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Arylett Dawnsborough vs. Mai


Well, it's been a while hasn't it?
Just a really short battle for experience, nothing to see here.

1vs1 single
DQ: Five days
Damage Cap: None
Banned Moves: OHKO's, direct heals (chills allowed).
Arena: Mt. Chimney/Jagged Pass

This battle takes place on both routes; description can be found here and here. Basically, it's a rocky terrain; ashen filled grass can be found on the Jagged Pass, where the battle starts. The trees and such are also covered with soot, and there is little to no water unless provided with a move like rain dance.

Speaking of soot, doesn't there have to be side effects from battling and breathing in volcanic ash? Why yes! Spending time in the burnt up grass or doing other things (determined at ref's discretion) can cause a number of side effects. There's about a 25% chance of it occuring when you do such dangerous things, and the effects include but are not limited to:

A 25% chance of getting lightly confused.
A 20% chance of getting lightly poisoned.
A 15% chance of getting mildly confused.
A 15% chance of getting mildly poisoned.
A 10% chance of wasting an action coughing (like a flinch).
A 10% chance of rustling up the ash and smoke, causing the effect of smokescreen upon all pokemon.
A 5% chance of getting both mildly confused and lightly poisoned.

Up at the volcano, where the problematic substance is given off, the chance of such things happening is a flat 25% each round. If it is determined that it will occur to a pokemon, the action in which it will happen is randomized.

Pokemon native to Hoenn use 1% less energy per action, unless that would make the energy cost of a move zero. Pokemon found on the Jagged Pass use 2% less energy per action (this does not stack with the Hoenn bonus and has the same rules) and have the chances of being affected by the ash lowered to 15%. Poison type pokemon are obviously immune to the ash's effects.

Other: Only fully unevolved pokemon may participate; single stage lines are banned.

Arylett Dawnsborough's Eligible Active Squad

Novale the Male Growlithe
Ability: Intimidate
Item: Fire Stone
More info...


Paine the Female Treecko
Ability: Overgrow
More info...


Auralasia the Female Poochyena
Ability: Quick Feet
More info...


Blitzhupe the Male Mareep
Ability: Static
More info...


Alterra the Female Zigzagoon
Ability: Pickup
More info...


Vivastos the Male Spraylet
Ability: Torrent
More info...


Celestia the Female Ponyta
Ability: Flash Fire
Item: Sun Stone
Body Modification: Large Wings
More info...


Nuvalel the Female Babydrake
Ability: Serene Grace
Item: Leaf Stone
More info...

Mai's Eligible Active Squad


Mafia Roleblocker the Female Ralts
Ability: Trace
More info...


Mafia Lover the Female Cyndaquil
Ability: Blaze
More info...


Mafia Silencer the Male Deino
Ability: Hustle
More info...


Mafia Terrorist the Male Oshawott
Ability: Torrent
More info...


Mafia Yakuza the Male Spoink
Ability: Thick Fat
More info...

The almighty RNG says:

-Mai sends out
-Arylett sends out and attacks
-Mai attacks
-I ref
Mafia Yakuza go!

I think I'll actually be referring to you as Yakuza; Petrie was a stupid filler name. Although at the moment the idea of the name Steppe or Rael sort of appeals to me...

Thanks for taking this~!
Ohooho! It's been a while. ;;Cracks fingers;;

Hmm. I could go for the obvious Hoenn Pokémon, but dammit, I want that EXP! So Novale, let's jackle this frimsher. So here's what I wantcha to do:

Will-O-Wisp ~ Sunny Day ~ Flame Charge
Hmmm. Well, I was almost certain you were going with Auralasia there; that would've been a pain. But this way, it'll be a lot easier and it is purely to evolve Yakuza. So... let's get started!

Now, Yakuz (oh look I'm messing with the name again but it looks cool), my first instinct is to PLAY AROUND WITH EVERYTHING and deal almost no damage until the opponent dies of status. This is not going to happen today! So!

You know what sounds really cool but probably won't work? Using confusion to take control of the will-o-wisp and send them careening into the rocks! Send those hot but hopefully not flaming (the growlithe has flash fire) chunks of minerals into Novale's face if you will. If not, oh well! Just make it a priority to not get burned. We'll just have to try a little harder next action to inflict damage, you see~

Let's do some fun role playing next! You're now a scary, intimidating arcanine, who's on his home turf and ready to win! Let Novale play his little games; it won't matter in the end. *Evil laugh, you have to join in because you're mafia!*

You'll be immune to that flame charge, although I'm pretty sure the speed boost will still come through. Oh well! Mental intrusion psychic next.

Confusion (to take control of the will-o-wisp)~ Role play~ Psychic
Just a really short battle for experience, nothing to see here.

1vs1 single
DQ: Five days
Damage Cap: None
Banned Moves: OHKO's, direct heals (chills allowed).
Arena: Mt. Chimney/Jagged Pass

This battle takes place on both routes; description can be found here and here. Basically, it's a rocky terrain; ashen filled grass can be found on the Jagged Pass, where the battle starts. The trees and such are also covered with soot, and there is little to no water unless provided with a move like rain dance.

Speaking of soot, doesn't there have to be side effects from battling and breathing in volcanic ash? Why yes! Spending time in the burnt up grass or doing other things (determined at ref's discretion) can cause a number of side effects. There's about a 25% chance of it occuring when you do such dangerous things, and the effects include but are not limited to:

A 25% chance of getting lightly confused.
A 20% chance of getting lightly poisoned.
A 15% chance of getting mildly confused.
A 15% chance of getting mildly poisoned.
A 10% chance of wasting an action coughing (like a flinch).
A 10% chance of rustling up the ash and smoke, causing the effect of smokescreen upon all pokemon.
A 5% chance of getting both mildly confused and lightly poisoned.

Up at the volcano, where the problematic substance is given off, the chance of such things happening is a flat 25% each round. If it is determined that it will occur to a pokemon, the action in which it will happen is randomized.

Pokemon native to Hoenn use 1% less energy per action, unless that would make the energy cost of a move zero. Pokemon found on the Jagged Pass use 2% less energy per action (this does not stack with the Hoenn bonus and has the same rules) and have the chances of being affected by the ash lowered to 15%. Poison type pokemon are obviously immune to the ash's effects.

Other: Only fully unevolved pokemon may participate; single stage lines are banned.


Soot. Soot everywhere! That was all the ref could think as he walked on to Jagged Pass late, the battlers long since having set up. Coughing out the soot that had already gotten in his throat-and putting on a mask to stop anymore from getting in-he signaled for the battle to begin

Arylett Dawnsborough's Pokemon


Novale (M)
Ability: Intimidate
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: Growling down his opponent
Commands: Will-O-Wisp~Sunny Day~Flame Charge

Mai's Pokemon


Mafia Yakuza (M)
Ability: Thick Fat
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: Bouncing around in an excited mood. -1 Attack(from Intimidate)
Commands: Confusion(to take control of the will-o-wisp)~Role play~Psychic

Round 1 Begins!

Novale, who felt he had been waiting damn well long enough to start, was disappointed that he would not be charging at the bouncing spring guy yet. Instead, Novale was only to burn him to a crisp with blue flames-on second thought, that sounded just fine in his book. Sitting down, he opened up his mouth and managed to fire out a few blueish-white flames that simply floated in mid air, seemingly unaffected by gravity. After making about 4 of these, Novale was satisfied and, with a simple flick of his head, flung the balls of fire at Yakuza, who promptly-and with much zeal-flung them all away using his mind into some nearby grass, to the irritation of Novale.

Yakuza, who had been barely containing his excitement during the first few minutes of the battle, let it all burst out. It was time to role play, and he just loved to role play! He was going to play as an arcanine today, and he would be so ferocious and scary! He would do the part we-*COUGH COUGH COUGH* Yakuza lost all thoughts of role playing as the soot got into his mouth and forced him to cough, leaving the ref in shock as he hadn't known that Spoink actually /had/ mouths. He was only snapped out of his shock as suddenly, the sun popped out of the cloud of soot, harsher than normal. Apparently, Novale had been busy while Yakuza was hopping around and coughing with making the sun come out.

Yakuza, who was dazzled by the sudden bright light, smelled something burning, and then a sharp pain as she was hit back a few feet by a sudden burning charge by Novale, which was only made stronger due to the bright sun. Barely staying on her spring and hopping, Yakuza glared angrily at a smug Novale, who immediately looked to be in great pain. Pawing on the ground and whimpering, Novale could only wait until the pain subsided, with his mental defenses feeling weakened, and when it did he saw Yakuza looking down upon him, bouncing, with a happy look on his face. Before anything else could happen, however, the ref waved his reffing flags and ordered the round to be over.

End of Round 1!

Arylett Dawnsborough's Pokemon


Novale (M)
Ability: Intimidate
Health: 89%
Energy: 86%
Status: Feeling a tinge of rage. -1 Special Defense
Commands: Will-O-Wisp~Sunny Day~Flame Charge

Mai's Pokemon


Mafia Yakuza (M)
Ability: Thick Fat
Health: 93%
Energy: 94%
Status: Bouncing around in an excited mood. -1 Attack(from Intimidate)
Commands: Confusion(to take control of the will-o-wisp)~[Flinched]~Psychic

Damage/Energy Calcs:

-Will-O-Wisp: 4% energy
-Confusion: 1% energy
-Sunny Day: 6% energy
-Flame Charge: 7% damage, 4% energy
-Psychic: 11% damage, 5% energy


-Novale went first on actions 1 and 3, Yakuza on action 2
-Yakuza, of course, flinched on action 2
-The Psychic lowered Novale's special defense

Arena Notes:

-Some soot was knocked into the air by the deflected Will-O-Wisp

Next Round:

-Mai orders
-Arylett orders
-I ref
Since Arylett quit TCoD, I think it would be shorter to just end this in a draw. Could you ask her?
Since Arylett quit TCoD, I think it would be shorter to just end this in a draw. Could you ask her?

Yes. I asked her, and she agreed to it. So!

Mai and Arylett receive $2 each, I believe, while I get $5 I think. Novale and Mafia Yakuza both receive 1 exp.

If I did the prize distribution wrong please tell me.
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