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After the End (ended, due to inactivity)

Re: After the End

Blaze yipped and instinctively tried to dodge; he didn't need an order to know to do that.
However, Steelix was too big, and the Tackle hit. Blaze barked in pain as he was knocked over, but he managed to get up again.
"Good," murmurred Thorn. "Let's try a Heat Wave!" she shouted to the Growlithe standing on the field, a little bruised and cut, but not hurt too much.
Re: After the End

"I, uh..." Beryl trailed off for a moment before mustering his courage enough to continue. "I want to tell Meredith how I feel about her, but I don't know how. Do you have any experience in this?" he asked, hoping he didn't sound as pathetic as he thought he did. He fiddled with his shirt nervously.
Re: After the End

(Oh my religious deity of choice.... Meririn has posted!!)

The Steelix roared in pain, singe marks appearing everywhere on the steel skin. When the fire finally stopped, Steelix could almost hear a rather annoying ringing sound, repeating over and over in it's head. Knowing against the fire type it was finished, Steelix allowed it's body to glow in a white light, charging power, a whistling sound eminating from the body. It only took a second more, before the whole room was filled with light, and fire, and pieces of stone flying everywhere. A massive explosion.
Re: After the End

Cal sighed. Why did people always have to come to him for advice? Not that he minded that much.

"I'm not the best person to ask," he replied, laughing inwardly because of the fact Meredith had asked him the same thing a few hours ago, "But... why not just tell her straight out? I mean, she seems to like you..."

Seems? He knew Meredith was in love with Beryl.
Re: After the End

"But I want to do it right. I mean, what if she's dated a lot of guys before? I want it to be special for her. How is a guy supposed to tell a girl something like that, anyway? With my parents, they had a Pokemon battle... I don't think that Meredith would be very impressed by that," Beryl said with a sigh. "Anyway, thanks for your help. I'll think of something." With that, he smiled at Cal and wandered back to his Pokemon. Calydon was having trouble with his leg today, so he needed special care and help watching the two youngest Pokemon.
Re: After the End

The explosion knocked Meredith to her knees, when she opened her eyes, she could barely see through the thick brown dust, thrown in the air by the massive explosion, she heard the familiar sound of a pokeball returning it's pokemon to rest, she couldn't even tell if it was the Steelix, or Blaze.
Re: After the End

Through the debris, Thorn could see the fallen form of the Growlithe. He lay unmoving, obviously fainted.
Covering her eyes against the dust, she grasped clumsily for his ball and tried to aim at the spot where she thought Blaze had been laying. Fortunately, she heard the sound as well, and knew that she had been right.
She patiently waited for the debris to clear, knowing that the Steelix also had to be fainted.
Re: After the End

The Steelix was withdrawn as well. But that wasn't the end of Jasmine. A whiplike motion, from her belt, through the air sent a pokeball flying, opening in midair, with the blinding flash, a Lairon appeared, roaring it's name into the air.

While at the pokemon center, Blip was wandering around, when she was nearly stepped on by Beryl.
"Hey! Watch out! Space is a wonderful place, but keep your head on earth, silly! Whatcha so distracted by? The ceiling that interesting?"
Re: After the End

"Wha-... Oh! Blip! Hi there. I was just thinking. What's Meredith up to?" he asked, sitting up. Parth and Ferien were having a mock-battle, which they fought around Calydon, and Beryl watched them to avoid looking into the Ditto's eyes, knowing that if he did, he would blush. Just thinking of his girlfriend was enough to elicit red cheeks from him.
Re: After the End

Thorn observed her opponent with calculating eyes, trying to remember its disadvantages. If she did remember correctly, water was among them.
With a lighthearted smile, she sent out Swirl, amusement flickering in her eyes when he slapped his tail on the ground, intending to intimidate the Lairon.
Re: After the End

The Lairon made a somewhat confused expression, which soon turned into amusement. This tiny little tadpole was to fight something as strong as it? The thought was laughable. Jasmine knew better. The small size could be an advantage, and Lairon didn't know any moves that would especially effective. She made her choice.
"Lairon! Take Down!"
Lairon backed up, to get some momentum, and jumped forward a small distance, to charge towards Swirl. Closer, and closer, but there was a blind spot, he kept charging, not sure if he would make contact.


Blip frowned.
"Merry went to fight Jasmine with Thorn. Left me behind, she said I was being 'An annoying little brat-pest to thorn, and that she didn't want to see me ever again, ever.'
It was a slight exaggeration. Slight.
"Hey! Listen to me! If you're going to dress like an oversized Kirlia, you have to look at people when they talk to you!! What's gonna happen if you dont listen to Merry when SHE talks?! Then she'll never want to see you forever and ever! That's not how a good Boyfriend acts!" Blip muttered, under her breath, almost embarresed "Not that I'll ever know, but, I would think"
Re: After the End

And Thorn said, "You're not being a brat pest!" D:

Swirl saw the large, iron-hard form barreling towards him, and instinctively ran for it. His legs were very short, so they couldn't carry him far in a short time. He hoped that he wasn't about to be squished.
Re: After the End

Lairon didn't feel the small pokemon get hit by the move, it quickly stopped. Running too far, and he might barrel into a rock, or a wall, hurting himself. He looked around, quickly, trying to find his place, and Swirl. His heart began to beat faster. Being open like this for too long was never a good idea.
Re: After the End

"Hey!" Beryl protested to Blip. "So my hair needs a trim, what about it?" He could see, however, that Blip didn't mean to offend him and was just acting according to its nature. "Anyway, what do you want to do while we wait for her?" Then a thought came to his mind. "Would she like it if I cooked her supper?"
Re: After the End

Blip didn't even think that anything she had said could have possibly been offensive. She had yet to learn any of the little thing called tact. Her words were meant not to offend, but to improve. She liked Beryl, but thought someone who looked like they were wearing a rather badly home made costume wasn't going to impress Meredith. Still, the one track mind of the child-like blob was quickly changed from this topic to that of the promise of food." I dunno about Merry, but I'd like if you made dinner, at least. I'm hungry!!"
Re: After the End

The awful pressure that Swirl was worried about didn't come, though.
After a second, he carefully opened one eye. The Lairon had stopped. It had missed.
Refraining from jumping excitedly in his unbelievable luck, he acted of his own accord again, squirting a stream of water at it. He felt glad now, certain that the Water Gun would hit its target.
Re: After the End

Lairon felt the water. It hurt, on a pokemon such as himself, water almost had a burning sensation. He roared in pain, and when the water finally stopped, He felt drained, yes, but not so much that he couldn't strike back. Larion raised his front leg, and then smacked it back down onto the ground. The whole Gym began to shake, the ground rose up in pieces. The Earthquake was over quickly, but the ground was no longer flat, but a maze of rock and upturned ground. Still, the question remained.
"Where are you, little tadpole?"
Re: After the End

(jumping ahead then)

The pokemon center was positivly charged with the energy our merry band of travellers were putting out. Blip was attempting to "just look" at Thorn's shiny new badge, Meredith(And the glittering Dratini, Natalie, around her neck) was sitting with Beryl and Cal in the middle of the room., trying to work out what supplies were immediatly needed, Quilava was using her flames to cook the meal of the day to an appealing tempurature, while Staro seemed to be taking another nap in one of the chairs. Jeremiah sat on top of what used to be the check-in desk for the Pokemon Center. Pokemon were bustling about, trying to get everything together. Finally the sorting was done. The supplies were divided, the food stored, the maps figured out as best as were possible, thanks to Serena's communications with the sun.

"Okay. The plan's the same as before. We'll set out for Sinnoh, stopping at the bits of land that should be here, here, here, and here. Once we arrive, we'll set out on climbing it. That part of the plan still leaves much to be desired. We leave tommorow. The only question is.... Will you all still come with me? Keeping in mind... we might not be coming back from this trip?"

It was said to the group.

It was meant for Beryl.

The whole group seemed to fall silent at once, save Blip, who was cheering, as she had finally taken the Badge as her "treasure"
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