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New member
Hi, my names Andrew and I obviously like pokemon. I also love the pikmin games and the Bomberman games. My favourite pokemon is definitely Mewtwo. The most iconic thing of my childhood. When I was younger I was practically shouting at the screen whilst watching pokemon the movie for mewtwo to beat mew. Yeah....

Anyway I love online battling and i'm always up for a battle on almost anything. I currently have a highscore on wi-fi metroid prime hunters and have a strong wi-fi D/P team. My current normal team is made up of:

Anyway, I hope to make lots of friends here and want to get involved.
Hi Andrew, hopefully we can be friends, you sound friendly. Mewtwo is awesome. My favourite pokemon are Growlithe and Arcanine.

Since I like to give newbies something that'll actually help them *Sorry Eeveeskitty, your cat plushies are awesome* so I made this avatar for you!

Because i'm so awesome (*cough*) i'll let you use it if you want to. You can find more sprites, avatars and banners here. Thanks! If you want to request there please ask me first.

Do you sprite by any chance?
When me and my broher were little we were watching the episode were charzard wanted to go to that one moutain place and he stayd up all night in water. when he almost put his tail in the water my brother shouted NO! Don'y worry...I'm sane
*Psst... Pinestars lying about that last bit...*

Hi newbie. Nice team. Maybe one day you can show me more details and I can rate it for you. Mewtwo is quite cool, shame Lucario kicked him out of Brawl....

Anyway, see you around!
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