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After the End (ended, due to inactivity)

Re: After the End

Serena turned slowly on the windowsill and saw Meredith.

"How did you know?" she asked with a small smile. She jumped down and walked over to the human girl. "I... there are no... it's impossible to describe what I saw with mere words," she said. "To understand, you would have to see what I saw."
Re: After the End

"Maybe, in time, I will. How's everybody doing? I haven't really checked up with anyone since this whole journey started. I mean, I talk to Beryl alot, but..." Meredith trailed off and began to blush deeply, before composing herself.
"I don't really talk to anyone else. I wonder alot... What happened to all the people we met back near Celadon? How many more people that I knew have just given up, succumbed to the depression? I guess im just worried about everyone, because, for the first time, I don't know how we're going to take the next step, to climb those pillars.."
Re: After the End

"It's understandable that you'd like to talk to Beryl a lot," Serena chuckled, "I know exactly how you feel. And I miss him every day..."

She paused, gazing out of the window, then suddenly turned back to Meredith "I don't mean Beryl," she said quickly, "I mean... Flake's father..."

She sighed. "I know how you feel about those people in Celadon. I too wonder what happened to them. But let us look on the bright side. We'll find those pillars. And when we do, we'll find a way to climb them. The sun and I both promise you."
Re: After the End

Meredith picked up quite quickly that this was something Serena had hardly ever talked about. She thought back fondly to when she worked with Elder people living in personal care homes. Some of them had no family, either they had never raised one, or even their children had predeceased them. Her visits meant the world to them, simply having someone to talk to. The image she found most had of older people, that of them sitting alone in the hallway, was not because they had nothing better to do, but because they had nobody to talk to, and were hoping someone, anyone, would pay that smallest bit of attention. The staff were all too busy, rushing from room to room, to even take the time to smile, and ask, truly meaning it, "How are you today? "
It was heartbreaking. But to know this, Meredith put herself as Serena's level, and gave her a light hug.
"Was he shiny?"
Re: After the End

"Oh, yes. Sleek black fur and the most beautiful blue rings..."

Serena sighed again. "Of course, I was just an Eevee back then, but I was getting old."
Re: After the End

"Only if you want me to," Serena said quietly, turning her large eyes to Meredith.
Re: After the End

Claw grimaced at having been caught.
"It's just too hurtful to have the disappointment of not saving the world from this," she gestured around them. "And the only way to not face it is to not hope that it will be saved. This is an impossible task. There's no way we can accomplish it."
Re: After the End

Scizor sighed.
"Is the disappointment of not even trying any better? We have two options, to not even try, as you are suggesting, to just live our lives with what we have been forced to survive, and to die in the dark, bleak world. Or, we can try, and if we fail, at least know that we didn't just roll over. Perhaps, I have just stood by while people died far too many times, and feel this will make up for it. But either way, do you really want to *not* try" ?


Meredith smiled towards the feline-like pokemon.
"We don't have to." She scratched behind Serena's ears, lightly, barely notcing the motions.
"May I ask though, how you go about asking someone to share their life with you like that ?" She tried to make the question impersonal, as if she was jsut curious, but her emotions easily betrayed her. She wanted to know how to ask Beryl.
Re: After the End

Serena bowed her head. "Maybe I'll tell you," she whispered, "Some day."

In response to Meredith's question, the Espeon chuckled quietly. "It was not hard for he and I," she said quietly, "As an onlooker stated, we were 'made for eachother'."

She turned to Meredith. "As are you and Beryl. I'm sure he feels the same way about you, and soon you shall both realise that for good. And then..." she sighed contentedly, "And then we shall all be happy, yes?"
Re: After the End

"I hope so Serena, I really do."
Meredith left Serena to her thoughts, and travelled outside, noticing that Scizor was arguing with one of Thorn's pokemon, She thought is was named Claw, but still wasn't really sure.
"Does Thorn know where you are, Claw"?
Re: After the End

Claw was relieved to have an excuse to not have to think up a reason for the naive Scizor.
"Yes and no," she growled. "She knows I'm out here somewhere, but she doesn't know exactly where outside."
Re: After the End

((Nuuuu~ don't die D:))

A rock shuffled its way towards Scizor and Claw, making sure to move only when the pair weren't looking. When it reached them, the rock changed shape, first melting into a glob of green paint, then shrinking, and then from the small glob of paint there grew a tail, and at the other end of that tail there grew a canine body.

Pablo smiled shyly at Scizor and Claw. "Hi," he said, "Sorry, I was just feeling lonely, and you were nearest."
Re: After the End

"Quite alright." The red skinned insect walked into the forest, fustrated, but now that the doubt of another had entered his mind, it was near impossible to dispell. Part of him ahd no doubt whatsoever that Meredith was right, that this could be done... but why was Claw so convinced it was impossible?

Natalie opened her eyes, and looked around the hospital room.
"Tini?" The window was opened, and she flew out, leaving a small trail of sparkles behind her. Looking at the dark sky, chocked with poison, Natalie tried to focus of changing the weather, of making it sunny... Her eyes glowed blue, but nothing happened. Upset it failed to work, but bored of attempting, She flew around, in loop-de-loops, and other patterns, enjoying the feeling of being healed. She let loose a Dragons Rage at the sky, it's bright blue light creating a pleasant glow to the whole area.

Meredith entered Thorn's room, being careful not to step on any of the many pokemon.
"Wanna go challange the Gym Leader?".
Re: After the End

Thorn sat upright. "Sure," she said as Blaze sniffed Meredith's sneakers (or whatever shoes she's wearing, if any). "It'll give us something to do."
"I might evolve!" yelled Swirl excitedly.
"Me too," said Magma, "although I'm not sure it would be comfortable heaving a rock around on my back."
Re: After the End

"Let's head out then. I want to battle Jasmine too. I've got three out of the five needed bages anyways, why not try for all five?"

The Gym was in disrepair from the outside, holes in the roof, faded paint, and letters missing from what used to read "Olivine Gym". On the inside, the building looked brand new. Jasmine looked almost male, with the amount of muscle she had put on, but she was still, in a sense, beautiful. A Magneton floated around, while her Steelix dozed off in the corner of the huge building. She looked up, almost suprised to the presence of other people.

"Oh... Challengers? Who would like to go first?" nMeredith nodded towards Thorn.
"I'll judge, if that's alright?" Jasmine withdrew her pokemon, and placed their poke-balls on her belt.
"All versus all, single battle, as is standard."
She threw the pokeball high in the air, and it sent out her Steelix, a load roar escaping it's maw, it looked as tough as ever.
Re: After the End

((D: *does not appreciate being poked*))

Thorn thought for a moment, and sent out Blaze.
"You're just as good with special attacks as physical ones," she said, half to herself. "Alright, Blaze, how about a Flamethrower?"
Re: After the End

Steelix growled, annoyed by the flame, and tackled towards Blaze, it's huge mass being far from ungainly. It seemed amazing that such a large creature could move with such precision.
Re: After the End

Beryl, having broken off from the group when he arrived in Olivine, did his best to sneak into the Pokemon Centre unnoticed. He dropped his various bags off and told his Pokemon that they could do what they wanted, then went on a hunt. When he finally found his quarry, his greeted him and then surreptitiously glanced around to make sure Meredith wasn't watching.

"Um, Cal? I have a bit of an odd question to ask you," he murmured.
Re: After the End

Cal shut the book he was reading and quickly stuffed it back into his bag. "Hi, Beryl," he said, flustered, "What is it?" He noticed the older boy klooking around, and wandered why Beryl wanted such privacy.
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