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Apps to Recommend


An extremely equivalent exchange.
As the recent owner of a new Android Smartphone, with Apps like The Google Goggles, Skymap, Amazon Kindle and Soundhound, I pose the question: what other Apps would you recommend?

Because tCoD is just a bunch of awesome people with awesome things to share with other awesome people.
The free Tetris app is pretty awesome, as is Fruit Ninja Frenzy. The official YouTube app is pretty solid, too. I just got mine myself though.
Dātura;584250 said:
Yes, they do. This is mostly games (which I'm not that interested in) but thanks!

The free Tetris app is pretty awesome, as is Fruit Ninja Frenzy. The official YouTube app is pretty solid, too. I just got mine myself though.

Oh god Tretris. The nostalgia. I am getting this app just for the nostalgia. I remember the good old days, when I was six...[/sigh]

The "I am rich" app.

Don't actually buy it though.

So six people have that on their phones right now.
I wonder, if we could make a conceptually similar app to pay for the assassins who would kill anyone who bought it, how much better would the world be overnight?
What apps you use also depend on what you need in your daily life - we can't just suggest apps because we can't target them. :)
Dātura;584368 said:
There isn't a single game listed there. I don't know what you're talking about.

Checked it up again, and yes, that is exactly the kind of thing I was looking for. I have a few of these already, in fact.

Originally, it took me to a Reddit list with apps like a Basketball Game and Angry Birds listed. I mean, I don't even know. Maybe I clicked another link on that site without noticing or...I don't even know.
Oh, heh. That's my fault. I have two lists bookmarked and accidentally linked to the reddit post at first. My apologies.
Dātura;584762 said:
Oh, heh. That's my fault. I have two lists bookmarked and accidentally linked to the reddit post at first. My apologies.

Oh, well. That's good. I'm not going insane. Or, at least, I can take this off the list of things that probably mean I'm insane.
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