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HG/SS Another team, come on...


They always fall for the eyes!
Ok, this is my new team. I've been using it on Shoddy, and I think I'm going to train it on the games. But before I do that, I want your opinions. So please, all posts welcome!

Machamp @ Lum Berry
Adamant 240 HP/248 Att/16 SpD/4 Spe
Dynamic Punch
Bullet Punch
Ice Punch

Machamp is the best anti lead in the metagame. It can beat almost every conventional lead. Its not uncommon for me to beat a second, or even a third pokemon. Gengar expecting a OHKO fail, and then get beaten by Payback.

Weavile @ Choice Band
Jolly 40 HP/252 Att/216 Spe
Ice Shard
Low Kick
Ice Punch

Weavile is an effective revenge killer, with its great attack and speed. It can beat all dragons, barring Kingdra, and traps Celebi. It can OHKO Tyranitar (as long as it isn’t holding a Chople Berry…) with Low Kick, even with max HP and Defense. Ice Punch is there for a stronger STAB move.

Gyarados @ Life Orb
Adamant 252 Att/4 Def/252 Spe
Dragon Dance
Stone Edge

Gyarados works great in tandem with Heatran. It can switch in on the incoming Ground type move, Dance on the switch, and sweep.

Heatran @ Choice Scarf
Naïve 4 Att/252 SpA/252 Spe
Fire Blast
Earth Power
Dragon Pulse

Heatran can be used as a great special attacker. I like to use it to create opportunites for Gyarados, as well as an attacker. It can hit unexpectedly on a switch to a dragon to resist Fire Blast with Dragon Pulse, and then beat it next turn.

Starmie @ Life Orb
Timid 4 HP/252 SpA/252 Spe
Hydro Pump
Ice Beam
Rapid Spin

On this team, it is a good idea to have a spinner. Starmie works good here because it fulfills its position as a spinner, and also fits into this team of heavy hitters. It can beat most sweepers, and heavily dent the ones it can’t beat.

Shaymin @ Choice Specs
Modest 4 HP/252 SpA/252 Spe
Seed Flare
Earth Power
Air Slash
Hidden Power Fire

Ok, I know a lot of people don’t like Shaymin, but I found it was a good special sweeper. It can hit most rock, ground, and bulky waters for a 1 or 2HKO. It also has a bit of surprise factor, too. Not many people will be pleased when their Heatran or Scizor is KO'd with Earth Power or HP Fire.
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the thing about Machamp's reason in competitive is that, while placing Gengar first expecting to take one of the OHKO attacks because he is immune to most of them is that most people ban OHKO moves in the first place. Other than that I think Machamp looks fine except Bullet Punch is a steel-type move, and I've been told that steel isn't a good offensive type. Bad coverage, probably. Give him Stone Edge or something to that effect.

Weavile, I probably would have put the Expert Belt on him, and you probably won't run into the berry problem.

Gyarados. Firstly, maybe Aqua Tail over Waterfall. More power for a small bit of reliability. I think it's worth it.

Nothing looks wrong with Heatran.

You definitely want a different move than Hydro Pump for a water-type move on Starmie, unless you want to majorly rely on Gyarados for that.

I don't know a lot about Shaymin... maybe (but I wouldn't really know) you want a move other than Seed Flare for him, though, unless it has high pp, I'm too lazy to check.

I might be wrong about some of this, but I'm still getting into this whole "critiquing" thing.
Let me clarify, Zachrinian. What I meant to say was, the move fails to OHKO me, like shadow ball only doing 80% of my HP, and then payback beats gengar.
Also, I use Waterfall over aqua tail because 1) I don't like the low accruacy, especially with all those pokemon set up to beat gyarados, and 2) I like the flinch rate. The choice band on weavile serves a different purpose than expert belt. Band is better used for revenge killing, while belt doesnt work as well with this set, because band will make moves strong regardless, while it has to be super effective for expert belt to work, as well as the fact as it doesnt power up as much.
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Did you spell my name with an h? strange.

I was unaware bullet punch was a priority move. that works for me.

That's ok, too. I was mostly pointing things out.
Gyarados. Firstly, maybe Aqua Tail over Waterfall. More power for a small bit of reliability. I think it's worth it.

Umm... Waterfall is pretty much Gyarados's signature move. He is the Best Waterfall user in the game. Combine the stab and massive attack with a chance of flinch. I rarely see a competitive tean that wants to be taken seriously that has Aqua Tail over Waterfall.

And if I were you, I'd replace Starmie's Hydro Pump for Surf. Better reliabilty and more PP. But it is your choice really.
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