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Blastoise vs Crazy Linoone

Good job, Scer.

agogo Koutos


Hrrm, we shall avenge him.

Well, your opponent is weakened, but he has a buttload of stat boosts, so watch out...

Let's start with an Attract, you charmer you! Look as majestic as you can, with the pinkish rain highlighting your beautiful coat...

Follow with a very hot Howl+Captivate.

If, however, Crunch isn't enamored with you (how couldn't he be, though?), replace the combo with Charge, and then Thunder.

Sorry guys! For some strange reason or another, I completely did not see this battle...

Start with an Attract, too, because a one-sided love is just too sad. Follow up with two very hot Captivates. You do want her to like you, of course~

Attract ~ Captivate ~ Captivate
3vs3 single
Style: Set
DQ: 5 Days
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, 'chills' limited to 3/pokémon

Arena: Jello Square of Gigantism

To indulge my love of all things Jello and Crazy Linoone's obsession with food-based fields, the following field has been made;

A humongous, wiggling, jiggling, shivering cube of gelatin, plopped down in the very deserted clearing that once held an oversized, piping-hot blueberry pie. The slippery surface of the delectable dessert itself is divided in half, each half a color of a battler's choosing. Any Pokémon that would be otherwise forced to fall off of the battlefield will be stopped by the mystical Jello spirits protecting the area and lifted back up. The arena itself is large enough for a battle between a couple of Snorlax, with room to spare.

Every round, the Jello flavor on the field will change. The changes are as follows, and each has a 10% chance of happening:

Clear- No effect.
Cherry- +1 attack to anyone who eats it.
Blue Rasberry- +1 defense to anyone who eats it.
Strawberry- +1 special attack to anyone who eats it.
Lime- +1 special defense to anyone who eats it.
Piña Colada-tov Cocktail- Explosive; causes roughly 5% typless damage if thrown, plus the normal damage taken from a projectile; highly combustable and causes mild heartburn if consumed.
Root Beer- Causes all Pokémon (and trainers) to float slightly and weigh one-fourth of normal weight for the entire round.
Coffee- Gives standard level of energy for a chill and does not count towards chill counter. Causes mild confusion three actions after consumption.
Green Tea- Cures any status effects other than Freeze and Attracted when eaten. Gives 5% health to all pokémon the first time it appears.
Pudding- The field turns to Jello-brand pudding for the round, but magically retains its cube shape, except on the top. -1 speed to Pokémon.
Watermelon- Increases the power of all projectile attacks by x1.5.

There is an equal chance of all of the flavor changes, but if the referee rolls the same flavor as the previous round, he/she must reroll until a different one is randomly selected. In addition, chills are replaced by the order to eat jello, which replenishes the same amount of energy as a chill would.

Other: Large puddles of melted jello will be automatically provided for water-dependent Pokémon. These can also be requested at the release of any Pokémon. Any and all water-type moves will immediately turn to jello-juice as it leaves the user's various orifices, and moves like Surf (which are fueled by a rather large part of the field liquifying) will form out of liquified gelatin.

With a grimace, Blastoise pulls out Sceratio's Pokéball and recalls the exhausted Trapinch's lifeless body in a burst of red light. Selecting another Pokéball, he hurls it to the ground where it bounces a few times across the jello before bursting open. Another flash of red light, and a rather pretty blue Electrike appears, poking the jello curiously. With a grunt of determination, Crunch readies himself for battle as the ref orders the start of the next round.

Round Six
Blastoise (XOO)

Koutos (F) <Static> 0/3 chills
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: examining the arena in fascination.

Linooney (OOO)
Crunch (M) <Torrent> 2/3 chills
Health: 58%
Energy: 72%
Status: "did I win yet?". +4 Attack, +2 Sp. Atk
Attract ~ Captivate ~ Captivate

Koutos listens intently to her orders, and gives a mischievous grin as she begins to saunter around the surface of the jello, smiling charmingly at Crunch and throwing him the occasional wink. Crunch stares at her, jaw hanging open. Something about her luscious blue coat, or the way the beautiful pink rain cascades over her body, or who knows what is strangely quite attractive to the Croconaw. Instantly, he begins to regret his first impression of Koutos as an enemy; she's actually pretty cute. He decides to try to impress her right back, flashing her a grin showing off all his pearly white, razor-sharp fangs and flexing his muscles. Koutos sees this and almost falls over; he's actually buying this. She giggles shyly, starting to think he's actually quite attractive himself. She grins back, and considers asking him out after the battle. Or whatever Pokémon do. As the two flirt abundantly, the pink rain gradually patters to a halt, and the referee begins to feel rather ill.

Koutos continues to admire her new inamorato on into the next round, completely forgetting about her commands. Blastoise yells at her to attack, but she quite happily ignores him and stares at Crunch, a vacant smile plastered across her face. Crunch is in a similar position, staring at Koutos in a smitten daze. Crazy Linoone curses at Crunch, pulling random objects from under her beret and hurling them at the Croconaw in an attempt to snap him out of his inaction, but he ignores his trainer's indignation, all his attention focused on Koutos. The referee gives a disgusted sigh, hoping this accursed soppiness doesn't take over the entire goddamn battle.

...and still the two Pokémon do nothing. Screaming at their Pokémon to just attack already, the trainers are completely ignored as the two stare into each other's eyes from opposite ends of the jello cube. The referee gives a growl of frustration and blows his whistle, more to snap the Pokémon the hell out of it than to end the round. Three more blasts of increasing volume and still no action, so the referee hurls his whistle to the ground and looks for something hard to smack his head against. He finds only the jello, and crouches to bang his head on the soft, wobbly surface; however, before he can do so it starts to glow with a dazzling white light, before turning a pale yellowy-orange colour. Intrigued, he tries some- mm, pineapple-y. A few more mouthfuls and he stands up, staggering slightly, and waves his flag erratically in the air to finally bring the round to a close. Seems the arena was a tad strong for him.

Blastoise (XOO)

Koutos (F) <Static> 0/3 chills
Health: 100%
Energy: 96%
Status: hopelessly smitten with Crunch. Attracted
Attract ~ attracted ~ attracted

Linooney (OOO)
Crunch (M) <Torrent> 2/3 chills
Health: 58%
Energy: 68%
Status: "she's so darn cuuute ♥". +4 Attack, +2 Sp. Atk, Attracted
Attract ~ attracted ~ attracted

Terrain Notesh
The *hic* jello ish now Piña Tolada-cov Cocktail flavour. There ish a 45° tunnel deschen- deschendesh- desch- *hic* going down from one shide of the *hic* cube; at the bottom it turnsh 115° to the left, and then formsh a vertical tunnel to the shurface at the chentre. There is a *hic* shallow pool of liquid jello at the bottom of the *hic* shlope.

Final Notesh
- Koutosh and Crunsch are now *hic* attracted to each other.
- Nobody *hic* attacked on the thecond and shird actionsh, having been to att- atr- attraca- in love.
- I'm not ash think ash you drunk I am
- Crazy Linoone attacksh firsht next round
Man, that is fast, Mike! How do you do this? I need to get your epic fast reffing skills.

Now, Crunchy my boy, let's just use Captivate. Show the little Electrike how stunningly awesome you are!

Captivate ~ Captivate ~ Captivate
Throw him some of the jello, to give him a reason to show off those amazing abs of his while he catches it. Go with a very sexy Howl, then go rub yourself up on your wittle wuvver boy.

3vs3 single
Style: Set
DQ: 5 Days
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, 'chills' limited to 3/pokémon

Arena: Jello Square of Gigantism

To indulge my love of all things Jello and Crazy Linoone's obsession with food-based fields, the following field has been made;

A humongous, wiggling, jiggling, shivering cube of gelatin, plopped down in the very deserted clearing that once held an oversized, piping-hot blueberry pie. The slippery surface of the delectable dessert itself is divided in half, each half a color of a battler's choosing. Any Pokémon that would be otherwise forced to fall off of the battlefield will be stopped by the mystical Jello spirits protecting the area and lifted back up. The arena itself is large enough for a battle between a couple of Snorlax, with room to spare.

Every round, the Jello flavor on the field will change. The changes are as follows, and each has a 10% chance of happening:

Clear- No effect.
Cherry- +1 attack to anyone who eats it.
Blue Rasberry- +1 defense to anyone who eats it.
Strawberry- +1 special attack to anyone who eats it.
Lime- +1 special defense to anyone who eats it.
Piña Colada-tov Cocktail- Explosive; causes roughly 5% typless damage if thrown, plus the normal damage taken from a projectile; highly combustable and causes mild heartburn if consumed.
Root Beer- Causes all Pokémon (and trainers) to float slightly and weigh one-fourth of normal weight for the entire round.
Coffee- Gives standard level of energy for a chill and does not count towards chill counter. Causes mild confusion three actions after consumption.
Green Tea- Cures any status effects other than Freeze and Attracted when eaten. Gives 5% health to all pokémon the first time it appears.
Pudding- The field turns to Jello-brand pudding for the round, but magically retains its cube shape, except on the top. -1 speed to Pokémon.
Watermelon- Increases the power of all projectile attacks by x1.5.

There is an equal chance of all of the flavor changes, but if the referee rolls the same flavor as the previous round, he/she must reroll until a different one is randomly selected. In addition, chills are replaced by the order to eat jello, which replenishes the same amount of energy as a chill would.

Other: Large puddles of melted jello will be automatically provided for water-dependent Pokémon. These can also be requested at the release of any Pokémon. Any and all water-type moves will immediately turn to jello-juice as it leaves the user's various orifices, and moves like Surf (which are fueled by a rather large part of the field liquifying) will form out of liquified gelatin.

Round Seven
Blastoise (XOO)

Koutos (F) <Static> 0/3 chills
Health: 100%
Energy: 96%
Status: hopelessly smitten with Crunch. Attracted

Linooney (OOO)
Crunch (M) <Torrent> 2/3 chills
Health: 58%
Energy: 68%
Status: "she's so darn cuuute ♥". +4 Attack, +2 Sp. Atk, Attracted
Captivate ~ Captivate ~ Captivate

Muttering something incoherent, the referee lifts his flag and collapses onto the jello, and the trainers exchange confused glances before concluding that he probably meant the round should begin. They give commands, wondering (and dreading) how a battle with two infatuated Pokémon and an inebriated ref will pan out. Smiling at Crunch, Koutos scoops up a ball of jello in her paws and flings it playfully across the arena at Crunch. It smacks into his chest and clings on for a second before suddenly exploding in a massive ball of yellowy-orange flames. Crunch snarls in surprise as the explosion knocks him off his feet and drenches him in fruity, intoxicating fluid. Crunch gets up a snarls angrily, furious that Koutos would attack him in the middle of their courtship, but immediately calms down when he sees the look of shock and horror on her face. He settles down instantly; she didn't mean to hurt me, he reasons. She was just trying to mess around oh so adorably. Grinning lovey-dovily, he returns to his state of mindless adoration.

Koutos, deciding to tease her admirer further, swings her head around a while, flicking her gorgeous blue fur to and fro, before throwing her head back and letting out a thunderous roar that echoes for miles and sets the entire jello cube quivering. She feels massively stronger from the manly, powerful roar, and glances at Crunch to see if it had the desired effect. Seemingly it did; Crunch gazes across the arena in a mixture of pride and impressed-ness, and flashes Koutos another toothy grin and a barrage of wonderful compliments. Koutos blushes, growing ever more attached to Crunch and thoughts of the battle being pushed ever further back in her head.

With a bark, she trots across the jello and stands next to Crunch, resting her side against his leg. Crooning happily, she strokes her exceptionally soft and pretty fur against his leg. Crunch lets out a soft aww, and enjoys the soft and affectionate caress of her fur against his shin. That warm and fuzzy feeling wells up inside him, clouding any other thoughts, particularly those of his commands. With a snort, the referee awakens from his drunken slumber and struggles to peel his face off the now-glowing jello. He just managed to pull himself free as it takes on a chocolatey brown hue, and changing its consistency, becoming softer, runnier, and more sticky. The ref pulls himself to his feet, groaning and holding his head in the midst of a jello-induced hangover.

Blastoise (XOO)

Koutos (F) <Static> 0/3 chills
Health: 100%
Energy: 90%
Status: still guilty about blowing Crunch up. Attracted, +1 Attack, -2 Sp Atk
Throw ~ Howl ~ Rub

Linooney (OOO)
Crunch (M) <Torrent> 2/3 chills
Health: 53%
Energy: 66%
Status: consumed by adoration. +4 Attack, +2 Sp. Atk, Attracted
attracted ~ Captivate ~ attracted

Terrain Notes
The jello is now pudding, meaning that all Pokémon have a speed reduction of one level. Since pudding is runnier than jello (I assume my likening it to English things that appear similar is correct) the tunnel is beginning to fill in.

Final Notes
- The RNG gods hated Crunch this round; he only attacked on the second action.
- They loved Koutos, however, who was untouched by her inftuation.
- Ow my head... no loud attacks next round please
- Blastoise attacks first next round
Mike the Foxhog for Ref of the Year 2010. Also, you are correct about the pudding sir. And for future 'ref'erence, the Jello will freeze into whatever shape it's in at the end of the round.

Start with Magnet Rise. Substitute, then Howl.

Magnet Rise~Substitute~Howl
Yes! Everyone, vote for Mike! *passes out fliers*

Crunchy, let's start with cuddling next to her and Resting for a bit. Cuddle cuddle yes yes? After that, continue cuddling and Chill. Nothing's good like a little nap next to your loved one. Let the Electrike be smitten by your cuteness~

Cuddle and Rest ~ cuddle cuddle Chill ~ Chill
3vs3 single
Style: Set
DQ: 5 Days
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, 'chills' limited to 3/pokémon

Arena: Jello Square of Gigantism

To indulge my love of all things Jello and Crazy Linoone's obsession with food-based fields, the following field has been made;

A humongous, wiggling, jiggling, shivering cube of gelatin, plopped down in the very deserted clearing that once held an oversized, piping-hot blueberry pie. The slippery surface of the delectable dessert itself is divided in half, each half a color of a battler's choosing. Any Pokémon that would be otherwise forced to fall off of the battlefield will be stopped by the mystical Jello spirits protecting the area and lifted back up. The arena itself is large enough for a battle between a couple of Snorlax, with room to spare.

Every round, the Jello flavor on the field will change. The changes are as follows, and each has a 10% chance of happening:

Clear- No effect.
Cherry- +1 attack to anyone who eats it.
Blue Rasberry- +1 defense to anyone who eats it.
Strawberry- +1 special attack to anyone who eats it.
Lime- +1 special defense to anyone who eats it.
Piña Colada-tov Cocktail- Explosive; causes roughly 5% typless damage if thrown, plus the normal damage taken from a projectile; highly combustable and causes mild heartburn if consumed.
Root Beer- Causes all Pokémon (and trainers) to float slightly and weigh one-fourth of normal weight for the entire round.
Coffee- Gives standard level of energy for a chill and does not count towards chill counter. Causes mild confusion three actions after consumption.
Green Tea- Cures any status effects other than Freeze and Attracted when eaten. Gives 5% health to all pokémon the first time it appears.
Pudding- The field turns to Jello-brand pudding for the round, but magically retains its cube shape, except on the top. -1 speed to Pokémon.
Watermelon- Increases the power of all projectile attacks by x1.5.

There is an equal chance of all of the flavor changes, but if the referee rolls the same flavor as the previous round, he/she must reroll until a different one is randomly selected. In addition, chills are replaced by the order to eat jello, which replenishes the same amount of energy as a chill would.

Other: Large puddles of melted jello will be automatically provided for water-dependent Pokémon. These can also be requested at the release of any Pokémon. Any and all water-type moves will immediately turn to jello-juice as it leaves the user's various orifices, and moves like Surf (which are fueled by a rather large part of the field liquifying) will form out of liquified gelatin.

Round Eight
Blastoise (XOO)

Koutos (F) <Static> 0/3 chills
Health: 100%
Energy: 90%
Status: still guilty about blowing Crunch up. Attracted, +1 Attack, -2 Sp Atk
Magnet Rise~Substitute~Howl

Linooney (OOO)
Crunch (M) <Torrent> 2/3 chills
Health: 53%
Energy: 66%
Status: consumed by adoration. +4 Attack, +2 Sp. Atk, Attracted
Cuddle and Rest ~ cuddle cuddle Chill ~ Chill

Staring at Crunch for several more moments, Koutos slowly realises she's now standing on a mushy heap of pudding. Panicking, she feels her feet sinking through the chocolatey dessert, and begins to channel electrical energy into the ground as she sinks. Slowly, the pudding gains a strong positive charge, jolting Koutos into the air. Floating on a cushion of magnetism, she grins smugly down at Crunch as he descends into the confection, paralysed by his affections.

...and Koutos stares back. Crunch blows her a kiss as the pudding creeps up his legs, and stands stock still. The referee sighs and stamps his foot in frustration, pushing his leg down through the pudding and smearing the chocolatey goop all up his trouser leg. Growling in indignation, he fights to pull it back out as the third action rolls round.

Throwing her head back again, Koutos lets out another thunderous roar, booming from her throat and echoing for miles around. The referee lets out a cry of pain and grabs his sore head, collapsing to his elbows, which then sink into the pudding as well. Meanwhile, tired of all this standing and looking, Crunch sits (to the best of his ability) and has a rest and a snack, scooping the delicious chocolatey pudding into his jaws in plentiful quantities. The two helpings of lime jello from earlier hadn't quite gone down yet, and his stomach begins to hurt rather badly. Groaning, he rubs it to calm the sickness, hoping he never eats another helping of jello again in his life. As the referee fights to free himself from the jello, it glows again and regains its firmer, wobblier consistency, taking on a bright blue colour and trapping the referee in a one-man game of Twister.

Blastoise (XOO)

Koutos (F) <Static> 0/3 chills
Health: 100%
Energy: 88%
Status: "I CAN FLYYYY". Attracted, +2 Attack, -2 Sp Atk. Has the Levitate ability for 2 more rounds.
Magnet Rise ~ attracted ~ Howl

Linooney (OOO)
Crunch (M) <Torrent> 3/3 chills
Health: 53%
Energy: 81%
Status: rubbing his upset tummy. +4 Attack, +2 Sp. Atk, Attracted
attracted ~ attracted ~ Chill

Terrain Notes
The jello is now blue raspberry flavour, giving a +1 defense boost to Pokémon who eat it.

Final Notes
- the RNG gods do not look kindly upon Crunch.
- Crunch has reached his chill limit for this match.
- that's the last reffing you guys are getting this side of Christmas. Thanks for the support though. YES WE CAN
- Crazy Linoone attacks first next round.

Crunchy my boy, keep on using Captivate until you have used it twice this round, then snuggle next to the little electrike~ <3 <3

Captivate ~ Captivate ~ Captivate/snuggle
Spam Uproar until it works, 'cause Croconaw go wild for a loud girl. Float down a bit and use Substitute until it works. (The color of the jello is appropriate, no?) Use a chill on the last action, if you have one.


Mike, did you sell your foxhoggy soul to Satan to get mega-ref powers?
3vs3 single
Style: Set
DQ: 5 Days
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, 'chills' limited to 3/pokémon

Arena: Jello Square of Gigantism

To indulge my love of all things Jello and Crazy Linoone's obsession with food-based fields, the following field has been made;

A humongous, wiggling, jiggling, shivering cube of gelatin, plopped down in the very deserted clearing that once held an oversized, piping-hot blueberry pie. The slippery surface of the delectable dessert itself is divided in half, each half a color of a battler's choosing. Any Pokémon that would be otherwise forced to fall off of the battlefield will be stopped by the mystical Jello spirits protecting the area and lifted back up. The arena itself is large enough for a battle between a couple of Snorlax, with room to spare.

Every round, the Jello flavor on the field will change. The changes are as follows, and each has a 10% chance of happening:

Clear- No effect.
Cherry- +1 attack to anyone who eats it.
Blue Rasberry- +1 defense to anyone who eats it.
Strawberry- +1 special attack to anyone who eats it.
Lime- +1 special defense to anyone who eats it.
Piña Colada-tov Cocktail- Explosive; causes roughly 5% typless damage if thrown, plus the normal damage taken from a projectile; highly combustable and causes mild heartburn if consumed.
Root Beer- Causes all Pokémon (and trainers) to float slightly and weigh one-fourth of normal weight for the entire round.
Coffee- Gives standard level of energy for a chill and does not count towards chill counter. Causes mild confusion three actions after consumption.
Green Tea- Cures any status effects other than Freeze and Attracted when eaten. Gives 5% health to all pokémon the first time it appears.
Pudding- The field turns to Jello-brand pudding for the round, but magically retains its cube shape, except on the top. -1 speed to Pokémon.
Watermelon- Increases the power of all projectile attacks by x1.5.

There is an equal chance of all of the flavor changes, but if the referee rolls the same flavor as the previous round, he/she must reroll until a different one is randomly selected. In addition, chills are replaced by the order to eat jello, which replenishes the same amount of energy as a chill would.

Other: Large puddles of melted jello will be automatically provided for water-dependent Pokémon. These can also be requested at the release of any Pokémon. Any and all water-type moves will immediately turn to jello-juice as it leaves the user's various orifices, and moves like Surf (which are fueled by a rather large part of the field liquifying) will form out of liquified gelatin.

Round Nine
Blastoise (XOO)

Koutos (F) <Static> 0/3 chills
Health: 100%
Energy: 88%
Status: "I CAN FLYYYY". Attracted, +2 Attack, -2 Sp Atk. Has the Levitate ability for 2 more rounds.

Linooney (OOO)
Crunch (M) <Torrent> 3/3 chills
Health: 53%
Energy: 81%
Status: rubbing his upset tummy. +4 Attack, +2 Sp. Atk, Attracted
Captivate ~ Captivate ~ Captivate/snuggle

Groaning, the ref struggles to free himself from his sweet, wobbly prison as the next round starts off. Koutos opens her mouth to begin yelling, but is interrupted as her lips force themselves into a grin as she looks upon her target. Crunch grins back, and mutters something at Koutos. One assumes it's incredibly complimentary, because Koutos blushes and looks at him far more adoringly. Pulling his arm out of the jello, the ref sighs, seeing the battle's still going absolutely nowhere.

Koutos remains frozen on the spot, smiling at Crunch, who continues to mutter things at the Electrike. She lets out another amorous sigh as she sinks slowly back to the surface of the jello, her magnetism wearing off.

Aaand she continues to just look and sigh and other soppy stuff like that. So does Crunch. The referee growls under his breath, mentally begging the trainers to make their Pokémon just fight already. The battle has become some sort of trainer-orchestrated date rather than, well, a battle. Glowing momentarily, the jello changes colour once more, and also shape; again it turns into a chocolatey brown, runny mound. The referee pulls his limbs free and celebrates his new-found freedom.

Blastoise (XOO)

Koutos (F) <Static> 0/3 chills
Health: 100%
Energy: 88%
Status: "I CAN FLYYYY". Attracted, +2 Attack, -6 Sp Atk. Has the Levitate ability for 2 more rounds.
attracted ~ attracted ~ attracted

Linooney (OOO)
Crunch (M) <Torrent> 3/3 chills
Health: 53%
Energy: 75%
Status: rubbing his upset tummy. +4 Attack, +2 Sp. Atk, Attracted
Captivate ~ Captivate ~ attracted

Terrain Notes
The jello is pudding again; all Pokémon's speed is cut by 1 level next round.

Final Notes
- there Koutos' special attack is minimised can we actually start fighting now please
- those RNG gods are fickle. Hope Koutos' back didn't make too much of a mess on their knife >:C
- er, of course not Blastoise. *pushes his horns behind his ears*
- Blastoise attacks first next round.
So the little electrike want to sing (albeit a bit badly), yes yes? Why don't you join in with a Screech.

Remember, Crunchy, Koutos is trying to test you with that Substitute! Don't fall for it! If you let the Substitute live, Koutos is going to think that your love is not pure and hate you forever! Show how you love her and only her and will never fall for a Substitute by destroying the Substitute with a Jellofall. Follow up with a Jello Gun if the Substitute is still not gone. Then you two can live happily ever after and stuff.

Screech~ Screech/Waterfall ~ Screech/Waterfall/Water Gun
3vs3 single
Style: Set
DQ: 5 Days
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, 'chills' limited to 3/pokémon

Arena: Jello Square of Gigantism

To indulge my love of all things Jello and Crazy Linoone's obsession with food-based fields, the following field has been made;

A humongous, wiggling, jiggling, shivering cube of gelatin, plopped down in the very deserted clearing that once held an oversized, piping-hot blueberry pie. The slippery surface of the delectable dessert itself is divided in half, each half a color of a battler's choosing. Any Pokémon that would be otherwise forced to fall off of the battlefield will be stopped by the mystical Jello spirits protecting the area and lifted back up. The arena itself is large enough for a battle between a couple of Snorlax, with room to spare.

Every round, the Jello flavor on the field will change. The changes are as follows, and each has a 10% chance of happening:

Clear- No effect.
Cherry- +1 attack to anyone who eats it.
Blue Rasberry- +1 defense to anyone who eats it.
Strawberry- +1 special attack to anyone who eats it.
Lime- +1 special defense to anyone who eats it.
Piña Colada-tov Cocktail- Explosive; causes roughly 5% typless damage if thrown, plus the normal damage taken from a projectile; highly combustable and causes mild heartburn if consumed.
Root Beer- Causes all Pokémon (and trainers) to float slightly and weigh one-fourth of normal weight for the entire round.
Coffee- Gives standard level of energy for a chill and does not count towards chill counter. Causes mild confusion three actions after consumption.
Green Tea- Cures any status effects other than Freeze and Attracted when eaten. Gives 5% health to all pokémon the first time it appears.
Pudding- The field turns to Jello-brand pudding for the round, but magically retains its cube shape, except on the top. -1 speed to Pokémon.
Watermelon- Increases the power of all projectile attacks by x1.5.

There is an equal chance of all of the flavor changes, but if the referee rolls the same flavor as the previous round, he/she must reroll until a different one is randomly selected. In addition, chills are replaced by the order to eat jello, which replenishes the same amount of energy as a chill would.

Other: Large puddles of melted jello will be automatically provided for water-dependent Pokémon. These can also be requested at the release of any Pokémon. Any and all water-type moves will immediately turn to jello-juice as it leaves the user's various orifices, and moves like Surf (which are fueled by a rather large part of the field liquifying) will form out of liquified gelatin.

Round Ten
Blastoise (XOO)

Koutos (F) <Static> 0/3 chills
Health: 100%
Energy: 88%
Status: "I CAN FLYYYY". Attracted, +2 Attack, -6 Sp Atk

Linooney (OOO)
Crunch (M) <Torrent> 3/3 chills
Health: 53%
Energy: 75%
Status: rubbing his upset tummy. +4 Attack, +2 Sp. Atk, Attracted
Screech~ Screech/Waterfall ~ Screech/Waterfall/Water Gun

Koutos glances away from Crunch a moment to see that while she was staring her feet had begun to sink into the pudding. Yelping in panic, she tries to pull herself out, but finds that he legs have sunk in much too far. Terrified, she begins crying out for help, screaming and flailing madly. Horrified to see his beloved in such peril, Crunch can do nothing but watch in consternation. And hold his ears to shield them from the earsplitting racket.

Koutos looks up out of the pudding at Koutos and gives an enraged snarl and yells an array of angry naggings and insults. What sort of a gentleman is he, just standing there with beautiful ladies in peril? She decides if he's not going to lend her a hand, she'll get someone who will. Yanking a paw free with great difficulty, she piles up a big mound of pudding and sculpts it into an Electrike shape. She then lays a paw on her model and transfers a chunk of her life energy into it. The pudding Koutos shudders and comes to life, and stands to the side of its creator waiting until it's needed. Crunch blinks and looks between Koutos and her copy, wondering where this new Electrike sprang up from all of a sudden... he looks at Koutos and sees what he percieves as jealously in her eyes, and decides to get rid of this other Electrike- that way he can redeem himself and show off his toughness at the same time! The pudding around Crunch swirls up around him, suddenly much more viscous, and cloaks him in a typhoon of chocolatey deliciousness. He springs across the arena, slamming into puddingKoutos and knocking it to the floor, soaked in super-runny pudding-water. The substitute shudders and cracks into numerous big pieces, which return to their runny puddingy consistency, melting one more back into the arena.

Crunch gets up and looks at Koutos with a grin, expecting her to be impressed. Instead, she looks absolutely furious, yelling even louder than at the start of the round, and this time at him. First he just leaves her to drown in pudding, then smashes up the little statuette of herself she made specially for him to admire... she settles down on the pudding to have a snack and a serious think about their relationship. Crunch forgets all about orders, and sits down on the pudding feeling absolutely horrible and quite badly hurt, trying to figure out just what exactly he did wrong. As the two sit motionless on the jello, it flashes again, turning into a bright green cube, the top still all squished up from when it was pudding. Koutos stands up from her rest, furious as ever and not sure she wants anything to do with that jerk Crunch any more. The Croconaw doesn't move, and remains on the spot sobbing, his heart ripped in two.

Blastoise (XOO)

Koutos (F) <Static> 1/3 chills
Health: 85%
Energy: 90%
Status: furious at Crunch. +2 Attack, -6 Sp Atk, attracted, making an Uproar (1 more action)
Uproar ~ Substitute ~ Chill

Linooney (OOO)
Crunch (M) <Torrent> 3/3 chills
Health: 47%
Energy: 70%
Status: completely heartbroken. +4 Attack, +2 Sp. Atk, Attracted
attract ~ Waterfall ~ attracted

Terrain Notes
The jello is now lime flavour, giving a +1 Sp Def boost to anyone who eats it.

Final Notes
- the size of Koutos' Substitute was unspecified, so I went with medium (15%).
- Crunch made Koutos pretty angry this round; if he's not careful she's going to snap out of her attraction quite quickly.
- Crazy Linoone attacks first next round.
Last edited:
ASDFJKL Tried to post several days ago but TCoD died and wouldn't load for a few days.

Anyway, this is bad! Apologize profusely, Crunch! You didn't mean to destroy the Substitute! It's just that it was so life-like, you thought it was there to hurt your beloved Koutos, so you attacked it! Screech in frustration and Curse yourself for being so stupid to destroy Koutos's substitute, while apologizing all the while. Show her that you are sorry...!

Apologise ~ Screech ~ Curse
3vs3 single
Style: Set
DQ: 5 Days
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, 'chills' limited to 3/pokémon

Arena: Jello Square of Gigantism

To indulge my love of all things Jello and Crazy Linoone's obsession with food-based fields, the following field has been made;

A humongous, wiggling, jiggling, shivering cube of gelatin, plopped down in the very deserted clearing that once held an oversized, piping-hot blueberry pie. The slippery surface of the delectable dessert itself is divided in half, each half a color of a battler's choosing. Any Pokémon that would be otherwise forced to fall off of the battlefield will be stopped by the mystical Jello spirits protecting the area and lifted back up. The arena itself is large enough for a battle between a couple of Snorlax, with room to spare.

Every round, the Jello flavor on the field will change. The changes are as follows, and each has a 10% chance of happening:

Clear- No effect.
Cherry- +1 attack to anyone who eats it.
Blue Rasberry- +1 defense to anyone who eats it.
Strawberry- +1 special attack to anyone who eats it.
Lime- +1 special defense to anyone who eats it.
Piña Colada-tov Cocktail- Explosive; causes roughly 5% typless damage if thrown, plus the normal damage taken from a projectile; highly combustable and causes mild heartburn if consumed.
Root Beer- Causes all Pokémon (and trainers) to float slightly and weigh one-fourth of normal weight for the entire round.
Coffee- Gives standard level of energy for a chill and does not count towards chill counter. Causes mild confusion three actions after consumption.
Green Tea- Cures any status effects other than Freeze and Attracted when eaten. Gives 5% health to all pokémon the first time it appears.
Pudding- The field turns to Jello-brand pudding for the round, but magically retains its cube shape, except on the top. -1 speed to Pokémon.
Watermelon- Increases the power of all projectile attacks by x1.5.

There is an equal chance of all of the flavor changes, but if the referee rolls the same flavor as the previous round, he/she must reroll until a different one is randomly selected. In addition, chills are replaced by the order to eat jello, which replenishes the same amount of energy as a chill would.

Other: Large puddles of melted jello will be automatically provided for water-dependent Pokémon. These can also be requested at the release of any Pokémon. Any and all water-type moves will immediately turn to jello-juice as it leaves the user's various orifices, and moves like Surf (which are fueled by a rather large part of the field liquifying) will form out of liquified gelatin.

Round Eleven
Blastoise (XOO)

Koutos (F) <Static> 1/3 chills
Health: 85%
Energy: 90%
Status: furious at Crunch. +2 Attack, -6 Sp Atk, attracted, making an Uproar (1 more action)
Roar ~ Frustration+Spark/Frustration ~ Spark

Linooney (OOO)
Crunch (M) <Torrent> 3/3 chills
Health: 47%
Energy: 70%
Status: completely heartbroken. +4 Attack, +2 Sp. Atk, Attracted
Apologise ~ Screech ~ Curse

Koutos stares defiantly to the side, looking away from Crunch and uttering the occasional "hmph". Crunch, meanwhile, is staring guiltily at his feet, feeling absolutely dreadful for making Koutos mad at him. He decides to sheepishly try to make amends; this was all just a silly misunderstanding, after all. He steps forward to apologise but is immediately greeted by a horrendously loud, screeching bellow, louder even than the hullabaloo Koutos has been making the past four rounds, so intense it shakes every inch of the jello cube and knocks him to his feet. Shaking, he struggles to stand and sits on the jello, dazed and trying to get the horrible ringing out of his ears. Koutos lets out a nasty chuckle. How pathetic, she thinks.

As Crunch finally recovers from the impact of the roar, electrical sparks begin to flash and glisten across his opponent's fur. Fizzing with electrical power, Koutos grimaces at Crunch, focussing on how absolutely hopping mad she is at him for being such a jerk and a useless waste of space. The fact that she actually liked him for four whole rounds is the most frustrating thought she's had all day. Descending into a blazing flurry of sparks, she lets out a howl and leaps at Crunch, slamming into his chest and beginning to pummel him relentlessly in the face. Crunch screams in pain as Koutos' paws thrash his head, each blow sending an agonising jolt of electricity through his body. Flailing madly and trying to throw Koutos off him, Crunch lets out a blood-curdling screech of pain, and the Electrike recoils with a yelp. The shrill, piercing noise was enough to hurt her ears something awful, and she scurries away to rub her throbbing auditory systems.

Koutos gives another nasty snarl. That Crunch has slipped up for the last time, she thinks as she flinches from the persistent pounding in her head. Crunch gives a defeated sigh, a single green tear sliding down his face and dripping onto the jello. Not satisfied with the hard time Koutos is giving him, he takes it upon himself to punish himself for being so thoughtless and uncaring. Muttering some form of malevolent incantation, he casts a curse upon himself, and subsequently finds it much harder to move, though he feels a touch stronger. As he muses this odd feeling, the jello's greenness vanishes, replaced by a familiar blue shade.

Blastoise (XOO)

Koutos (F) <Static> 1/3 chills
Health: 85%
Energy: 77%
Status: glad to be over that loser. +2 Attack, -2 Defense, -6 Sp Atk
Roar~ Frustration+Spark ~ none

Linooney (OOO)
Crunch (M) <Torrent> 3/3 chills
Health: 20%
Energy: 65%
Status: temporarily distracted from his heartbreak by this weird curse-y feeling. +5 Attack, +1 Defense, +2 Sp. Atk, -1 Speed, Attracted
none ~ Screech ~ Curse

Terrain Notes
The jello is now blue raspberry flavour, giving a +1 defense boost to Pokémon who eat it.

Final Notes
- the Roar stopped Crunch apologising. Poor guy :(
- Koutos is now over her attraction, whereas Crunch is now a creepy stalker ex-boyfriend.
- Blastoise attacks first next round.
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