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Back after many-a-year

Comrade Lenin

Canadian Commie
Well, I've been gone from these forums for more than a year. Back then i was known as Belmont, though the only one who would have even the foggiest memory of me when I used that account would be Zeph Castform and some of the other oldies. So anyway, I'm back, and hopefully here to stay for a while.

P.S. Feel free to delete the old Belmont account Butterfree, couldn't remember the login information for that one if my life depended on it.
Why're you calling Zephyrous Castform an oldie...?

; ;

Welcome though I guessssssss /o\
By "oldie" I mean members who have been here since the last forum crash (the one where we lost all the data a few years back) no offense was meant to Zeph Castform
See, that wasn't a few years back. That was two.

I don't think that was an offense thing, just a ...?! I tend to think of the forum oldies as those of us who're around 6 years on TCoD.
You are welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies. Vivir una vida saludable y mantenerse alejados de los peces, ¿de acuerdo?
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