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A newbie


A (not too good) spriter
Three words to start.... I guess that's four words

Hi, I'm new here! Well I guess Mi10ticFan is too common to me, but I like it! I'm a female, 12 years old and an Indonesian. Well you won't see an Indonesian that could speak this clear but we'll get back to business

So I'll start things. I like to play games, writing fan-fics and making fan=arts. But I'm still learning, for my fan-arts is a little too boring...

My favorite pokemon is Milotic as you can hear from my username, and I like water types. I also managed to catch 32 Pichus and 86 Pikachus.

So that's all there is to it, don't ask for more, ok? Seriously, I rarely make introductions at forums.
Hi there, welcome to TCoD. Feel free to peruse the Roleplaying Forum ;) that's where I'll be most of the time.

Milotic is awesome. I was lucky enough to capture a Feebas in my Ruby game, before I even realized that Feebas was supposed to be insanely hard to find... I've been breeding Feebas and using Kelpsy berries primarily to evolve them since.
welcome, milotic! you obviously care for pokemon if you can manage to get one of those through hard work. i got my milotic from a trade. :/
Welcome to tCod!

My name's Flora, and you have an amazingly cute avatar. Pachirisu's my favorite Pokemon. -^.^-

Enjoy your stay~
I was actually going to use Lapras, but it was too large...

I actually once caught a Feebas in Sapphire, but I don't know how to evolve it. lol It ended up into a lv 100 Feebas.

You all made me feel welcomed ^_^
My other favorite (not sure which I like better tbh) water pokemon, besides Milotic, is Vaporeon.

To evolve a Feebas, you need to get its beauty stat maxed out. That requires feeding it lots of Pokeblocks/Poffins. I would suggest growing at the minimum, Kelpsy berries. There are several kinds of berries that are even better, but I can't name them myself offhand. They're all more rare though ;)
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