- Pronoun
- he, they

It's a place with grass. There are Pokemon. Do you want to go in?
No partner Pokemon allowed or needed. Thank you for your cooperation.
$5 will be taken when you enter. $5 will be refunded when you exit. Unlimited balls for unlimited Pokemon; pay by Pokemon when you exit the area. You may return a Pokemon at the end at no cost, and you will not be charged for that Pokemon. You receive two bait and two mud every time you enter. Bait and mud in this area act differently from bait and mud in other areas (probably) and you may not use bait or mud from other areas in this area. You may not buy more bait or mud. You cannot save bait or mud for the next time. The effects of bait and mud are detailed below.
Everything over 0 is rounded up. $1 for two "Common" Pokemon (75% chance of encounter). $2 for one "Uncommon" Pokemon (15% chance of encounter). $3 for one "Rare" Pokemon (9.5% chance of encounter). $4.5 for one "Very Rare" Pokemon (.5% chance of encounter.) Shinies have a 1/500 chance of being encountered and add $2 to the base cost. Every Pokemon in a rarity group has an equal chance of being encountered within that group. Gender is randomly generated by in-game gender ratio. No items.
This area operates by “turns”. Each turn, you can do something. Isn’t that nice? After 40 turns, you get kicked out and must proceed to the paying stage.
Each turn will look something like this...
"Turn 7. There aren’t any Pokemon around. It's somewhat quiet.
Your Pokemon: Horsea (f), half-price Magikarp (m), Ekans (f)
You currently owe: .5 + .25 + .5 = 1.25 = $2
What would you like to do?
[CONTINUE] / [BAIT (x1)] / [MUD (x2)] / [EXIT AREA]
Encounter roll was 97, needed 84 or below for an encounter turn."
...or this, except not in Courier New.
"Turn 8. Look! There's a male Dustox! It's eating the Bait you threw. Since you used Bait on turn 7, it is half price ($2/2 = $1).
Your Pokemon: Horsea (f), half-price Magikarp (m), Ekans (f)
You currently owe: .5 + .25 + .5 = 1.25 = $2
If you catch this Pokemon you will owe: .5 + .25 + .5 + 1 = 2.25 = $3
What would you like to do?
[BALL] / [RUN]
Encounter chance roll was 18, needed 92 or below for an encounter turn.
Encounter rarity roll was 178, needed 151-180 for Uncommon rarity.
Encounter Pokemon roll was 34.
Encounter gender roll was 90, needed 51 or above for a male.
Encounter shininess roll was 428, needed 500 for a shiny."
CONTINUE proceeds to the next turn. The default chance of a Pokemon appearing is 84% for nice numbers. Every turn that passes without a Pokemon appearing halves the chance that a Pokemon does not appear.
EXIT AREA ends your visit prematurely, and you proceed to the paying stage, in which you decide which Pokemon to return and not be charged for, if any.
BAIT uses one bait and makes the next encountered Pokemon half-price; the decision of whether to catch it or not is still yours.
MUD uses one mud and guarantees the next encountered Pokemon has a reduced chance to be in a rarity group of which you have caught a member; the number of members you have of that rarity group do not influence the chance the Pokemon will not be in the rarity group.
The use of bait and mud does NOT guarantee that the next turn will be an encounter turn, and neither bait nor mud influences anything other than what they are stated to influence.
BALL catches the Pokemon and proceeds to a turn with a default (84%) chance of a Pokemon appearing.
RUN ignores the Pokemon and proceeds to a turn with a default (84%) chance of a Pokemon appearing.
If you would like me to, I can put my RNG rolls in a hide tag (they are for personal reference.) Please specify this when you enter the zone. If you don't specify a preference about this, I will assume that you are fine with having them outside a hide tag. You can change your preference about this at any time during your visit.
Updates to any part of the rules of this area will be formatted LIKE THIS for maximum visibility. Please read these updates, as they contain vital information. OP will be edited with this information shortly after update post, but posts in-between generally will not be updated. Thank you.
This area will be most active on weekends and afternoons. You hopefully won't have to wait more than a few days for me to get back to you. If you don't reply within a few months or so and you're active in other parts of the forum or have visited the forum recently, I might gently nudge you via VM that you still have a thing going on here. There may or may not be flavor text, which does not affect anything whatsoever.
Possible Encounters
Common (171): Caterpie, Metapod, Weedle, Kakuna, Pidgey, Pidgeotto, Ratatta, Spearow, Ekans, Sandshrew, Nidoranf, Nidoranm, Cleffa, Igglybuff, Zubat, Golbat, Oddish, Paras, Diglett, Meowth, Psyduck, Mankey, Poliwag, Abra, Kadabra, Machop, Bellsprout, Weepinbell, Tentacool, Geodude, Graveler, Ponyta, Magnemite, Doduo, Gastly, Drowzee, Voltorb, Exeggcute, Tyrogue, Happiny, Horsea, Goldeen, Magikarp, Sentret, Hoothoot, Ledyba, Spinarak, Pichu, Natu, Mareep, Flaaffy, Marill, Hoppip, Skiploom, Sunkern, Wooper, Unown, Pineco, Teddiursa, Stantler, Tyrogue, Poochyena, Zigzagoon, Wurmple, Silcoon, Cascoon, Lotad, Lombre, Seedot, Nuzleaf, Taillow, Wingull, Ralts, Surskit, Shroomish, Slakoth, Nincada, Whismur, Loudred, Azurill, Skitty, Aron, Electrike, Plusle, Minun, Volbeat, Illumise, Budew, Roselia, Wailmer, Numel, Swablu, Wynaut, Clamperl, Luvdisc, Starly, Staravia, Bidoof, Kricketot, Kricketune, Shinx, Luxio, Burmy-Grass, Burmy-Sand, Burmy-Trash, Combee, Buizel, Cherubi, Shellos-East, Shellos-West, Aipom, Chingling, Bonsly, MimeJr., Munchlax, Finneon, Mantyke, Snorunt, Patrat, Lillipup, Herdier, Purrloin, Pansage, Pansear, Panpour, Pidove, Tranquill, Blitzle, Roggenrola, Woobat, Audino, Tympole, Timburr, Sewaddle, Swadloon, Venipede, Whirlipede, Cottonee, Petilil, Sandile, Darumaka, Minccino, Trubbish, Gothita, Solosis, Ducklett, Deerling, Karrablast, Foongus, Shelmet, Frillish, Klink, Tynamo, Litwick, Bunnelby, Fletchling, Fletchinder, Scatterbug, Spewpa, Litleo, Flabebe, Furfrou, Espurr, Pancham, Spritzee, Swirlix, Helioptile, Dedenne, Phantump, Pumpkaboo, Munchlax
Uncommon (110): Butterfree, Beedrill, Raticate, Fearow, Nidorina, Nidorino, Clefairy, Jigglypuff, Gloom, Parasect, Persian, Golduck, Poliwhirl, Machoke, Magneton, Haunter, Hypno, Electrode, Exeggcutor, Chansey, Seadra, Gyarados, Furret, Noctowl, Ledian, Ariados, Pikachu, Jumpluff, Sunflora, Quagsire, Linoone, Mightyena, Beautifly, Dustox, Swellow, Pelipper, Kirlia, Vigoroth, Wobbuffet, Altaria, Huntail, Gorebyss, Bibarel, Wormadam-Grass, Wormadam-Sand, Wormadam-Trash, Mothim, Chimecho, Sudowoodo, Mr-Mime, Watchog, Liepard, Boldore, Crobat, Swoobat, Gurdurr, Palpitoad, Leavanny, Krokorok, Cinccino, Garbodor, Gothorita, Duosion, Swanna, Amoonguss, Klang, Lampent, Diggersby, Vivillon, Floette, Aromatisse, Slurpuff, Growlithe, Vulpix, Farfetch’d, Dodrio, Emolga, Mienfoo, Rufflet, Vullaby, Skiddo, Gogoat, Florges, Muk, Delcatty, Makuhita, Unfezant, Staraptor, Pidgeot, Scraggy, Eevee, Glameow, Stunky, Togepi, Togetic, Snubbull, Meowstic, Pyroar, Lickitung, Yanma, Spoink, Spinda, Zangoose, Seviper, Smoochum, Scyther, Tauros, Miltank, Buneary, Porygon
Rare (72): Bulbasaur, Ivysaur, Charmander, Charmeleon, Squirtle, Wartortle, Cyndaquil, Quilava, Chikorita, Bayleef, Totodile, Croconaw, Torchic, Combusken, Mudkip, Marshtomp, Treecko, Grovyle, Piplup, Prinplup, Chimchar, Monferno, Turtwig, Grotle, Tepig, Pignite, Snivy, Servine, Oshawott, Dewott, Froakie, Frogadier, Fennekin, Braixen, Chespin, Quilladin, Nidoqueen, Nidoking, Poliwrath, Politoed, Machamp, Magnezone, Gengar, Blissey, Kingdra, Raichu, Gardevoir, Slaking, Gigalith, Ninetales, Arcanine, Seismitoad, Conkeldurr, Krookodile, Gothitelle, Reuniclus, Klinklang, Chandelure, Talonflame, Lickilicky, Yanmega, Grumpig, Jynx, Scizor, Porygon2, Lopunny, Granbull, Purugly, Skuntank, Scrafty, Eelektrik, Goomy
Very Rare (30): Venusaur, Charizard, Blastoise, Typhlosion, Meganium, Feraligatr, Blaziken, Swampert, Sceptile, Empoleon, Infernape, Torterra, Emboar, Serperior, Samurott, Greninja, Delphox, Chesnaught, Porygon-Z, Vaporeon, Flareon, Jolteon, Leafeon, Umbreon, Espeon, Glaceon, Sylveon, Braviary, Mandibuzz, Eelektross
$5 will be taken when you enter. $5 will be refunded when you exit. Unlimited balls for unlimited Pokemon; pay by Pokemon when you exit the area. You may return a Pokemon at the end at no cost, and you will not be charged for that Pokemon. You receive two bait and two mud every time you enter. Bait and mud in this area act differently from bait and mud in other areas (probably) and you may not use bait or mud from other areas in this area. You may not buy more bait or mud. You cannot save bait or mud for the next time. The effects of bait and mud are detailed below.
Everything over 0 is rounded up. $1 for two "Common" Pokemon (75% chance of encounter). $2 for one "Uncommon" Pokemon (15% chance of encounter). $3 for one "Rare" Pokemon (9.5% chance of encounter). $4.5 for one "Very Rare" Pokemon (.5% chance of encounter.) Shinies have a 1/500 chance of being encountered and add $2 to the base cost. Every Pokemon in a rarity group has an equal chance of being encountered within that group. Gender is randomly generated by in-game gender ratio. No items.
This area operates by “turns”. Each turn, you can do something. Isn’t that nice? After 40 turns, you get kicked out and must proceed to the paying stage.
Each turn will look something like this...
"Turn 7. There aren’t any Pokemon around. It's somewhat quiet.
Your Pokemon: Horsea (f), half-price Magikarp (m), Ekans (f)
You currently owe: .5 + .25 + .5 = 1.25 = $2
What would you like to do?
[CONTINUE] / [BAIT (x1)] / [MUD (x2)] / [EXIT AREA]
Encounter roll was 97, needed 84 or below for an encounter turn."
...or this, except not in Courier New.
"Turn 8. Look! There's a male Dustox! It's eating the Bait you threw. Since you used Bait on turn 7, it is half price ($2/2 = $1).
Your Pokemon: Horsea (f), half-price Magikarp (m), Ekans (f)
You currently owe: .5 + .25 + .5 = 1.25 = $2
If you catch this Pokemon you will owe: .5 + .25 + .5 + 1 = 2.25 = $3
What would you like to do?
[BALL] / [RUN]
Encounter chance roll was 18, needed 92 or below for an encounter turn.
Encounter rarity roll was 178, needed 151-180 for Uncommon rarity.
Encounter Pokemon roll was 34.
Encounter gender roll was 90, needed 51 or above for a male.
Encounter shininess roll was 428, needed 500 for a shiny."
CONTINUE proceeds to the next turn. The default chance of a Pokemon appearing is 84% for nice numbers. Every turn that passes without a Pokemon appearing halves the chance that a Pokemon does not appear.
EXIT AREA ends your visit prematurely, and you proceed to the paying stage, in which you decide which Pokemon to return and not be charged for, if any.
BAIT uses one bait and makes the next encountered Pokemon half-price; the decision of whether to catch it or not is still yours.
MUD uses one mud and guarantees the next encountered Pokemon has a reduced chance to be in a rarity group of which you have caught a member; the number of members you have of that rarity group do not influence the chance the Pokemon will not be in the rarity group.
The use of bait and mud does NOT guarantee that the next turn will be an encounter turn, and neither bait nor mud influences anything other than what they are stated to influence.
BALL catches the Pokemon and proceeds to a turn with a default (84%) chance of a Pokemon appearing.
RUN ignores the Pokemon and proceeds to a turn with a default (84%) chance of a Pokemon appearing.
If you would like me to, I can put my RNG rolls in a hide tag (they are for personal reference.) Please specify this when you enter the zone. If you don't specify a preference about this, I will assume that you are fine with having them outside a hide tag. You can change your preference about this at any time during your visit.
Updates to any part of the rules of this area will be formatted LIKE THIS for maximum visibility. Please read these updates, as they contain vital information. OP will be edited with this information shortly after update post, but posts in-between generally will not be updated. Thank you.
This area will be most active on weekends and afternoons. You hopefully won't have to wait more than a few days for me to get back to you. If you don't reply within a few months or so and you're active in other parts of the forum or have visited the forum recently, I might gently nudge you via VM that you still have a thing going on here. There may or may not be flavor text, which does not affect anything whatsoever.
Possible Encounters
Common (171): Caterpie, Metapod, Weedle, Kakuna, Pidgey, Pidgeotto, Ratatta, Spearow, Ekans, Sandshrew, Nidoranf, Nidoranm, Cleffa, Igglybuff, Zubat, Golbat, Oddish, Paras, Diglett, Meowth, Psyduck, Mankey, Poliwag, Abra, Kadabra, Machop, Bellsprout, Weepinbell, Tentacool, Geodude, Graveler, Ponyta, Magnemite, Doduo, Gastly, Drowzee, Voltorb, Exeggcute, Tyrogue, Happiny, Horsea, Goldeen, Magikarp, Sentret, Hoothoot, Ledyba, Spinarak, Pichu, Natu, Mareep, Flaaffy, Marill, Hoppip, Skiploom, Sunkern, Wooper, Unown, Pineco, Teddiursa, Stantler, Tyrogue, Poochyena, Zigzagoon, Wurmple, Silcoon, Cascoon, Lotad, Lombre, Seedot, Nuzleaf, Taillow, Wingull, Ralts, Surskit, Shroomish, Slakoth, Nincada, Whismur, Loudred, Azurill, Skitty, Aron, Electrike, Plusle, Minun, Volbeat, Illumise, Budew, Roselia, Wailmer, Numel, Swablu, Wynaut, Clamperl, Luvdisc, Starly, Staravia, Bidoof, Kricketot, Kricketune, Shinx, Luxio, Burmy-Grass, Burmy-Sand, Burmy-Trash, Combee, Buizel, Cherubi, Shellos-East, Shellos-West, Aipom, Chingling, Bonsly, MimeJr., Munchlax, Finneon, Mantyke, Snorunt, Patrat, Lillipup, Herdier, Purrloin, Pansage, Pansear, Panpour, Pidove, Tranquill, Blitzle, Roggenrola, Woobat, Audino, Tympole, Timburr, Sewaddle, Swadloon, Venipede, Whirlipede, Cottonee, Petilil, Sandile, Darumaka, Minccino, Trubbish, Gothita, Solosis, Ducklett, Deerling, Karrablast, Foongus, Shelmet, Frillish, Klink, Tynamo, Litwick, Bunnelby, Fletchling, Fletchinder, Scatterbug, Spewpa, Litleo, Flabebe, Furfrou, Espurr, Pancham, Spritzee, Swirlix, Helioptile, Dedenne, Phantump, Pumpkaboo, Munchlax
Uncommon (110): Butterfree, Beedrill, Raticate, Fearow, Nidorina, Nidorino, Clefairy, Jigglypuff, Gloom, Parasect, Persian, Golduck, Poliwhirl, Machoke, Magneton, Haunter, Hypno, Electrode, Exeggcutor, Chansey, Seadra, Gyarados, Furret, Noctowl, Ledian, Ariados, Pikachu, Jumpluff, Sunflora, Quagsire, Linoone, Mightyena, Beautifly, Dustox, Swellow, Pelipper, Kirlia, Vigoroth, Wobbuffet, Altaria, Huntail, Gorebyss, Bibarel, Wormadam-Grass, Wormadam-Sand, Wormadam-Trash, Mothim, Chimecho, Sudowoodo, Mr-Mime, Watchog, Liepard, Boldore, Crobat, Swoobat, Gurdurr, Palpitoad, Leavanny, Krokorok, Cinccino, Garbodor, Gothorita, Duosion, Swanna, Amoonguss, Klang, Lampent, Diggersby, Vivillon, Floette, Aromatisse, Slurpuff, Growlithe, Vulpix, Farfetch’d, Dodrio, Emolga, Mienfoo, Rufflet, Vullaby, Skiddo, Gogoat, Florges, Muk, Delcatty, Makuhita, Unfezant, Staraptor, Pidgeot, Scraggy, Eevee, Glameow, Stunky, Togepi, Togetic, Snubbull, Meowstic, Pyroar, Lickitung, Yanma, Spoink, Spinda, Zangoose, Seviper, Smoochum, Scyther, Tauros, Miltank, Buneary, Porygon
Rare (72): Bulbasaur, Ivysaur, Charmander, Charmeleon, Squirtle, Wartortle, Cyndaquil, Quilava, Chikorita, Bayleef, Totodile, Croconaw, Torchic, Combusken, Mudkip, Marshtomp, Treecko, Grovyle, Piplup, Prinplup, Chimchar, Monferno, Turtwig, Grotle, Tepig, Pignite, Snivy, Servine, Oshawott, Dewott, Froakie, Frogadier, Fennekin, Braixen, Chespin, Quilladin, Nidoqueen, Nidoking, Poliwrath, Politoed, Machamp, Magnezone, Gengar, Blissey, Kingdra, Raichu, Gardevoir, Slaking, Gigalith, Ninetales, Arcanine, Seismitoad, Conkeldurr, Krookodile, Gothitelle, Reuniclus, Klinklang, Chandelure, Talonflame, Lickilicky, Yanmega, Grumpig, Jynx, Scizor, Porygon2, Lopunny, Granbull, Purugly, Skuntank, Scrafty, Eelektrik, Goomy
Very Rare (30): Venusaur, Charizard, Blastoise, Typhlosion, Meganium, Feraligatr, Blaziken, Swampert, Sceptile, Empoleon, Infernape, Torterra, Emboar, Serperior, Samurott, Greninja, Delphox, Chesnaught, Porygon-Z, Vaporeon, Flareon, Jolteon, Leafeon, Umbreon, Espeon, Glaceon, Sylveon, Braviary, Mandibuzz, Eelektross
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