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World of Glass
Anybody here heard of them/like them? I was actually recommended them a while ago by a friend, and let's just say I've never doubted said friend since. I never thought I would find myself liking this kind of music, but holy crap, I think Angelspit has opened up the entire world of industrial/ebm/electronic music for me.

They have lots of free mp3s on their site. If you want to try them out, check out 100%, Wreak Havoc, or A La Mode, A La Mort... all from Krankhaus, which is now one of my favorite albums. So yeah. Definitely worth checking out.
I don't like people rapping to the kind of music you can make by fake-spitting into your cupped hands, though I don't mean to discourage more AKsuggestions.
I listened to 100%, Vena Cava and Wreak Havoc. All of them sounded very much like a form of rapping, to me (at least as much as some mallcore bands have rapped lyrics). Perhaps you have a different definition of rap, etc. And thanks for not getting mad, my post is worded a bit unnecessarily caustic, and I don't like to promote beatdowns on other people's likes :/
I'm more confused than anything. Sure, it's not exactly classically-influenced opera, but it's certainly not rapping. A lot of modern music is leaning more towards talking than singing, but it's still singing nonetheless. Maybe A La Mode, A La Mort could change your mind? I dunno. But it's definitely not rapping, although there are lots of ebm acts that include rapping.

Also, Vena Cava is probably their worst song; I'm really sorry you had to sit through it. XD
Guys rapping can be done tastefully. Case in point: Pain of Salvation.

I have never heard of these guys and am not a big industrial fan (unless it's industrial rock/metal).
A lot of people consider Angelspit industrial rock, too, but I personally don't. Yeah, their songs all have a guitar and drums, but it's way to synthetic to be called "rock", I think. But they can definitely be a very heavy band.
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