• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?



New member
Hello or should I say 'ello everyone!

Morizuno here :)!

I have been into competitive battling since the day I was born(not really) and I hope to have some fun battling here =D I am also experienced in splicing, as I have been doing it for a couple of months now!

I am on a bunch of other sites, namely TPT and smogon!

My name is Mori, yes I am asian, and I am a friend of Laure whom told me to join here >__>

Hallo once again >=D
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Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies, where we throw British tea off ships and let cods eat it.

Heeey splicing. I used to do splicing. Now I mainly fake and suck, but it makes me remember the good old days when I couldn't sprite for sh*t.
Welcome Morizuno! You can enjoy all the plant beverages you want here, unless the cods steal it. ¡Maldito seas, tiburones loco!

All I can say is that you better be ready to make some brilliant friends.
Hey. What's up? I'm Blastoise, resident lazy-spriter and good-nighter.

Welcome to tCoD, where the dragonflies are as big as the hugs. Which are large.
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