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Baby Pokemafia {INNOCENTS WIN}

Re: Baby Pokemafia [day 2]

Fire sounds like mafia, given rock-ground's death on day 1. St. Christopher's death, though, sounds like Lover suicide, yet it was the first death reported (and nobody was killed the previous day). I guess either the roles are out of order or we have some kind of Vigilante role that specializes in killing in ways that appear to be suicide (?).

Yeah, probably just the roles are out of order.
Re: Baby Pokemafia [day 3]

Skitty and Cherubi? Mafia? Hm...

Well, Skitty sounds like suicide, but as said noone died yesterday.

I dunno, I'm to tired to concentrate. Once I fix myself up I'll try to make this make sense.
Re: Baby Pokemafia [day 3]

The sun is slowly setting over Ecruteak.


No one was lynched. 24 hours for night actions.
Re: Baby Pokemafia

Note: all mafia can kill now, not just the don.

The sun is rising, showering Ecruteak in golden light.
The baby Pokemon are awakening slowly.


A Luvdisc appears to have stabbed itself in the heart.
Nearby, a Dratini was set on fire.
Another Dratini has suffocated to death.
A Minun has also suffocated to death.

WUE is dead. He was not mafia.
Patar is dead. He was not mafia.
Skylark is dead.
He was not mafia.
Jack_the_PumpkinKing is dead.
He was not mafia.
24 hours for discussion.
Re: Baby Pokemafia

An Azurill was electrocuted. [dragonair; mafia]
A Caterpie was stabbed twice. [Flora; mafia]
An Azurill was stabbed once. [Manic Fame; mafia]

Innocents win.
Re: Baby Pokemafia

St. Christopher:

You are Skitty!
Your ability is Cute Charm!

Skitty are known for their ability to con almost anybody into thinking they're innocent. Every night, you kill somebody with your cuteness.

Your literal role is Mafia don. You are allied with the mafia. You win if all innocents are dead.
Manic Fame:

You are Azurill!
Your ability is Thick Fat!

Azurill are known for always looking innocent. However, they are known to strangle people with their tails.

Your literal role is Mafia goon. You are allied with the mafia. You win if all innocents are dead.

You are Azurill!
Your ability is Thick Fat!

Azurill are known for always looking innocent. However, they are known to strangle people with their tails.

Your literal role is Mafia goon. You are allied with the mafia. You win if all innocents are dead.
Emerald Espeon:

You are Cherubi!
Your ability is Chlorophyll!

Cherubi are known for always having a little pouch of poison with them. If the pouch is removed, they die.

Your literal role is Terrorist. You are allied with the mafia. You win if all innocents are dead.

You are Cubone!
Your ability is Rock Head!

Cubone are known for knocking people out with their Thick Clubs. They then rifle through those peoples' belongings.

Your literal role is Inspector. You are allied with the innocents. You win if all mafia are dead.

You are Dratini!
Your ability is Shed Skin!

Dratini are known for using their shed skin filled with life energy to heal people. However, they die of magical overdose if more than one are used.

Your literal role is Doctor. You are allied with the innocents. You win if all mafia are dead.

You are Dratini!
Your ability is Shed Skin!

Dratini are known for using their shed skin filled with life energy to heal people. However, they die of magical overdose if more than one are used.

Your literal role is Doctor. You are allied with the innocents. You win if all mafia are dead.
Worst Username Ever:

You are Luvdisc!
Your ability is Swift Swim!

Luvdisc are known for being useless heart-shaped fish. However, they are known stalkers who are in love.

Your literal role is Lover. You are allied with the innocents. You win if all mafia are dead.
Mike the Foxhog:

You are Spinda!
Your ability is Tangled Feet!

Spinda are known for being constantly drunk murderers.

Your literal role is Vigilante. You are allied with the innocents. You win if all mafia are dead.

You are Plusle!
Your ability is Plus!

Plusle are known for being in love with Minun. However, they are known killers who will kill in the name of their Minun.

Your literal role is Fishing Brother. You are allied with the innocents. You win if all mafia are dead.

You are Minun!
Your ability is Minus!

Minun are known for being in love with Plusle. However, they are known killers who will kill in the name of their Plusle.

Your literal role is Fishing Brother. You are allied with the innocents. You win if all mafia are dead.

You are Caterpie!
Your ability is Shield Dust!

Caterpie are known for secretly knowing the move Hyper Beam. When they are about to die, their Shield Dust protects them and they go insane.

Your literal role is Alien. You are allied with yourself. You win if you are lynched while activated.
That was...a really short game. I don't even understand how that happened during the day but...:( I never got to blow someone (and subsequently myself AND WUE) up...
Ahaha what I totally forgot about this and won anyway~

I still hate you for talking me into randomly killing rock-ground on night one mawile
WAIT A MINUTE weren't you supposed to tell me when I was activated?

EDIT: ooooh stabbed twice.
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