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behind the avatar, redux^2


어떤 계절도 영원할 순 없으니까
old one's most recent post was from 2016 and i felt too weird to necro it
i still vividly remember my post from 2014 in that thread, it haunts me every day

anyway post pictures of "yourself" in "meatspace" if you want

IMG_9855 (1).jpg
mewtini how are you so pretty like oh my god
and m&f, beautifully radiant as ever

here's me!

i took this picture for my trans day of visibility post on my instagram lmao
my green hair isnt super visible in this one but its there! and i know i don't look 17 but its fine lmao
my green hair isnt super visible in this one but its there! and i know i don't look 17 but its fine lmao
also its ok. i get mistaken for 15 still. it's fine. its fine. *grits teeth* it's fine!!
as someone who sure doesn't look 25 right now, at least I can tell you both is that, eventually, you get old enough for this to transform from a hindrance to a benefit

like, sure, at 14 years old I may have nearly been barred from entering a swimming pool for ages 10 and up, but hey, by the time I'm 34, I'm presumably just going to be barred from pity parties intended for ages 30 and up!
totally not looking at any pictures in this thread of people I don't have on Facebook because I refuse to ruin the image that you are all your avatars irl

but I swear every time I see a picture of mewt my reaction is "why are you so hot it's unfair"
i don't look 17 but its fine

i get mistaken for 15 still.

as someone considerably younger but still old enough to have an interesting conversation with (semi) intelligent adults/not adults, and also as someone very very small for my age, i can definitely say that i get mistaken for a > ten year old.
at 14 years old I may have nearly been barred from entering a swimming pool for ages 10 and up,


HERBE MY BOY. you look fantastic..... be still my heart

my thoughts exactly.

i took this picture for my trans day of visibility post on my instagram

I completely forgot this day existed. I counted it on my calendar for like a month and then just forgot.
Not because i'm trans though just your regular cisgender girl no suspicion here.

And yes herbe you look amazing.

As for me... I don't like sharing my face on the internet very much so i keep it to a minimum. I will say though that i look like an 11 year old so nooo...
and also as someone very very small for my age
girl same. i've always been small for my age, it was a blessed day when it finally crossed over into "getting mistaken for a young teenager" instead of "getting mistaken for being nine"
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