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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Brozhni Brozhni Brozhni

The Omskivar

chah, dude
Hey, it's Omski! I disappeared for a while but someone tracked me down and now I'll try to be popping in from time to time. I have a busy job at a summer camp for the next 10+ weeks but I'd like to say a blanket hi there to all of you and a blanket welcome to those who've registered in my absence!

I like blankets :3
Hey, it's Omski! I disappeared for a while but someone tracked me down and now I'll try to be popping in from time to time. I have a busy job at a summer camp for the next 10+ weeks but I'd like to say a blanket hi there to all of you and a blanket welcome to those who've registered in my absence!

I like blankets :3

Well, welcome back.
We'll see how your stance on blankets holds up through summer camp.

Also, welcome back!
Update: My stance on blankets has increased to "absolutely necessary and I really don't like sleeping bags like I thought I would thank you very much"

Anyway classes start tomorrow but I'll be around as much as I can manage now. Hi again to everyone whose posts I missed!
Only when the tides of fate test us do we find true faith in our blankets...

Have a nice catching up.
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