• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Back Off, Unless You Wanna Get Burned!

Kirara the Ninetales

Don't come cryin' to me when she rips your arm off
Joking! Anyway, hi! First off, I know Kirara isn't a Ninetales, or a kitsune for that matter, but it was a different way to combine InuYasha and Pokemon together!

I love Pokemon and InuYasha, and other stuff at times, depending on my mood. I love to make friends, and have a good time. Also, to be random, I love the colors gold, red, black, and everything that isn't white, because I don't really count it as a color.

I love reading and writing, too. So, you'll see me lurkin'!
~Angelo flits down in front of her~

I am angelo... ~Gives her a golden feather~ You may find me in the rpg forest... Take care...
Welcome, newcomer Kirara! I hope TCoD treats you well.
Most people give virtual gifts, but I just give you my generic welcome.
Oh and by the way... If you want to leave with your sanity intact stay away from HRA
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Oh come now. Arylett's awesome. :D

I am Zora, who does not normally post in intro threads unless Markku does first.
I just had to correct that.

So welcome.
*air-guitars out of thread*
Hi, everybody! Pretty golden feather...*stares at the goldness* Nice. I shall now enjoy my stay and ponder over whether I want my sanity to stay intact or not...Nice air-guitar disaperance, by the way~
Welcome, have a box, and a vaporeon/jolteon!
(not my best work, but hey, its cute :D) enjoy your stay at TCoD!
I'm Ketsu and no one lurks more than I! I'm a (very) part-time writer/artist/spriter. Enjoy your time!
Welcome to TCOD where we drink tea and eat cod. I'm EeveeSkitty and you'll find me around Sprites and Pixel art, Spriters Lounge[recently], Clubs, introductions[duh] and other places. HRA is awesomesaucity and don't listen to them. I'll give you a blue cat plushie that CAN'T get burned.
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