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Brock vs Metallica Fanboy (Ref: Negrek)

Ok. Slack off is a no go here.

Heal block, then reflect, then Sandstorm.

Heal Block ~ Reflect ~ Sandstorm

Although I doubt the Pokemon would know what is an 'energy kill'/what would do it so if it does die, uh, still Heal block.
Round Twenty-Four

Metallica Fanboy (XOO)
Megatherium (M) <Vital Spirit>
Health: 20%
Energy: 40%
- Resolved never to let his feet leave the ground again, ever. Burned (3%/round). +2 Attack

Wargle (XXO)
Nero (X) <Levitate>
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
- Waiting patiently.

At first Wargle thinks he might want to send his growlithe out to fight Megatherium, but at the last minute he changes his mind and instead reaches for the pokéball belonging to his baltoy, Nero. The flash of its release shows up blindingly in the dim parking lot, attracting the attention of both Megatherium and his trainer. Metallica Fanboy urges his pokémon forward as Nero takes shape on the concrete, serenely expressionless and poised on the base of its spinning-top body.

Though still rather worked up after his ride through the sky, Megatherium has been ordered to relax. He does his best, lying flat-out on the cold concrete and letting his eyes fall half-closed while he contemplates doing nothing in particular. Such exquisite slacking is enough to restore his health somewhat, giving his body time to repair itself uninterrupted, but Nero intends to ensure that the vigoroth will have no opportunity to perform such a feat in the future.

The baltoy's eyes glow with psychic energy, and it rotates slowly in place as it casts a psychic net out around Megatherium, sealing off the vigoroth's healing abilities slowly but surely. Megatherium manages to recover a considerable amount of health, but a stagnant feeling settles over his body even as he does so, an odd malaise blocking him from summoning up the energy to do so again.

Megatherium's feeling pretty tired as it is, so he doesn't mind being told to do no more than lie where he is and relax. While the vigoroth tries to restore his energy to a respectable level, Nero fortifies his defenses with a powerful psychic shield. After a few minutes of concentration, the reflect glitters in the air between Nero and Megatherium, mirrored so that the vigoroth can see his face reflected in it.

He would be able to see his face, that is, if he weren't still half-asleep and involved in chilling. Nero keeps right on working while its opponent rests, spinning ever faster until the air around it is whipped into a frenzy. It carries dirt, sand, and bits of trash and other detritus into the air, filling it with an unpleasant, gritty mix of particulates. The improvised sandstorm has the desired effect on Megatherium--bringing the vigoroth back to his senses a bit with its stinging assault and leaving him lost in a world of dark, swirling winds--but the owners of the cars parked nearby probably won't thank Nero or his owner for it.

Metallica Fanboy (XOO)
Megatherium (M) <Vital Spirit>
Health: 66%
Energy: 35%
- Blinking his eyes against the sand. Heal blocked. Burned (3%/round). +2 Attack

Wargle (XXO)
Nero (X) <Levitate>
Health: 100%
Energy: 88%
- Off to a good start. Protected by reflect (4 more actions).

Terrain Notes
A sandstorm has started blowing around the arena, plunging the parking deck into darkness (nine more actions/three more rounds). The fire, meanwhile, continues to rage somewhere out in the city, but it's still quite far away (six more rounds).

Final Notes
- Wargle attacks first next round.
Okay then. Good. Psych Up, then two Earthquakes.

Now, this probably wont work out, so if you get taunted, substitue Acientpower for Psych Up, and if Torment comes around, switch the last Earthquake for Rock Tomb

Psych Up/Ancientpower ~ Earthquake ~ Earthquake/Rock Tomb
You must be feeling pretty dozy right now. No better opportunity to let out a big Yawn.

Protect against that first Earthquake, just until it falls asleep. Chill for the last action.

Yawn ~ Protect ~ Chill
Round Twenty-Five

Metallica Fanboy (XOO)
Megatherium (M) <Vital Spirit>
Health: 66%
Energy: 35%
- Blinking his eyes against the sand. Heal blocked. Burned (3%/round). +2 Attack

Wargle (XXO)
Nero (X) <Levitate>
Health: 100%
Energy: 88%
- Off to a good start. Protected by reflect (4 more actions).

Megatherium squints through the sandstorm, trying to locate his opponent. He thinks he can make out Nero nearby, and hopes that the baltoy can see him as well; a yawn is nowhere near as infectious if nobody else can see it, of course. The vigoroth opens his mouth in the widest, most jaw-cracking yawn he can muster, not even feigning modesty. Fortunately for him, Nero does see and, despite its inability to yawn itself, begin to feel a bit drowsy.

The baltoy's eyes flicker uncertainly for a moment before it gets itself under control and starts trying to sync its brainwaves with Megatherium's, hoping to copy his energy and determination for its own gain. It's rather difficult to do so from beneath the sudden fit of sleepiness Nero is struggling against, but eventually it does manage to tap into the vigoroth's mental state, and for a moment feels very awake as the vigoroth's adrenaline-enhanced demeanor invades its own.

Lethargy returns quickly, though, and it's all Nero can do to work up the gumption for an earthquake attack. The baltoy bounces into the air, concentrating an immense amount of energy into the top-tip on which its body balances. As it comes slamming back to the concrete, tremors and cracks immediately radiate in all directions. Megatherium crosses his paws in front of his face, projecting a shield of energy in all directions, and he stands as the only stationary point as the whole parking deck shudders. Cracks climb support columns and snake across the ceiling, and cars dance sideways from their spots as they're rattled out of place. The blaring of their alarms is added to the grinding and rumbling of the earthquake making its way through the structure. It's probably a good thing that, as the last of the shaking dies away, Nero is staying perfectly still, balanced delicately on its point and totally asleep. Another earthquake like that could easily take the floor out from under the batters' feet or the ceiling down on top of their heads, or both.

Car alarms are still blaring from all directions, and the sandstorm continues to rage, but Megatherium doesn't seem too bothered as he lets go of his protect and settles down to rest. Even in repose the vigoroth is a bit jittery, dragging his claws slowly over the floor and shifting position frequently, but it's as relaxed as he gets and a good break for him nonetheless.

Metallica Fanboy (XOO)
Megatherium (M) <Vital Spirit>
Health: 60%
Energy: 41%
- Waiting for his chance to start attacking. Heal blocked. Burned (3%/round). +2 Attack

Wargle (XXO)
Nero (X) <Levitate>
Health: 100%
Energy: 88%
- Deeply asleep (severe). Protected by reflect (1 more action). +2 Attack

Terrain Notes
The sandstorm is still going strong, to some extent masking the damage caused by the earthquake (six more actions/two more rounds). The parking deck has become quite structurally unsound, with major cracks running across more or less every surface. The air is filled with the blaring of car alarms. The fire is less of an immediate concern, for the moment still far away (five more rounds).

Final Notes
- Metallica Fanboy attacks first next round.
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Eager to attack, are you?

Just rest up for a brief while, so you can set up for the great spike.

After that bit, though, we're back to the good old strategy. HULK FRICKING SMASH.

Chill ~ Facade ~ Facade
What happened to Baltoy's Psych Uped +2 attack?

Snore, then sleep talk until you awake, in which case EQ.

Snore/ EQ ~ Sleep Talk/EQ X2
Round Twenty-Six

Metallica Fanboy (XOO)
Megatherium (M) <Vital Spirit>
Health: 60%
Energy: 41%
- Waiting for his chance to start attacking. Heal blocked. Burned (3%/round). +2 Attack

Wargle (XXO)
Nero (X) <Levitate>
Health: 100%
Energy: 88%
- Deeply asleep (severe). Protected by reflect (1 more action). +2 Attack

Megatherium sits where he is, dragging his claws idly on the concrete and grumbling to himself as the pelting sandstorm winds force sand through his thin coat. He isn't expecting to do much for a little while, and from Nero, its spinning now stilled and its eyes dark, he anticipates nothing at all. After a few seconds, though, the baltoy lets out a ripping snore. Megatherium jumps, coming to attention immediately. Even if he had been expecting the attack, it would have been startling enough to hear such an organic sound coming from such an inanimate opponent. The snore is accompanied by the failing of Nero's reflect shield, which at last succumbs to the thrashing of the sandstorm and fades from existence.

Although he's a little annoyed that Nero disturbed his rest, Megatherium thinks the snore makes a good signal to begin attacking, and he's not about to argue with the opportunity. He takes a moment to work himself up for his attack, concentrating on the searing pain of his burn and his resulting ire. Within seconds he's wound up to a frothing fury, seeing red and desiring nothing but to take it out on Nero. He runs forward, howling and flailing around with punches, until he finds his target and lays into it in a blind rage.

So blind, in fact, that it takes some time before Megatherium realizes that what he's been tearing into is, in fact, a concrete column rather than a baltoy. The real Nero is somewhere nearby, obscured by the sandstorm. Also lost in the dark winds are the subtle noises the slumbering baltoy is making, a series of clicks and whirrs as random areas of its brain are activated. A moment later, Megatherium is knocked sideways, physically repulsed by a blast of psychic energy sent straight to his brain.

The shame of mistaking his target and then being attacked while his guard was down are enough to reawaken Megatherium's wrath. This time he's a bit more careful about making sure what he's attacking is in fact Nero, but once he is, he lets loose with just as much violence as before. He easily hefts the baltoy and smashes it repeatedly against the concrete, howling and jumping up and down on top of his slumbering opponent. Miraculously, the beating doesn't awaken Nero, although, as soon as Megatherium relents and backs off, it slowly floats upright so that it is once again resting on its point.

More subtle noises emanate from Nero as it summons another attack from its repertoire. The spell it weaves over Megatherium has no effect, however. Megatherium doesn't even notice the brief chill that passes over him as darkness brushes him. The heal block is still in effect over him, however, and Nero's laying another one has no further effect.

Metallica Fanboy (XOO)
Megatherium (M) <Vital Spirit>
Health: 45%
Energy: 38%
- A bit worn out, but ready to fight on. Heal blocked. Burned (3%/round). +2 Attack

Wargle (XXO)
Nero (X) <Levitate>
Health: 83%
Energy: 78%
- Standing perfectly still. Asleep (moderate). +2 Attack

Terrain Notes
The sandstorm is beginning to slacken (three more actions). The parking deck has become quite structurally unsound, with major cracks running across more or less every surface. The air is filled with the blaring of car alarms. The fire is less of an immediate concern, for the moment still far away (four more rounds).

Final Notes
- Megatherium's first facade missed.
- Nero's sleep talks called psychic and heal block.
- Wargle attacks first next round.
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Hmmm it's alive again.

Ok Nero. Wake Up Please.

Sleep Talk FTW until you awake, in which case Reflect, The chill if you have and action left.

Sleep Talk/Reflect ~ Sleep Talk/Reflect/Chillx2

EDIT: As I was reading over the last few rounds I noticed Nero used Psych Up but never got his +2 attack. About a round ago this happened. Right before he went to Sleep
Round Twenty-Seven

Metallica Fanboy (XOO)
Megatherium (M) <Vital Spirit>
Health: 45%
Energy: 38%
- A bit worn out, but ready to fight on. Heal blocked. Burned (3%/round). +2 Attack

Wargle (XXO)
Nero (X) <Levitate>
Health: 83%
Energy: 78%
- Standing perfectly still. Asleep (moderate). +2 Attack

If anything, seeing Nero get up again--if subconsciously--only fans the flames of Megatherium's wrath. The vigoroth hardly needs another excuse to beat down his opponent, and he flings himself at the baltoy, claws at the ready, and dishes out another vicious facade. Nero, on the other hand, can't take this kind of punishment lying down. The powerful pummeling Megatherium lays out is easily enough to shatter the baltoy's slumber, and Nero has a rough reintroduction to the waking world, blearily finding itself clutched in Megatherium's claws and en route to the concrete. The vigoroth drops the baltoy as soon as he realizes it's awake, and Nero lies where it is for a moment, running a quick assessment of its physical state, before righting itself again.

Though the clay pokémon isn't much a one for humor on the best of days, it is distinctly unamused by Megatherium's underhanded sleep-and-savage tactics. The baltoy's eyes glow as it conjures a thin bubble of energy to surround its body and protect it from further physical harm.

Meanwhile, Megatherium's gotten over his shock at Nero's waking and given himself over to blind rage once again. His facade is a bit more difficult to execute now, though; it takes real effort to bring his claws into contact with his opponent, as though he's trying to fight underwater. Megatherium doesn't spare any effort in executing his facade, and the damage it does to Nero is not inconsequential, but it is far from as catastrophic as it would have been without Nero's reflect to block the worst of it. For its part, the baltoy is now resting, quiescent save for the occasional flicker of light in its slitted eyes, as it builds up its energy store for a final push against its opponent.

Megatherium is finding it harder to work himself into a real rage, the fatigue that's been gnawing at him having grown large enough to threaten his concentration. While Nero continues to rest, the vigoroth pushes himself hard, converting more of his energy into a facade that Nero will remember. As before, though, the reflect dampens his efforts, and though the punching and scratching that Megatherium manages is certainly painfully, it's nothing the baltoy hasn't seen before. There is an upside for the weary vigoroth, though--as he backs off his opponent, the lashing wind that has tormented him in past rounds at last dies down. The sandstorm departs as swiftly as it came, detritus hanging in the air for a few seconds after the wind departs before slowly drifting to the floor, which is left covered with a fine dusting of sand and concrete dust.

Metallica Fanboy (XOO)
Megatherium (M) <Vital Spirit>
Health: 39%
Energy: 17%
- Getting run down again. Heal blocked. Burned (3%/round). +2 Attack

Wargle (XXO)
Nero (X) <Levitate>
Health: 50%
Energy: 97%
- Brimming with energy. Protected by reflect (2 more actions). +2 Attack

Terrain Notes
The sandstorm is finally over, although sand liberally coats everything in the arena. The parking deck has become quite structurally unsound, with major cracks running across more or less every surface. The air is filled with the blaring of car alarms. In the absence of the powerful winds of sandstorm, sirens can be heard in the distance and the faint smell of smoke laces the air; the fire is coming (three more rounds).

Final Notes
- Metallica Fanboy attacks first next round.
Let's keep moving forward. Brick Break this and any other Reflect off; otherwise, you know the drill.

Brick Break ~ Facade/Brick Break ~ Facade/Brick Break
Hmmm. Protect, 15% sub, and if the sub break Protect, if not Telekinesis

Protect ~ Sub 15% ~ Telekinesis/Protect
Round Twenty-Seven

Metallica Fanboy (XOO)
Megatherium (M) <Vital Spirit>
Health: 39%
Energy: 17%
- Getting run down again. Heal blocked. Burned (3%/round). +2 Attack

Wargle (XXO)
Nero (X) <Levitate>
Health: 50%
Energy: 97%
- Brimming with energy. Protected by reflect (2 more actions). +2 Attack

Now that he can see his opponent clearly again, Megatherium's not wasting any time. Tired he might be, but the adrenaline is still flowing, and his natural aggression propels him straight into his next attack. The vigoroth snaps a punch at Nero, only to have it slam into a solid wall of energy. The buzzing shock of making contact with the barrier gives Megatherium a moment's pause, but he tries another two shattering blows against the protect before giving it up as a bad business.

Of course, he's also watching carefully so that when Nero lets the protect drop, he's ready to get in there with another attack before the baltoy can respond. Megatherium's next punch smashes a hole in Nero's reflect screen, and the following two shatter it entirely. The blows that actually reach Nero are fairly light, however, and the baltoy isn't overly worried; the reflect was about to fade anyway.

Nero's eyes glow as he uses psychic force to gather up some of the sand left by the sandstorm, compacting it into a solid little baltoy doll. When Nero shares a bit of his life energy with the construct, silver lights dance in its eyes and it begins to spin gently, staying between Nero and Megatherium as it prepares to defend its master.

Megatherium registers the substitute only as a convenient object on which to vent his anger. The vigoroth roars and plucks the little baltoy up from the pavement, ripping chunks off its body and tossing carelessly aside to smash on the concrete. Nero watches as Megatherium jumps up and down on the remains of its substitute, howling all the while, and experiences a conundrum. The substitute is most definitely destroyed, but there isn't much point in protecting, is there? Megatherium isn't going to attack again soon; maybe not for a while, given the way the vigoroth is puffing as he cools down from his temper tantrum. After a bit of computation, Nero finally flicks up a protect for a few seconds, then lets it fall again, orders fulfilled.

Metallica Fanboy (XOO)
Megatherium (M) <Vital Spirit>
Health: 36%
Energy: 4%
- Running on fumes. Heal blocked. Burned (3%/round). +2 Attack

Wargle (XXO)
Nero (X) <Levitate>
Health: 33%
Energy: 84%
- Getting a bit broken down. +2 Attack

Terrain Notes
The parking deck has become quite structurally unsound, with major cracks running across more or less every surface. The air is filled with the blaring of car alarms. A fine coating of sand covers every surface, and the smell of smoke now hangs heavy in the air. A glance at the ground outside reveals that the fire is nearly on the parking structure's doorstep, raging the small park that surrounds it (two more rounds).

Final Notes
- Wargle attacks first next round.
Before he goes and does something dumb, Power Split. Bulldoze, and Double Team. If he goes to Chill, Snatch it.

Power Split/Snatch ~ Bulldoze/Snatch ~ Double Team/Snatch
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