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Another New User Who You Probably Have No Desire To Meet


New member
Hello everyone!

My name is NightWings- though you can easily call me Night. Just not 'Wings,' 'kay?
I am a grammar freak and will likely sound like Charles Dickens half the time, unless I use 'lol'- which happens alot. lol
I'm not quite new to the Pokemon fandom, when I was around 9 or 10 I was rather obsessed with it- I would write Mary-Sue self-insert comics that I didn't realize a) they wren't even funny and b) my character was really, really, really x one million mary-sue. And I didn't even know what a Mary-Sue was.
ANYWAYS, I kind of like to go off on tangems such as this, and... yeah. As I was saying, I'm not quite new to this fandom, but I really need to start watching more of the anime and purchasing games- I, erm, have never played a Pokemon game before. *ducks to avoid being killed by half the fandom*

After this long ramble about nothing in particular... HI!
I love using TCoC and reading Butterfree's awesome writing style about all sorts of things. I'm a random person, and so is she. XD I also had a dream of living in Iceland when I grew up. This is, before I realized they spoke Icelandic and not English, as their main language. *is all nostalgic about memories of Kindergarten*
I've found the secret link without cheating (by random clicking, I might add. lol) Still stuck on the Code game. :(
Um, I meant to end this post a long, long time ago, so I will. *heh heh*
Thanks for reading!
Hi! Nice to meet'cha! I'm Superbird, this forum's main resident bird enthusiast. Can I get you some refreshments? Some...tea and cod, maybe? Or perhaps you would like some coffee and salmon a bit more.

Anyhoo, could you look to your left for me, real quick? Yeah, that's the Anime-style battling forum over there. As I'm assuming when you say you're not new to the fandom but you haven't played the games you mean you've played various simulators, in which case ASB is absolutely perfect for you. You should totally check it out.

I really do hope to see you around the forums. Ciao!
Hallo, I'm I liek Squirtles! I'm the resident Squirtle enthusiast. Call me Squirtles, ILS, etc etc. I, like you, am a grammar freak. There's ASB, Safari Zone, Mafia, and a whole bunch of other stuff you would like. So, quieres bacalao y té? Hope you have a great time here!
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