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Big 4 of British Metal


New member
We all know how Metallica, Megadeth, Anthrax, and Slayer are the Big 4 of American heavy metal, but what about the Big 4 of British metal? This is who I think it should be: Black Sabbath, Motorhead, Iron Maiden, and Judas Priest. That's just who I think it should be but what do you think?
In terms of sales it's the ones you mentioned. In terms of being the best none of them have really done it for me as a whole, career wise. Maiden are prolly the best though, with Sabbath a close second.
While I agree on the lineup, calling Slayer and co. the Big Four of American metal in general is overexaggerating, that's only within thrash metal. Otherwise, Van Halen should be up there.
While I agree on the lineup, calling Slayer and co. the Big Four of American metal in general is overexaggerating, that's only within thrash metal. Otherwise, Van Halen should be up there.


Not to mention Van Halen sucks ass.


Anyway, back on topic:

OP hit the nail on the head.

Regarding Grim's post: The overall Big Four of US metal, in my opinion, would be:

In terms of popularity/sales:


In terms of personal liking (for me, at least):

i'd say OP pretty much hit the nail on the head, that set sounds about right to me. right away when i saw the title of this thread in threadlist, maiden and priest immediately came to mind, and motorhead and sabbath fill in the other two spaces nicely.
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