• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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Another quiet night, another forum?~

O: But ofcourse I've read Mike's comic, Awesomesauce on Epicburritos~ x3 Ehehehehe~

And wow at still getting replies normally intro threads die a terrible death and sink into the void of OHAI in like half an hour flat. o.o Yeeee~ Thanks everyone for greetings and such~ ^^

Hello! Wee, dragons rule! ^^

OMG And especially Flygon Eeeeek~ O: Screw Garchomp and Salamence, just look at how cool Flygon is, eh wears sunglasses over goggles and doesn't afraid of anything~


<3 Best dragon especially~

Although story being my old username.. I chose it when I was 8.. xD I needed a name for like.. a Nickolodeon site to collect Invader Zim e-cards or summat.. I barely remember. Either way, reading a book about dragons, plus being born in 1990, = terribad name Dragon90. :3
Not that I don't lurve dragons, but the name is baaaaad but I can't seem to get a true creative new one. xD So 10 years later...
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