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Bin Laden- Dead

I don't think anyone should feel happiness at the death of another human being; I think relief is a better word.

I get that he was a horrible person, and he is the reason that a bunch of people are dead. But he had a wife and kids! (actually I'm not sure if it was one kid or more but still) Whom, I may mention, they killed him in front of. Imagine if the Navy SEALS ambushed your family home, and killed your father right in front of you and then took him away, so they could (with the proper religious rituals of course, which I was happy to hear about) dump his body in the ocean? How would you feel? I bet you wouldn't be happy about it.

Bullshit. I'm all for the inherent worth of the individual (hell, I'm the biggest individualist I know), but I find it hard to empathize with (empathy being the object of your hypothetical situation) perhaps the biggest homicidal maniac of the past two decades. When you have killed thousands upon thousands of people, I think you forfeit your right to be sympathized with. But that's just me.
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