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Bad Blood - OOC Info and Profiles

Dark Shocktail: It seems like Jolteon is the only Eevee that's not reserved already... you could either take that one, or let Bakuphoon's character be on your team... but that your choice, since you're the host.
Jolteon it is for me then! I'll just edit my profile ^_^ After this is anyone wants to join, they can only be friends or enemies! Hooray!

Name:Lolicia Tanzy
Age: 17
Gender: Female

Appearance: Lolicia has long purple hair, it can be occasionaly mistaken for black depending on the lighting, but under light you can quite clearly see it is very much purple. Her skin is a soft porcelain colour, and her cheeks are a rosy pink and her eyes are a bright pink.
Lolicia wears a white flowy long-sleeved t-shirt, with a silver ribbon laced up the front making it almost have the appearance of a corset; a slate grey sleeveless jacket which is always unzipped, a pair of black shorts, white knee high stockings and a pair of black tennis shoes.

Personality: Lolicia has a rather sweet personality, one of her hobbies is serving fresh tea. Although, to know this side of her, you have to know her very well. Her usual happy self is known only to those nice to her. She is rather well known for the wrong reasons though, her sweet exterior gives her a rather high advantage in certain situations, which gives some people a rather big shock when she puts up a good fight.

Past: Lolicia is the daughter of a rather rich family, although due to her parents lack of being at home, it gave Lolicia the chance to slink off and start her journey a little early.
For the first few years she never went too far from home, sticking to only 8 miles exactly around the area she lived.
Although, once she passed the age of 13, she gave up caring and travelled further and further. Going back to the area of her home every once in a while.
She has a strong relationship with her Pokemon, using it as a substitute for her family.


Nickname: Pachi-Pachi
Gender: Male
Personality & Past: Pretty hyper, making him a good match with Lolicia's look. He was caught pretty easily, having been stuck in a crate of berries shipped from Floaroma, the pokemon was rather tired when it escaped finally, giving her the advtange in catching him.

Nickname: Ren
Species: Quilava
Gender: Male
Personality & Past: Ren is rather arrogant, hardly ever listening to his trainer. He first met Lolicia as a Cyndaquil, being wandering around in the wild. Turned out he was abandoned by his last trainer, which gave her the right to catch him. They have a rather strong love/hate relationship. Mostly hate on Rens part.

Nickname: Nozomi
Species: Dragonite
Gender: Female
Personality & Past: Lolicia's most strongest Pokemon. Very rarely she will be used in a pokemon battle, as this Pokemon is rather timid. She's used as a mean of travel, although, in tough and dangerous situations, this pokemon will protect her train untill the end.
Caught as a Dratini after Pokemon poachers were trying to harm it, Nozomi is loyal to Lolicia, seeing her as a mother of sorts.


This be okay?
I just be a randomer. Well, a friend to some, enemy to others :3
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