• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

A challenger appears...


New member
Hello, your friendly neighborhood lurker here to let you know that I shall be, well, lurking. I like to battle over Wi-Fi so if you feel like a battle let me know. Or not. No trades though because most of my Pokemon are cyborgs. If you're intrigued by my lack of listed interests feel free to e-stalk me or something.

May the shadows hide you (corniness FTW).
Welcome to TCOD where we drink tea and eat cod. Have a cat plushie that you HAVE to like... *sharpens knife* Well this is my very unthreatening *wink wink* welcome.
Why, thank you, I guess. Having someone hand me a soft, fluffy object while wielding a sharp knife is a new experience. I think I like it.

Here, have this Cacnea plushy with real cactus needles embedded in its body (only pay Shipping & Handling) before I bop you over the head with my awesomely foamy bat.
Well, yeah, we're not all from one place. There's British people (like me) and Americans and Australians and Swedes and Norwegians and Germans and Solvenians andandand...

Yeah, I'll stop now.

Welcome, and enjoy your stay.
Well thanks for the Cacnea.

EeveeSkitty: Ouch!
EeveeSkitty: No need to fear, my cat plushie is here!
EeveeSkitty: *pokes Cacnea with cat plushie*
*Cat plushie now is tattered*
EeveeSkitty: WHO did this HORRID crime?
Rusty: Err...
In EeveeSkitty's thoughts: Well that is SO believable...I wonder why that creepy guy is whistling as if he could have given someone a Cacnea plushie that could of ruined a cat plushie...HE CAN'T BE THE ONE WHO GAVE ME THE CACNEA PLUSHIE COULD HE...I mean he was only there at the exact moment and looks like the guy who gave me the plushie...*gasp* Time for revenge.

EeveeSkitty: Hey Rusty.
Rusty: Yes
EeveeSkitty: You can have this Squirtle plushie that shoots real water!
Rusty: Rea...reall...really...that's so nice of you...I'm really surprised...
EeveeSkitty: You haven't seen anything yet
Squirtle plushie: HYDRO PUMP!
Rusty: I'm rusting even more!! AHH!!
EeveeSkitty: *walks away silently*
Great, now my inner workings are exposed. You're not getting away that easily. See if you like your own weapon being used against you.

*Points Squirtle plushie in EeveeSkitty's direction*

Eat Hydro Pump!

*Squeezes plushie but only a trickle of water is produced*

Mua ha ha ha!! The Skitty side of me is saved! *Grabs Squirtle plushie*

I'll show you how it's done. *points Squirtle plushie mouth at ceiling*

*Hydro Pump rockets off the ceiling and shoots down*

*hides behind a car*
calls out heart, who proceeds to drink the exxess of water rocketing down from the ceiling. then tells you that this useless conflict is futile, then jumps out the window.
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