'm willing to bet he didn't spend more then 3-4 hours a day working on it. So that's about (1500 hours in total/4 hours a day=375 days) a little over a year at best.

This is one of the most amazing videos I've ever seen. It's awesome, in the literal sense.

I realized during the Pong part that to move the dot back and forth he would have to nearly take apart the entire structure to a point, move the dot, and rebuild it. Not to mention keeping it consistent frame-to-frame and twirling it at the same time. Absolutely mind-blowing.
I'm willing to bet he didn't spend more then 3-4 hours a day working on it.
He? Man, you can't cover your own face with legos. There had to be at least two people working on this.
I got to the part with the people kicking before Youtube decided to stop loading for me. May have to finish watching when I get home.
That's only one scene at the beginning. While I'm sure several people did work on it, he could have theoretically done it all himself after that part. Of course, with more people, it could have been completed faster, anyway.
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