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After the End (ended, due to inactivity)

Re: After the End

Blip focused on where they wanted to be, in her minds eye, she saw them, only a few hours from the first island on their journey. She pulled at parts of the mind of Ralts, to find how to pull everyone with her, and to make sure they all arrived safely, without disturbing any of their protection. She pulled, and felt an odd sensation, like her whole body was being charged with electricity, while being sucked into itself. She closed her eyes... Whirling, all around her, while light whizzed by, in the microsecond between the jump, She felt the inbetween distance rush past. Suddenly, they were there, the cluster of islands visible on the horizon.

"Merry... I did... it". With that, Blip transformed back, and fell into a deep sleep. Meredith took out the aged Ultra Ball, and withdrew Blip.
"It's okay... you did wonderfully... Serena, we're right on course, right?"
Re: After the End

"...Whoa," said Thorn as the landscape suddenly changed. "That was weird. I thought it would feel like, you know, Apparating in Harry Potter or something."
Re: After the End

Serena was a little disorientated, but nevertheless she threw her head back and looked back to the sun. Her red jewel flashed, and she sat perfectly still for a few moments. She turned her head to Meredith. "We are," she said, finding it hard to hide her relief, "When should we next Teleport?"
Re: After the End

Ferien clapped his hands happily. "I want to do that one day!" he exclaimed. Beryl petted him on the head, then returned him. The little Ralts was the only one of either him or his Pokemon that was not woozy. Atalanta had to lie down to avoid falling off the Lapras, Calydon just hunched up and Beryl put a hand to his head.

"I'm as ready as I'll ever be to keep going," he said weakly.
Re: After the End

"Not for a while...we just got side effects, Blip had to go through pulling us all with her, she needs a good long rest before we can try that again. Best thing now is to just sail to that island."
With that, she threw up, over the side of Lapras. He was not pleased.

"If you are all going to get sick on me, I'm throwing you off into the water."
Re: After the End

The first Island on the map was a much needed blessing after Blip's teleportation. After laying out the sleeping bag's, and letting the pokemon get some fresh air, the group huddled around a fire maintained by Quilava. Meredith was right against Beryl, enjoying was was probably one of the more cozy times they had been allowed since leaving her cabin... It all seemed so long ago, She thought of the horribly affected Castform she had named Monstrosity, the Grimer, who had rescued Quilava, and by extention her. She hoped it was happy with the children back in Celadon... the ruined city, depressing as it was to see poverty at it's worst, still held feelings of home to Meredith. She thought of the amazing battle between her and the President who had given her Lapras, allowing them to attempt this insane, impossible journey. She thought of the trainers who had passed through their lives. The thief, in particular, made her wonder, the one who had considered robbing a man of his only source of funds, and thus, food. And then, of course, of Staro...the brave Kadabra, who had given everything, just to help people he had barely known for months.

"Guys...in case this doesn't work... I want you all to know... you are the best friends I have every had.. I love you all like family...Whatever happens, I'll never forget everything you've all done for me."

Scizor stood, off to the side, the eternal knight, repenting for his sins. He watched Claw, Watched the Spheals as they happily rolled about. He wondered if they really had any idea of what was going on, how much danger they were in. He watched Lady Meredith, to whom he owed the chance at redemption, not to mention food, care, and loyalty. He felt strongly about the girl, and knew that he would defend her until his last breath.
Re: After the End

Beryl held Milanda close. He wasn't used to being so close to someone, but he hoped to be given the chance to get used to it. It seemed like it had been forever since he had last hugged his parents. He wondered what it was like where they were. He had a feeling that whatever it was, he wouldn't be able to understand it.

Calydon and Atalanta curled up together on the shore, closer to the water than the fire. Beryl had let out Ferien and Parth for the night, and their child was between them, Ferien being with his master. The two Eeveelutions surveyed the group from their removed place. Even after all the time that had passed, they were still uncertain about how to be with other Pokemon without putting on the prissy airs they had been taught. In the end, it was usually the cavorting of the younger members of the crew that pulled them out of their shells. Both of them had very stong parenting instincts that did not end at their own child.

Neither of Beryl's baby Pokemon was thinking about anything at all. Within ten minutes of being released, both of them had fallen asleep.
Re: After the End

[OBJECTION. I mean, uh, nope, no objections. Looking forward to the action! Let's go...]
Re: After the End

Meredith felt the wind rushing past her, miles and miles of ocean zooming by faster than she could register. When she came out of it, the usual nausousness was completly overridden by other feelings.




"I... I..."

It was as the clone of Mew had said. Two twisting towers of rock, thousands of miles high, even straining her neck, she could not see how high they truely reached. But what happened at the point where they met was obvious. A huge black, blue, and purple vortex, swirling in the sky. Clouds drew towards it, and were sucked in. Even Meredith herself felt like her body was struggling to keep itself on the back of Lapras, like it was being pulled by some great magnetism. Along the rock, were sights that defied logic. Trees, and plantlife growing, and dying, again and again, in a matter of seconds, on the towers of rock. The ghosts of every being that had lived on Sinnoh seemed to be screaming, and though it was silent, she covered her ears, trying to block out what may only have been illusions. She knew what had happened here. It was here, that the world was broken, dealt a grevious wound. It was here where Legendary pokemon abused their responsibility to maintain the worlds balance. Meredith wondered, what were the thoughts of those who had seen the terrifying battle... what did her parents think, before, like everyone else, they were killed.

"Is... Is this... real? It doesn't feel right..."
Re: After the End

Blaze, who had been let out earlier by Thorn, whimpered and laid his small ears against his skull.

"I hate this place..." he whispered. "It's... I can feel them... Hear them... But they're not there... I don't want..."

Thorn kept her fright inside of her long enough to ask, albeit in a shaky, whispery voice like Blaze's, "How do we climb up?"
Re: After the End

As they sailed ever closer to the twisting towers of rock, the pulling sensation became worse and worse.
"I've got a bad feeling about this. I feel like I'm going to be pulled up into that thing." Lapras spoke up.
"That would serve our purposes, wouldn't it? We're trying to get there anyways, so, why not just let it take us?" It was an insane idea, but also the only way they were likely to be able to climb these towers. Meredith looked Beryl right in the eyes, and nodded, sure that this was the right thing to do. She closed her eyes, and stopped resisting. Stopped trying to stay on solid ground. She rose into the air. Her feet now dangled just above Lapras' back.
"It's...working". Blip, however, wasn't so sure of the safety of letting her friend float into some reality-bending sphere.
"Merry! Please! Don't!"
"It's the only way. Everyone, we've got to let this thing pull us in. What other option is there?"
Re: After the End

((I must've forgotten about her, but my plan was to actually have the Skarmory join my team :X Guess I forgot to put that and that her name was Fury... Let's just assume I did for this post))

"No, no, no, I'm not going!" stammered the Growlithe as he felt the pull, fighting against it with all his strength.

Thorn wordlessly recalled him, hoping it would comfort him that he didn't have to experience it, and she, too, let the pull take over her body.

"Holy crap!" she shouted when she went into the air. Even though she was only a few inches up, it was creepy to be hovering in midair, and Thorn had a bad fear of heights.

"Can't we just fly?" she asked histerically. "I mean, I have Fury, Blip can transform into her, and I think they can carry two people at a time. That would account for all... all four of us," she said, sadly remembering how their number had decreased.

((I actually find it quite hilarious that the Skarmory is the only one that can fly and carry people between us all ^^ Cloud doesn't count because my plan hasn't been put into action yet. And also a question. When we get up there, will we be attacked instantly or will there be time for a bit of recovery and a pep talk thing?))
Re: After the End

(Bit of a rest, but not quite what you may be expecting. We're entering the 'End Game', I'm afraid, in case you haven't figured that out. Long post ahead.)

Meredith took a deep breath, and withdrew Blip.
"Okay... I'm going to withdraw Lapras... We'd better go, now". And she took out the Master Ball, and aimed it at Lapras. The red light engulfed him, and then, they were all floating, with nothing holding them up.
"This is probably one of the more... unnatural things we've done..."
She took one more deep breath, trying to gather all the courage she could. Eyes still closed, she whispered,
"Beryl. I love you". She let herself go, and was pulled up, she heard gasps of shock, as the others rose behind her. Meredith counted.... She would pass through soon... What would the home of a God look like? Could she even comprehend it?

She passed through the portal. As she fell upwards, she felt herself spin, and twirl, and do several OTHER things, that she couldn't even put her finger on. Finally, it stopped, and she was on her side, laying on something warm. She cracked open her eyes, just a bit. Green and Blue. She was... laying in Grass? On a sunny day?

"Beryl? Cal? Thorn? Anyone?" She instinctivly reached for her belt, to release her pokemon. The Pokeballs were all gone.
"Where did everyone go? Where did *I* go?". Meredith looked around, unsure of her surroundings.
"What... the". Around her, were the buildings of her small town. So small it wasn't even on the map of Sinnoh. The whole town, perfectly recreated, except for the lack of people, and the fact that, in random places, the air shimmered, like light reflecting off crystal clear water.
"Where.. am I?"


Scizor awoke, in the hide-out of his old trainer.
'This place... Where I watched so many die... where I could have saved them'
As soon as he finished the thought, A couple appeared in front of him. Their features distorted, and whenever Scizor tried to focus on them, his eyes slid away from their faces. From all around, came a voice of his nightmares.
"Tell me, insect. These lovely people have been missing payments. Do bad people like this deserve freedom. Just say the word, and they'll go free. Of course, you'll take their punishment. Someone has to suffer afterall. So what do you say, worm"? Scizor put himself in front of the couple.
"I say... I will not let you take these people away from those who they love, who love them. I say. This stops."


A Poke Ball, Ultra Ball, and Master Ball floated in nothingness, watched by the God of Pokemon.
Re: After the End

Beryl held Meredith's hand as long as he could while floating up, trying not to betray the immense panic he felt. In his other arm, he gripped Calydon and Atalanta, the only two Pokemon he kept out regularly. He was no match for the disorientation of the strange gravity, however, and it didn't take long for all three to drift away from him. He was still groping for them when he passed through the portal and fainted from the spinning.


Before he was even fully conscious, Jupiter realized two things: that he was no longer in the orb in Beryl's backpack and that he was not alone. He started up, and found that his mounting worry was unwarranted; he was lying on the voluminuous bedsheets of the master bedroom in the Evolius mansion. He was at the feet of his aging master and curled up with his mate. Suddenly, pangs of miserable loss washed over him. This couldn't be real. He'd lost both of them that night only a year past. Hadn't he? Or had it all been a bad dream, just a figment that seemed like endless mourning? No, it was now that he was sleeping. Jupiter growled to himself, annoyed that his mind would betray him with the images of his pain. He flopped down on the bed and waited to wake up again.


"Hey! HEY!" a voice called.

Beryl groaned and sat up. His head hurt; it felt like he'd been off balance for a long time. "Urgh," he declared, and it was then that his eyes shot open.

His voice shouldn't be that high. The green-haired youth held his hands up to his face and gawped. Perfectly manicured fingernails graced each limb, and a navy-coloured jacket slid down his arms a bit from the movement. The sight of the coat made his heart pound painfully. He'd only worn this uniform for a week, and he'd taken care of his gross nails on the sixth night.

"Are you high? Lunch is starting soon, if you have to sleep, wait until then," the young boy at the desk beside him whispered.

"This is the West Hoenn School For Boys, isn't it?" Beryl asked.

"Yeah," the boy replied.

Beryl swallowed. He thought of Meredith, Cal, Thorn, and his Pokemon and hoped fervently that they were all right. His girlfriend's last "I love you" still echoed in his ears. The fact that he had not had the opportunity to answer back filled him with a bit of strength. He had to prove to her that he was worth her time. Maybe he could change what had transpired this day when he was twelve. When the bell rang, he stood up solemnly and went outside.
Re: After the End

Clutching Pablo and Serena close to his sides, Cal stared up at the rapidly approaching vortex above them. When they were mere feet away, he closed his eyes and buried his hands into Serena's warm, violet fur and Pablo's matted beige coat, but as he sunk into the swirling darkness he felt the Espeon at his right disappear. Thinking she had fallen, he twisted in the air and reached out to grab her, but his hands grasped at nothing. He swiped throguh the air, trying to find her forked tail or a slender paw, but she had gone.


Serena awoke in the shadow of a large tree. She opened her eyes and took a step forward into the silent woodland, but she stumbled and fell, her head being cushioned by a cream-coloured mane - a mane she lost a long time ago. Fearfully, she raised her head, which felt much heavier than it should have done, to the bright sun in the sky, and tried to speak to it. With all her mental power she cried out, asking the sun to answer, but there was nothing. She looked around and saw a stream rushing past nearby. She wondered over and gazed into the cool, running water, and saw not a whiskered, violet face with dark purple eyes, but the round, brown head of an Eevee, black eyes gazing sorrowfully back at her.

What was going on?

She turned on the spot. She was back home. Back in the forest. And if she was here... that meant...

Unsteadily, Serena slowly walked over to the tree, gazing into the large gap between the roots. Nestled there, in a blanket of warm leaves, was an egg.

"Flake..." she whispered.


When Cal regained conciousness, he too found himself in a perfectly still, silent place. He sat up slowly, and heard a familiar, groaning cry from next to him. He turned and saw Pablo, spread-eagled on the ground, awake but dizzy. Cal smiled - at least Pablo was still with him. He stood up shakily and observed his surroundings. He was standing on a grassy cliff , about ten feet from the edge. Beyond the cliff was the endless sea, crashing against the rocks below and slowly rocking to and fro, but making no sound. This was the place - the very place he had been when he captured his second Pokémon, Balloon.

His hand flew to his belt - but all his Pokéballs had disappeared, even Pablo's.

"What... where is everyone?" he asked the salty air. "That portal... where did it take us?"

He fell to his knees and watched the noiseless sea...
Re: After the End

Meredith looked around the town. Not a single person. Everyone she had grown up with was gone. Even in this re-created town, she would never see her parents again. More pressing was the question of what had become of her new friends. Cal, Thorn, and her beloved Beryl. Day and night moved quickly, or perhaps time was irrelevant. All she knew was, after some time, Pokemon started to appear. All the pokemon she had known to wander around her home. Bidoof and Starly, mostly, but occasionally something else would wander nearby.
"Where did you come from?" she would ask any pokemon that wandered nearby. They wouldn't respond. Were they even real?

One day, or night, or something, A pokeball appeared at her waist. She held it up, examining it in the light. It was brand new, and when she opened it.
"Quilava!" Meredith knelt down, and hugged the pokemon tightly.
"You're safe... you're okay... Where's everyone else? Blip, Scizor, Lapras... Beryl?"
"I don't know. But Merry! We made it.. we just need to figure out how to get to everyone. You need to figure out why you are here!"

Neither of them saw, that, through a piece of shimmering light, Scizor was confronting his own demons.


"I've taken each and every punishment, and I will tell you again, this ends!"
Scizor was screaming at a voice he could not see, angered that each time he saved someone, he felt no better, and people still were dragged in, their facelessness not at all lowering their crying, screaming, and pleading.
"You don't live forever. In less than a year, this building comes crashing down, your fat body crushed under-"

Scizor was suddenly outside, in Saffron city. Buildings fell around him, the sky cracked with lighting. He was running. Avoiding it as huge pieces of rock fell.
'What is going on? Why am I here, now, again?"
He saw that fateful couple. Cal's parents. He saw bits of him, in them, the look of their faces, their eyes. He saw the rock fall. Tried to pull them out again. 4 seconds. 'I can do it!' 3 seconds. 'I won't let them go!' 2 seconds. 'He needs them.... But.. he survived without them... He doesn't need this to change, as much as I want it to... the world... will remain.." The rock fell, this time, with Scizor under it as well.

Scizor awoke, again. He 'saw' something beyond vision. He spoke to it.
"Have I passed your test, God of Pokemon? They all will. We've fought too hard not to win."
Re: After the End

Thorn woke up.

She was in a small town in Kanto. The very town where she had been born and raised. The one where she had met Blaze, her first Pokemon, who had been a pet before she started training. The place she had been when the world had ended.

The streets were empty. No children were laughing and playing, no cars went by. It was obviously nighttime, but there was no stars, no moon. Just a black cover over the earth, with nothing but lampposts to light the town.

It was winter, too. There was snow on the ground, but it didn't sparkle in the light of the lamps. It was also like a blanket, but white rather than black. There were, however, footprints in the snow, leading to a place half a block away.

She followed them with her eyes, and saw a tiny Growlithe, walking the street and whimpering. It was Blaze, she recognized. She remembered this time, the time when Blaze had been playing happily in the snow and gotten lost.

But she could see Blaze beside her, too.

He was looking up at Thorn with round, confused eyes, wordlessly asking what was going on.

"I don't know," she said in answer.

She felt at the belt she wore for two reasons: because her pants were too big and to hold her Poke Balls. There were no Poke Balls, though.

She was more worried about this now than the two whining puppies and their odd surroundings. She was sure that most of them could take care of themselves. She was more worried about the ones who weren't usually as serious, or had some kind of problem. Swirl, who was just a baby, all out on his own... Blip, so energetic and careless... And Claw, with no Scizor or anyone else to watch her, would she run away?

She started to run, thinking while doing that. It was calming to feel the cold air whip across her face, for some reason. The Blaze who could see her followed, the younger one in the past did not notice them at all, and they made no footprints.

She looked up, realizing that she was at her home. Her feet had trodden the path so many times, they could subconciously follow it, even when her brain was thinking of other things. Thorn tested the doorknob; it was unlocked. She pushed open the door, wondering what would be inside.


No one was there. Her parents were gone, along with every bit of furniture. The hardwood floors and carpets had obviously once been pretty, enjoyable to walk on and look at. Now they were covered with dust, and cobwebs hung in every corner.

She walked up the stairs to her room, dusting aside a few cobwebs that had long ago been abandoned. She pushed open the door just like she had with the front one, and unlike the other rooms, this one was still in brand-new condition. There was a single object lying in the middle of the floor, something she had spent quite a bit of allowance money on but had foolishly forgotten at home, only remembering it after she was already far away.

A Fire Stone.

She had always planned to use it for Blaze eventually, but never got around to it, even when she sometimes came home. Thorn had always liked him as a Growlithe, and he liked himself as a Growlithe, too.

But now the one that was with her began to pad forward, hesitantly at first, then more confident with each step. Thorn had never realized how mature he looked now, compared to the poor puppy on the street. And when he spoke, his voice was much deeper than the squeak it had been.

"I'm ready."

He took the last step needed, and bent down to touch the Fire Stone with his nose. The shiny gleam of it took over him now, and he was glowing. He was getting bigger, his mane fluffing out, his tail getting longer. Thorn felt nostalgic for a few seconds. Her first Pokemon had grown up, she realized. The others aren't far... and then it's my turn.

The glow faded, and the Fire Stone sunk into the carpet, looking like any ordinary gray rock now, except for the flame symbol still on its surface. Blaze looked far from the dull appearance of the stone now. He still seemed to radiate, almost. He now looked bigger, more adult, than the Growlithe Thorn had come to love.

"I feel... powerful," he said, his voice now even deeper, almost a growl, and he dashed around the room at speeds he could've never managed before, then breathed a flame that was noticably larger and hotter than any he had ever made. "I think...

"Maybe we have a real chance at saving the world now.

"Not just a hope. A possibility."
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