• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

    Guests are not able to post messages or even read certain areas of the forums. Now, that's boring, don't you think? Registration, on the other hand, is simple, completely free of charge, and does not require you to give out any personal information at all. As soon as you register, you can take part in some of the happy fun things at the forums such as posting messages, voting in polls, sending private messages to people and being told that this is where we drink tea and eat cod.

    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Apparently posting here is a requirement or something


So yeah, filler post here.

Filler text explaining who I am and what I do and stuff you really honestly couldn't care less about.

I'll probably hang around mostly in the ASB section, because to be honest that's the main reason I'm here.

Hope to see you around - unless you're the "annoying header" at the top of my page.

Yes that is a eerie smiling face advertising Colgate as my avatar.

EDIT: Annoying header why must you do this to me
So yeah, filler post here.

Filler text explaining who I am and what I do and stuff you really honestly couldn't care less about.

I'll probably hang around mostly in the ASB section, because to be honest that's the main reason I'm here.

Hope to see you around - unless you're the "annoying header" at the top of my page.

Yes that is a eerie smiling face advertising Colgate as my avatar.

EDIT: Annoying header why must you do this to me
If you reply to this post and tell me that I'm hot, the header will go away!
Did you know that the woman named Jenka had a younger brother? His name was Ballos. And like his sister he possessed magical teeth whitening powers that no man had.
Did you know that the woman named Jenka had a younger brother? His name was Ballos. And like his sister he possessed magical teeth whitening powers that no man had.

He used his whitening powers to help and guide people, and the people loved and trusted him in return. Even more than they did their own king...

The jealous, yellow-toothed king had Ballos apprehended and thrown in prison, where his teeth hygine became unwashed and cruel. Humans can be terrible creatures indeed...

Under the extreme cruelty of the torture, Ballos's whitening abilities finally ran wild. The king's teeth was engulfed in the swirl of magic and destroyed in an instant. In a single night, the kingdom that Ballos so loved was reduced to a pile of teeth, because they are the only part of the body that can survive a fire, apparently.

Jenka, seeing her brother's madness, confined him to this floating island. That was the most she could do. Even as he was, she could not bring herself to perform dental practise her own brother...

It was Jenka's daughter Misery who made Ballos create the Colgate Natural Pro-White Toothpaste. She was subsequently cursed by the toothpaste, forced to clean the teeth of all who use it. If the toothpaste is destroyed, the curse is lifted.


Even if the Colgate Natural Pro-White Toothpaste is destroyed, it will only refill again every time, so long as Ballos yet lives. Such is the strength of his soul that permeates the Colgate Natural Pro-White Toothpaste.
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Huh, so you registered! Welcome to the cave of dragonflies! Or more accurately, welcome to ASB, I guess. I would offer you some tea and cod but I think you have plenty of tea and I'm not sure if you like fish.
Huh, so you registered! Welcome to the cave of dragonflies! Or more accurately, welcome to ASB, I guess. I would offer you some tea and cod but I think you have plenty of tea and I'm not sure if you like fish.

I am British.

On the conditions it's a chippy, I like fish.

I like any other fish, too. I'm not picky.

Unless it's sandwiches.

I am a productive member of society.
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