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blazheirio889 vs. Heavy Lobster

Heavy Lobster(OO)
Head-Shot (M)
Status: What the heck is going on here!?! Paralyzed, Poisoned (severe, 5% this round) Spec. Attack +5
Health: 25%
Energy: 55%

Garnet (N/A)
Status: Pissed off at those stupid Aipom. Camouflaged (Ground type), Paralyzed, Spec. Attack +2
Health: 20%
Energy: 49%

Garnet, realizing its scheme had been foiled, quickly flipped into the thick foliage behind it. Head-Shot, having lost track of his opponent, decided to go for a different approach. Expelling a small orb of light, the small glowing sphere began rising into the air. If one were to get near it, they would have felt an incredible amount of heat radiating off it as it ascended, finally disappearing into the clouds. All of a sudden, those clouds were quickly dispersed in every direction, leaving nothing but an unusually bright and sunny sky. The heat was intense, but Garnet wasn’t about to let that slow it down. Observing the color of some nearby bushes, Garnet did its best to imitate the color as it once again changed its colors and basic biological structure. Now with a new deep green color and a strange leafy texture, Garnet peered carefully in between the reeds and bushes to try and get a good view of its opponent.

Head-Shot meanwhile was looking for a good opening to launch its next attack. Opening its eyes as widely as it could, Head-Shot began straining his sense looking for any sign of Garnet and its energy signature. Detecting Garnet in some nearby greenery, Head-Shot took great care in making sure he didn’t lose the Staryu as he prepared to blast it. Garnet not actually sensing anything amiss, decided to go and execute an attack. Bring forth its natural talents and abilities, Garnet blasted a large beam of pure energy. Head-Shot flew backward as the beam hit him squarely in the side. Flipping into the water wildly, Head-Shot did his best to quickly resurface. Turning his head back to where Garnet was last spotted, he easily picked back up on its energy source. Breathing in, Head-Shot opened his mouth as wide as he could, and exhaled a huge amount of flames. As Garnet was being burnt to a crisp, Head-Shot was slowly growing weaker as the poison afflicted him. Head-Shot quickly dropped the attack once the poison had taken its full effect.

Heavy Lobster(OO)
Head-Shot (M)
Status: These burns, scratches and scars are REALLY starting to hurt… Paralyzed, Poisoned (severe, 6% next round) Spec. Attack +5

Health: 12%
Energy: 41%

Garnet (N/A)
Status: Can’t… hold… on… much… longer… Camouflaged (Grass type), Paralyzed, Spec. Attack +2
Health: 4%
Energy: 40%

The Ref Says:

Terrain Notes:
- There are lots of seeds scattered amongst the sand and in the water.
- The Aipom have arrived. They are scattered among the trees along the side of the shore opposite the water.
- The sun is exceptionally bright, and the weather is becoming very hot and dry. (Sunny Day, 5 more actions)
- There are some huge burns in the foliage. Several bushes and trees are still alight with small flames.

Miscellaneous Notes:
- Camouflage turned Garnet to the Grass type

Next Round:
- Heavy Lobster attacks first
- blazheirio889 attacks second
- I ref
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Ugh, we're screwed (Hating the fact you can't learn Aqua Jet right now). Try Flamethrower SPAMing the whole round. If he turns Water-type switch the Flamethrowers to Charge Beams, and if he switches to Ground-Type switch to Seed Bombs

Flamethrower / Charge Beam / Seed Bomb ~
Flamethrower / Charge Beam / Seed Bomb ~
Flamethrower / Charge Beam / Seed Bomb
Hmm hmm... Well, let's just run deeper into the forest. As deep as you can in one action. Since there's no lock-on, you should be able to avoid damage. Seriously doubt Flamethrows can reach that far!

Once you're off a good distance, fire off as many Natural Gifts as you possibly can. Yay for no-missing stuff :D

Run very deep into forest ~ Run very deep into forest/Natural Gift ~ Natural Gift
Heavy Lobster(OO)
Head-Shot (M)
Status: These burns, scratches and scars are REALLY starting to hurt… Paralyzed, Poisoned (severe, 6% this round) Spec. Attack +5
Health: 12%
Energy: 41%

Garnet (N/A)
Status: Can’t… hold… on… much… longer… Camouflaged (Grass type), Paralyzed, Spec. Attack +2
Health: 4%
Energy: 40%

Both Pokemon were practically crawling on their bellies by the time the next orders had been issued. After rubbing its wounds a bit, Garnet bolted off back into the forest. Seeing the Aipom that had appeared a few rounds ago running alongside it, Garnet did its best to ignore the annoying creatures and get as deep as it could. Head-Shot meanwhile was trying to overcome these ridiculously sore tightened limbs. Straining to widen his mouth, Head-Shot began generating a small flame in his mouth. As this flame quickly grew, Head-Shot thrust his head forward as he spat out a long streaming torrent of flame. Completely incinerating the smaller shrubs in the way, and lighting the larger trees on fire at their bases, Garnet was feeling the heat (in a purely literal sense). Feeling the sting of the fire brush against its back, Garnet fell forward. Despite the weakened state of the attack due to the distance, the blow was too much to handle, and Garnet lay motionless on the dirt floor of the forest. Head-Shot was happy about his victory over Garnet, but the sting of poison wasn’t going to leave his body yet. Taking it’s increasingly painful toll, the poison very nearly knocked out the already battered Head-Shot right then and there.

Heavy Lobster(OO)
Head-Shot (M)
Status: Ahh… It hurts… Paralyzed, Poisoned (severe, 7% next round) Spec. Attack +5
Health: 5%
Energy: 41%

Garnet (N/A)
Status: I did my best… Fainted
Health: 0%
Energy: 40%

The Ref Says:

Terrain Notes:
- There are lots of seeds scattered amongst the sand and in the water.
- The Aipom have run back into the forest.
- The sun is exceptionally bright, and the weather is becoming very hot and dry. (Sunny Day, 3 more actions)
- There are some enormous burns in the foliage. Several bushes and trees are alight with large flames, and it’s spreading quickly…

Miscellaneous Notes:
- Flamethrower was weakened by 75%, and it's accuracy reduced to 25% because of the wide distance it had to travel, but it was still enough to faint Garnet.

Next Round:
- blazheirio889 sends out
- Heavy Lobster attacks
- blazheirio889 attacks
- I ref
Ah, don't worry, Garnet. You did great :3 I'll buy you a cookie when this is over... wait, how do Staryu eat anyway?

Alright, Ventus, you're up!

[Ventus] Taillow (F)
Ability: Guts
Well, he out-speeds you, so there isn't much you can do here Head-Shot, though I'm very proud of you for getting your first KO :D

Try and get a Toxic in if possible, then use Charge Beams if your still conscious until you faint.

Toxic ~ Charge Beam ~ Charge Beam
Format: 2 vs 2 single, set
DQ: 7 days
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned Moves: One-hit KO's, direct healing
Arena: Aipom Island

It's an island. A relatively large island. The sand on the shore is soft, the waves are gentle and perfume the air with a whiff of salt. The battle is held on the shore, which can comfortably fit two and a half Metagross. Deeper into the island, a forest grows.
Aipom inhabit said forest. These Aipom are very curious and are drawn to loud noises, and therefore by a few rounds the battlers would probably find themselves with an audience. They all carry an Oran berry, apple, or a rock. Pokemon can be ordered to attack an Aipom to steal their item; an Oran berry can be consumed to heal 5% HP, while an apple will heal 3%. However, you don't know what the Aipom's holding until you attack it, and if it's holding a rock, it'll throw it at its attacker, causing 2% damage. It's up to the referee what the Aipom are holding.

Over a month has passed since the mysterious disappearance of Aethelstan, and boredom was descending upon the two battlers, who have very little to do but sit on the sand, sunbathe, worry about the raging wildfire in the nearby forest, and wait for the battle to somehow continue without a ref. Even the Aipom had lost interest, and returned to the parts of forest that aren't part of the bonfire. Thinking it best to intervene before madness, cannibalism, or even an awful new reality TV show set in, the League send Mike the Foxhog to see the battle through until its conclusion, or at least until Aethelstan popped back into existence. The trainers stand up at his approach, eager to get going again, and the new referee examines the battle scene- a severely wounded fish and an unconscious starfish that had been left in the sun for six weeks. This'll be exciting, he thinks with a sigh. But then hey, there's an enormous forest fire, he can always amuse himself with that, pyromaniacal nutcase that he is.

He waves a flag at blazheirio889, who finally recalls her poor Staryu back into its Pokéball. She then grabs another ball, releasing Ventus, her Taillow. Ventus looks around the arena for a while before setting her gaze on the wheezing, bruised fish bobbing miserably in the ocean. She cheeps with mirth- this won't take long. The referee blows a whistle to the trainers- commands are issued and round seven (finally) begins!


Heavy Lobster (OO)
Head-Shot (M) <Sniper>
Health: 5%
Energy: 41%
Status: Ahh… It hurts… Paralyzed, Poisoned (severe, 7% next round) Sp. Atk +5
Commands: Toxic ~ Charge Beam ~ Charge Beam

blazheirio889 (XO)
Ventus (F) <Guts>
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: Incredibly cocky.
Commands: Wing Attack ~ Wing Attack ~ Wing Attack

The referee lazily flicks his flag in the air, not expecting this to be a very exciting round to behold. Ventus listens intently to her trainer's commands, and smugly flies up into the air. Head-Shot pays little attention, and floats in the shallows panting, too beaten up even to swim. After soaring up a few feet, Ventus spreads her wings and darts straight towards the sea, headed for her sitting duck of a target. Reaching the water's surface, she begins to strike savagely at Head-Shot with her wings. The fish gurgles in agony; to add insult to injury Ventus' beating hits most of his severest wounds. With one final slap, Ventus slams the Remoraid into the water, and he floats back up to the surface, even more lifelessly than before; the fight was finally drained out of him. Ventus chirps victoriously and flaps back to her trainer, as Heavy Lobster returns his poor fish to its Pokéball for some much deserved rest.

Heavy Lobster (XO)
Head-Shot (M) <Sniper>
Health: 0%
Energy: 41%
Status: bruised, beaten, but glad it's all over.
Attacks used: N/A

blazheirio889 (XO)
Ventus (F) <Guts>
Health: 100%
Energy: 97%
Status: Triumphant, almost arrogantly so.
Attacks used: Wing Attack

Terrain notes
The forest is bizarrely still burning after all these weeks, and the sunlight has faded.

Final notes
- The 4 I rolled meant that Wing Attack was a critical hit, not that it mattered.
- Dammit that was an uninteresting reffing to type up D<
- Heavy Lobster sends out, then Blazhy attacks first.
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Hurr durr... Fully-evolved Pokemon with extensive moveset = uh-oh. *shakes fist* Damn you, Thunder, I was planning to be a pussy and hang out in the air.

Ohwait, Taillow is faster than Absol. Wow. Awesome. Start with a 15% substitute, and then... damnit, Taillow needs more stat-up moves D: Derp derp, let's try a Hidden Power to see what type it is, and end with Toxic. If Catastrophic is readying Snatch on the 1st action, wait until the attack fades away, and then use Mimic. If Catastrophic is unreachable on the 2nd action due to Protect, Detect, what have you (Not including Substitute), then Agility - however, if he is in the air due to Bounce, or has Double Team clones, switch to Natural Gift. On the 3rd action, if he's unreachable due to Protect, Detect, Substitute, whatever, use Focus Energy. And use Natural Gift if he has clones, you are Taunted, or he is Bouncing.

Substitute (15%)/Mimic (after Snatch) ~ Hidden Power/Agility/Natural Gift ~ Toxic/Focus Energy/Natural Gift
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O_o You think a lot, Blazhy, a lot...

I'm just going to be awesome and use the most obvious strategy EVAR. Rain Dance and 2 Thunders

Rain Dance ~ Thunder ~ Thunder

I've noticed when your opponent has a complicated strategy that simple strategies work out best >:D
Format: 2 vs 2 single, set
DQ: 7 days
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned Moves: One-hit KO's, direct healing
Arena: Aipom Island

It's an island. A relatively large island. The sand on the shore is soft, the waves are gentle and perfume the air with a whiff of salt. The battle is held on the shore, which can comfortably fit two and a half Metagross. Deeper into the island, a forest grows.
Aipom inhabit said forest. These Aipom are very curious and are drawn to loud noises, and therefore by a few rounds the battlers would probably find themselves with an audience. They all carry an Oran berry, apple, or a rock. Pokemon can be ordered to attack an Aipom to steal their item; an Oran berry can be consumed to heal 5% HP, while an apple will heal 3%. However, you don't know what the Aipom's holding until you attack it, and if it's holding a rock, it'll throw it at its attacker, causing 2% damage. It's up to the referee what the Aipom are holding.

Heavy Lobster fumbles through his bag for Pokéballs, eventually settling on one and hurling it to the sand. It bursts open, releasing a red light that forms into the shape of an Absol. Catastrophic (for that is her name) looks around the environment before focussing on her opponent, Ventus, fluttering a little way in front of her. Ventus and her trainer gulp- this couldn't end well. The referee holds his hand up and blows a whistle, beginning round eight.

Round Eight
Heavy Lobster (OO)
Catastrophic (F) <Super Luck>
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: coolly confident.
Commands: Rain Dance ~ Thunder ~ Thunder

blazheirio889 (XO)
Ventus (F) <Guts>
Health: 100%
Energy: 97%
Status: Triumphant, almost arrogantly so.
Attacks used: Substitute (15%)/Mimic (after Snatch) ~ Hidden Power/Agility/Natural Gift ~ Toxic/Focus Energy/Natural Gift

Ventus gulps nervously as she looks at her huge, menacing opponent. I need a bodyguard, she thinks. She pulls a glowing ball of life force out of her body and begins to mould it into shape with her wings and talons. It's not very lifelike- hell, Salvador Dalí had nothing on this thing- but it's still serviceable. The glowing ball, with its makeshift wings and beak, loses its luster and hardens into what looks like a papier-mâché doll of a Taillow made by a five year old. Ventus admires her handiwork as it floats a few inches in front of her. Meanwhile, Catastrophic seemed to be ignoring the battle and... dancing. Eyes shut, she stands on the spot stamping her feet to a strange rhythm. As she dances, dark clouds form, blotting out the sun and growing thicker as the Absol dances faster. Finally, Catastrophic jumps in the air, spins round and lands, and rain begins to hammer down from the darkened sky. The deluge is so intense it starts putting out the forest fire quicker than it can spread. Ventus shakes her feathers irritably as they get wet, and the referee gasps in horror as the sandcastle he'd been busy building starts to wash away.

Ignoring the freezing rain pouring down on her, Ventus closes her eyes and holds out her wings, gathering blobs of energy in all different colours- seventeen of them to be precise. They spin around each other, coming together between Ventus' wings and growing into a huge blob, which turns a dark, metallic grey. Ventus spreads her wings out and the blob breaks into hundreds of shining orbs, which shoot outwards and slam into Catastrophic's face. The Absol hisses and stumbles backwards, and then regains her balance, staring murderously at Ventus. Her fur crackles with electricity, and she roars to the clouds; a huge thunderbolt fizzes in the sky before rocketing towards Ventus. Thinking quickly, the substitute flies straight upwards, gaining as much height as possible. The lightning bolt hits the substitute, erupting with a tremendous BOOM, more than one would expect even for a lightning strike. The substitute falls to the floor, crackling with electricity, and shatters. Ventus chirps angrily at the destruction of her hard work, and the referee shakes his head sympathetically, looking sorrowfully at what was now just a pile of mushy sand used for the castle he'd so lovingly built.

Determined to punish this philistine, Ventus flies towards Catastrophic, a mysterious purple substance drooling from her beak, before spitting the vile substance onto the Absol. Catastrophic hisses in pain as the toxins burn her flesh and leak into her bloodstream; the rain washed some of it off, but enough permeates in to cause serious harm. Growling, Catastrophic begins to crackle once more, and the clouds fizz and rumble once more. A bolt of lightning drops down once more, finding its way easily to the soaking wet Ventus. The Taillow feels the charge coursing through her body, and caws in agony as her body twitches from the electrocution; then, her muscles lock up and she becomes almost unable to move. She drops, slightly charred, to the sand, the rain quickly extinguishing her burning feathers. Catastrophic observes this triumphantly before flinching from the poison that starts to take hold of her system, and the referee tries to think of a way to complain about his ruined sandcastle this action as well.

Heavy Lobster (XO)
Catastrophic (F) <Super Luck>
Health: 92%
Energy: 82%
Status: "heh, this won't take too lon-ow that's sore D:". Severely poisoned (2% damage this round, rising to 3% next round)
Attacks used: Rain Dance ~ Thunder ~ Thunder

blazheirio889 (XO)
Ventus (F) <Guts>
Health: 65%
Energy: 79%
Status: regretting her arrogance from last round. Paralysed (severe). Guts activated.
Attacks used: Substitute (15%) ~ Hidden Power ~ Toxic

Terrain Notes
There is a massive rainstorm over the arena, dissipating in 3 actions. This has almost put out the forest fire.

Final Notes
- Ventus' Hidden Power was Steel-type.
- Catastrophic's Thunder on the second action was another insignificant critical hit.
- And the one of the third action paralysed Ventus.
- I docked a point from from my usual starting damage for Toxic because the rain washed some of the poison away before it could take effect.
- Heavy Lobster, imma get you for ruining my sandcastle
- Heavy Lobster attacks first next turn.
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Yay Fast reffing >:D

Start with Taunt on the first action. Then follow with a Toxic of your own, followed by another Thunder. If he manages to get a Sunny Day in before you Taunt (I'm unsure who'll be faster thanks to paralysis) replace the toxic with Rain Dance.

Taunt ~ Toxic/Rain Dance ~ Thunder
Et voila. A prime example of why I should've gotten a higher-rarity Pokemon on my starting team.

Protect against the Taunt, first of all, and then raise a Substitute - small, 10%, if you please. End with Endeavour - that'll even the score a bit.
If you're paralyzed at any time, relax and Chill - that should help with the paralysis, as well. And if you were paralyzed on the 1st action, switch to Endeavour on the 2nd action and a Quick Attack on the 3rd action - try to dodge the Thunder. It technically can't miss in the rain, but I can't see the electricity following you or whatever, so it should, at the very least, reduce the damage taken.

Protect/Chill ~ Substitute (10%)/Chill/Endeavour ~ Endeavour/Chill/Quick Attack
Format: 2 vs 2 single, set
DQ: 7 days
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned Moves: One-hit KO's, direct healing
Arena: Aipom Island

It's an island. A relatively large island. The sand on the shore is soft, the waves are gentle and perfume the air with a whiff of salt. The battle is held on the shore, which can comfortably fit two and a half Metagross. Deeper into the island, a forest grows.
Aipom inhabit said forest. These Aipom are very curious and are drawn to loud noises, and therefore by a few rounds the battlers would probably find themselves with an audience. They all carry an Oran berry, apple, or a rock. Pokemon can be ordered to attack an Aipom to steal their item; an Oran berry can be consumed to heal 5% HP, while an apple will heal 3%. However, you don't know what the Aipom's holding until you attack it, and if it's holding a rock, it'll throw it at its attacker, causing 2% damage. It's up to the referee what the Aipom are holding.

Round Nine
Heavy Lobster (XO)
Catastrophic (F) <Super Luck>
Health: 92%
Energy: 82%
Status: "heh, this won't take too lon-ow that's sore D:". Severely poisoned (2% damage this round, rising to 3% next round)
Commands: Taunt ~ Toxic/Rain Dance ~ Thunder

blazheirio889 (XO)
Ventus (F) <Guts>
Health: 65%
Energy: 79%
Status: regretting her arrogance from last round. Paralysed (severe). Guts activated.
Commands: Protect/Chill ~ Substitute (10%)/Chill/Endeavour ~ Endeavour/Chill/Quick Attack

Ventus shivers, partly from the cold rain still pouring down on her, partly from the nasty, stingy feeling of paralysis coursing through her muscles. She raises her wings, a thin glimmering wall starting to appear in front of her, when her wing twitches wildly and all her joints lock up. She spasms and falls flat on her face, chirping in annoyance. She sighs, lies as still as possible on the floor, and rests for a while, so as not to aggravate her condition. Catastrophic tosses her head back and rolls her eyes, sauntering up to the Taillow with a cold smirk plastered on her face. She begins muttering vicious insults at the twitching bird, mocking its inability to put up a simple Protect. Ventus chirps angrily, throws off her paralysis, and starts plotting to peck that damn Absol's face off.

With a furious squawk, Ventus flies at her opponent and begins to beat the living daylights out of her with her wings, talons, and beak, imparting all her suffering back onto Catastrophic. The Absol hisses and cowers from the insane bird, waiting for the beating to end. With one last cry, Ventus crashes her entire body into the Absol's head, knocking her right over. Growling viciously, Catastrophic spits a mixture of the same chemicals Ventus used on it earlier. But just at the last second, Ventus flies out of the way, and the poison lands on the sand with a wet splat.

Catastrophic is starting to get annoyed, wishing she hadn't been so arrogant. Her fur starts to crackle familiarly, and she roars for a third time at the now-thinning rainclouds. A lightning bolt is hurled down once more from the heavens, but Ventus is ready for it; she darts off toward the Absol at breakneck speed, alerted by Catastrophic's roar. Naturally, she was unable to totally avoid the thunderbolt, but caused it only to strike a glancing blow, zapping her tail feathers as she rockets off towards Catastrophic. The mild shock travels through her body, and she twitches in midair, losing balance and crashing into Catastrophic. The Absol growls in pain from the impact, and then louder as the poison takes hold once more. Ventus chuckles as the rain slowly patters to a stop. Result!

Heavy Lobster (XO)
Catastrophic (F) <Super Luck>
Health: 58%
Energy: 68%
Status: embittered and hurting. Severely poisoned (3% damage this round, rising to 4% next round)
Attacks used: Taunt ~ Toxic ~ Thunder

blazheirio889 (XO)
Ventus (F) <Guts>
Health: 55%
Energy: 58%
Status: starting to feel more confident. Paralysed (moderate). Guts activated.
Attacks used: Chill ~ Endeavour ~ Quick Attack

Terrain Notes
The rain and forest fire have both stopped. A small pool of poisonous sludge has seeped into the sand around Catastrophic.

Final Notes
- Taunt wore off at the end of the last action, lasting 2 actions.
- I rolled an 86 for Toxic, meaning it just managed to miss.
- As Ventus moved out of the way of the Thunder, she got a less violent shock- she couldn't avoid it totally, as it was too fast, so I halved the damage. Due to the Taunt I reasoned she'd have to hit Catastrophic as part of the attack, and I docked some points from that damage too, as it was commanded as an evasive measure.
- Blazhy attacks first next round.
Damnit. Just grazed the damage cap - by 1% *shakes fist*

And because I'm feeling stressed and I can't be bothered to think straight, keep up a barrage of Facades. If Catastrophic has clones, is in the air due to Bounce, you've been Mean Looked, or you can't hit him with Facade for any reason (Substitute, Protect, and Detect not included), then switch to Natural Gift. And if Catastrophic is Protecting/Detecting/you can't hit him in any way whatsoever, Focus Energy. If she's hiding behind a Substitute, attack as you normally would (i.e. default to Facade, or use Natural Gift if blah blah blah).

Facade/Natural Gift/Focus Energy ~ Facade/Natural Gift/Focus Energy ~ Facade/Natural Gift/Focus Energy

Yay for nevermissing STAB'd Guts'd physical Natural Gift :>
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Format: 2 vs 2 single, set
DQ: 7 days
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned Moves: One-hit KO's, direct healing
Arena: Aipom Island

It's an island. A relatively large island. The sand on the shore is soft, the waves are gentle and perfume the air with a whiff of salt. The battle is held on the shore, which can comfortably fit two and a half Metagross. Deeper into the island, a forest grows.
Aipom inhabit said forest. These Aipom are very curious and are drawn to loud noises, and therefore by a few rounds the battlers would probably find themselves with an audience. They all carry an Oran berry, apple, or a rock. Pokemon can be ordered to attack an Aipom to steal their item; an Oran berry can be consumed to heal 5% HP, while an apple will heal 3%. However, you don't know what the Aipom's holding until you attack it, and if it's holding a rock, it'll throw it at its attacker, causing 2% damage. It's up to the referee what the Aipom are holding.

Round Ten
Heavy Lobster (XO)
Catastrophic (F) <Super Luck>
Health: 58%
Energy: 68%
Status: embittered and hurting. Severely poisoned (3% damage this round, rising to 4% next round)
Commands: Torment ~ Rain Dance ~ Thunder

blazheirio889 (XO)
Ventus (F) <Guts>
Health: 55%
Energy: 58%
Status: starting to feel more confident. Paralysed (moderate). Guts activated.
Commands: Facade/Natural Gift/Focus Energy ~ Facade/Natural Gift/Focus Energy ~ Facade/Natural Gift/Focus Energy

The fire having died down, the Aipom feel relatively safe to return to the forest near to the attackers, and a multitude of them gather around to see where the battle's gotten to. The twitching, paralysed Ventus tries desperately to pull off her Facade attack but is slowed down by her stiff muscles. Catastrophic scoffs at the pathetic songbird, disgusted to see her struggling like this. If she's going to go down this easily, she should leave the battle and let some REAL Pokémon battle, the Absol mutters not quite under her breath. This appalling lack of tact tears into Ventus' self-esteem viciously, and she decides to prove Catastrophic is full of crap. Throwing off her weakened pretence, the Taillow limbers up and flies at the Absol, thrashing at her face wildly. The Absol hisses and fights the bird off, wishing for a second that she hadn't been so blasé and arrogant, but one look at the dejected Ventus shows that her words struck a nerve.

Catastrophic then went into her dance again, pounding her feet on the sand in a distinct, mystical rhythm. The sky grows darker with each step, and Catastrophic dances faster and faster as the clouds gather. She flips once more into the air and lands, finishing the routine with a rather impressive moonwalk and as soon as the dance ends rain starts to pour down from the heavens once more. Ventus is so hurt by Catastrophic's cruel words, however, that she barely notices this performance. Her opponent thinks she's that useless? She'd better not use Facade again this turn; she doesn't want Catastrophic to start thinking she's just spamming any old move like a total idiot! No, she needs to appear to have a strategy. She goes over her commands... "if you can't hit him with Facade"... yup, her Trainer's fine with that! She opens her beak wide, a brilliant white energy forming within. Rays of light stream off in all directions before forming into one solid beam that hurtles toward Catastrophic, slamming directly into the Absol's chest. Catastrophic is knocked back by this powerful beam, and scrabbles to her feet with a growl. Ventus snickers beneath her breath. Useless huh?

However, Catastrophic is perfectly capable of walking the walk as well. Even if she had been waiting the whole round to prove it. Ventus gulps as she sees the familiar static energy crackling on Catastrophic's fur. A thunderous (pun not intended) roar sounds from the Absol's throat, and Ventus looks up just in time to see a third thunderbolt rocketing down through the rain to meet her. It meets with an enormous BANG, and Ventus feels the dreadful sensation of a massive electric power surging through her drenched body once more. The shock passes, and Ventus stands panting and smouldering worse than ever. The wheezing Taillow realises this is another perfect time to play the "helpless invalid" card again. She flails up to Catastrophic, barely able to move from her wounds and the paralysis crippling her system... Catastrophic smirks. How pathetic. Like this creature could possibly hurt m- and before she even finished that thought Ventus leapt up and ripped several gashes across her face. The Absol howled in pain once more, mortified that she fell for that AGAIN. She began to feel her wounds; she can't hold out much longer after that round. At least the poison doesn't seem to have bothered her this time, she thinks.

Heavy Lobster (XO)
Catastrophic (F) <Super Luck>
Health: 18% (CAPPED)
Energy: 57%
Status: ready to drop. Severely poisoned (0% damage this round due to cap, rising to 5% next round)
Attacks used: Torment ~ Rain Dance ~ Thunder

blazheirio889 (XO)
Ventus (F) <Guts>
Health: 37%
Energy: 37%
Status: hurt emotionally but glad the Catastrophic's nearly done. Paralysed (mild). Guts activated. Affected by Torment.
Commands: Facade ~ Natural Gift ~ Facade

Terrain Notes
Heavy rain again (3 more actions).

Final Notes
- Torment blocked the presumption of Ventus using Facade on the second action. As it didn't contradict your commands, Blazhy, I made her switch to Natural Gift.
- The Facade on the third action made Catastrophic hit the damage cap. STAB + Guts = epic pwnage.
- great comeback, by the way, Blazhy :D
- Heavy Lobster attacks first next turn.
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