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Chief Zackrai vs. sreservoir

The Omskivar

chah, dude
3 vs 3 triple (that is, three at a time)
dq: 7 days
damage cap: 50%
banned: ohko's
arena: Suspiciously Empty Ocean

This place is empty, except for the ocean, the air above it, overcast clouds, and the visitors. There is no land; pokémon which cannot fly, float, swim, or otherwise support themselves are ineligible to participate. Rain Dance comes into effect at the beginning of each round. At the end of each odd-numbered round, a water spout effect, generated by a source equivalent to a final-stage water-type pokémon at full health, affects all battlers, ignoring any evasion modifiers and the damage cap.

Chief Zackrai's Active Squad

Slimer the Male Grimer
Ability: Stench
Body Modification: Generation 1

Rigby the Male Tyrogue
Ability: Guts

Hypnos the Male Drowzee
Ability: Forewarn

Clyde the Male Numel
Ability: Simple

Persephone the Female Wooper
Ability: Damp

GaMzEe the Male Croagunk
Ability: Anticipation
Body Modification: Sopor Slime Touch
Move Modification: Subjugglate

2ollux the Male Solosis
Ability: Magic Guard

Zeus the Male Bidoof
Ability: Simple

North Pole the Unknown Magnemite
Ability: Sturdy

Rocky Balboa the Male Poliwag
Ability: Damp

sreservoir's Active Squad

Vilya the Female Ralts
Ability: Synchronize
Body Modification: Envy of Birds

Nenya the Female Dratini
Ability: Shed Skin

God the Unknown Porygon2
Ability: Download
Item: Dubious Disc

Quickflash the Female Rattata
Ability: Run Away

Fluffy the Female Misdreavus
Ability: Levitate
Item: Dusk Stone

œ the Female Poliwag
Ability: Water Absorb
Item: Dawn Stone

Pom-pon the Female Aipom
Ability: Pickup
Move Modification: Encore

Pinch the Female Ninjask
Ability: Speed Boost

Inedible the Unknown Shedinja
Ability: Wonder Guard

Order of Business
-Chief Zackrai sends out
-sreservoir sends out and commands
-Chief Zackrai commands
-I ref
I send out Fluffy, Pinch, and œ.

for my own reference, speed order: Pinch (ninjask 160), œ (poliwag 90), Fluffy (misdreavus 85), North Pole (magnemite 45), Zeus (bidoof 31), Slimer (grimer 25).


we want to copy œ's water absorb. we also do not want our opponents doing the same. the only one of them capable of this is immediately is North Pole, so you don't have to deal with that; instead, taunt the grimer, because it learns taunt, and that would be bad.

then copy œ's water absorb, unless bidoof gets a taunt off on you, in which case thunder it or take part in a round against it.

finish with either taunt on the bidoof if œ got taunted, imprison if neither of you got taunted, or ... hm, actually misdreavus has a crap offensive movepool, let's say round at the bidoof.

taunt @ grimer ~ role play @ poliwag / thunder @ bidoof / round @ bidoof ~ taunt @ bidoof / imprison / round @ bidoof


cover Fluffy WRT preventing an immediate role play on you from North Pole; while we can't really prevent it, we can really discourage it by waiting for immediately after it moves with an encore -- but keep yourself ahead of the bidoof. in fact, even if it doesn't role play, we still want to shut it down, because there are things it can do that guarantee hurt and annoyance and we don't want that to happen -- although if you get paralyzed and then also taunted, surf at everyone.

the bidoof, too may prove annoying with its ability to use taunt, so we'll encore it if it doesn't use taunt at first. if Fluffy is taunted or the magnemite has role played you, round at the bidoof. otherwise, delay for Fluffy, then surf.

when the round ends, surf, unless Fluffy is taunted or magnemite has role played you, in which case round at the bidoof.

(delay) encore @ magnemite / surf ~ encore @ bidoof / round @ bidoof / (delay) surf ~ surf / round @ bidoof


you go first.

well, that's not quite true, but none of the priority moves really threaten us much except perhaps magnemite's magic coat. but we will be PREPARED! so if it does, toss a string shot at it, because we have enough speed that we really don't care. otherwise, we'll try to keep the bidoof from getting off any taunts, because that would really be disastrous. just swagger at it -- it'll make it hit ever so much harder, but that's the price we pay for having a crap movepool.

from second action onward, if any of us are taunted, lead the round, and if any of us are yawned at or asleep, uproar.

if, by some miracle, neither applies, then we'll wait to mimic Fluffy's role play and use it on œ as soon as we can.

string shot @ magnemite / swagger @ bidoof ~ uproar / round / (delay) mimic @ misdreavus ~ uproar / round / role play @ poliwag

... if this has enough loopholes, I am screwed.
Thanks for the speed thing, that was gonna be a bitch. This is what I get for thinking this is a 3v3 single and taking it as my first reffing. On the plus side this is going to make me rich.

Bear with me guys
hoo boy.

wait. Can Grimers swim? Oh well, I thought of something.


Lead with two Work Ups. Follow it with a Shadow Ball on Fluffy.

Work Up~Work Up~ Shadow Ball @ Fluffy


First, we want to cling onto that Ninjask for dear life, if you can catch it. It's not focusing on you so that should make it slightly easier. Try this until it works. If by some miracle, you get there on the first action, use Minimize and conceal yourself on Pinch. Do this on the third action as well, if you get on Pinch during the second action. If you get on it during the first action, though, use Screech on Pinch.

Try to get on Pinch~Try to get on Punch/Minimize~Try to get on Pinch/Minimize/Screech @ Pinch

North Pole:

Start with Protect, because that encore will be nasty. Follow with Lock On on œ, and a nice Zap Cannon to finish.

Protect (hold until second action)~Lock On @ œ~Zap Cannon @ œ
3 vs 3 triple (that is, three at a time)
dq: 7 days
damage cap: 50%
banned: ohko's
arena: Suspiciously Empty Ocean

This place is empty, except for the ocean, the air above it, overcast clouds, and the visitors. There is no land; pokémon which cannot fly, float, swim, or otherwise support themselves are ineligible to participate. Rain Dance comes into effect at the beginning of each round. At the end of each odd-numbered round, a water spout effect, generated by a source equivalent to a final-stage water-type pokémon at full health, affects all battlers, ignoring any evasion modifiers and the damage cap.

The referee hastily waves his flag and hopes he does this first job right as the two Trainers toss out three Pokeballs apiece. From Chief Zackrai, there came a Grimer, Bidoof and Magnemite; on sreservoir's side materialized a Misdreavus, a Ninjask and a Poliwag.

Slimer (Male)
Ability: Stench
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: It's too clean here.

Zeus (Male)
Ability: Simple
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: Treading water with an only slightly curious expression.

North Pole (Unknown)
Ability: Sturdy
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: Analyzing the opponents and the environment.

Fluffy (Female)
Ability: Levitate
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: Looking at something only she can see.
Item: Dusk Stone

Pinch (Female)
Ability: Speed Boost
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: Buzzing loudly and moving a good foot or so to either side.

œ (Female)
Ability: Stench
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: I love the ocean.
Item: Dawn Stone


Thunder rumbles in the distance and a steady torrent of rains descends from the heavens onto the entire battlefield. North Pole the Magnemite immediately throws up a Protect; the air around the hovering magnet shimmered green, then condensed into a protective sphere of energy. Pinch the Ninjask wastes no time of her own; looking at Zeus the Bidoof, she scoffs. Weakling, hssfss, she hisses, zipping a few feet to either side pompously. No way in hell he's anything to worry about, fssfss. Needless to say Zeus was pretty pissed off by this; in fact, it sent the feeble-minded Bidoof into a berserk rage.-

Fluffy the Misdreavus was busy making remarks of her own at Slimer the Grimer. Hmph, what a big pile of shit, she said. Come on. Hit me. Just try to hit me. You can't touch this. Slimer did the litle anger-vein-thing and made a vow to defeat the Misdreavus if it was the last thing he did.

œ the Poliwag leaned back in the cool water and clapped her feet together, throwing compliments at North Pole for its wonderful shiny shield; evidently, the shield was soundproof, for the Encore had no effect.

Zeus glared at Pinch and began to flex his stubby Bidoof muscles; treading water to work his core and giving himself a mental pep talk, the Round Mouse Pokemon felt like he could take on the world. Beside him, Slimer, still cursing the name of Fluffy, began to squish down, then unfurled and somwhow managed to defy gravity long enough to coat Pinch in his slimy body.

œ isn't dishearted; she simply turns to Zeus and tries the clapping trick again; it was easier this time, since not only are Bidoof feeble-minded, but Zeus was feeling particularly vain today. So when œ's words reached his ears--"Oh my, do that workout again, I would love to get a better look"--he immediately complied. Or he would have done so immediately, but a couple of the other Pokemon were faster than him.

Fluffy turns to œ, her eyes glowing a gentle blue. She concentrates on the Poliwag, specifically on the way that œ seems to...at home in the water. The way she seems to take in and let out water without difficulty. With a little pondering, the Misdreavus thinks she's got the technique down. Pinch the Ninjask, halfheartedly trying to shake off the Grimer clinging to her back, stops for a second and imitates Fluffy's Role Playing technique, her super-quick Ninjask mind deciphering the trick in no time.

North Pole hovers there apathetically, passively, watching œ. Inside its metal body, its computerlike brain is scanning the genetic makeup of the Poliwag, computing it into its aiming mechanisms. In seconds, the Magnemite is locked onto its target.

Zeus is ready to please the crowd; he starts his workout again, but suddenly stops, instinctively gnawing on his aching front paw; it would seem that he's pulled a muscle. Slimer, meanwhile, has forgotten entirely what he was supposed to be doing this round, thinking only of Fluffy as he glares at her from his perch on Pinch.

Pinch uses her newly acquired ability-copying-abilities to acquire œ's ability to absorb water, catching on a little faster than Fluffy did; luckily, Pinch is also fast enough to stop her body as it begins to absorb parts of Slimer.

œ dives down a foot or so, then rushes back up, calling forth the fury of the ocean. An enormous tidal wave engulfs the battlefield, soaking everyone present. Fluffy and Pinch seems to be rejuvenated, if anything; Zeus shakes his fur like a dog, seemingly forgetting that he's treading water as is. North Pole flinches a little as the Surf washes over it, but floats there emotionlessly afterwards, the spray running down its slick metallic frame.

Fluffy snickers a little as she begins a slow, ancient chant; orange threads of energy wrap themselves around all opponents, constricting around them closer and closer and binding their very cores as the Ghost-type's chant reaches its end. It seems to have no effect as of yet, but all opponents are sure something's happened as a result.

North Pole maneuvers its magnets to face forward, generating electricity between them. The sparks condense into a crackling ball, and the pupil of the Magnemite's single eye turns bright red as it locates œ, firing the Zap Cannon to inevitably strike its target. The Poliwag screeches in pain as electricity courses through its body, and tendrils of lightning dance across its skin even after the attack is finished. œ seems to be having trouble moving as Zeus continues to impress, flexing his muscles and invigorating his fighting spirit. If he felt like he could take on teh world before, then now he feels like he could take on...two worlds. Meanwhile, Slimer grips Pinch as best he can, still mentally condemning Fluffy. He manages to keep his hold on the Ninjask, but finds himself too distracted to remember any other orders he was given. He manages to clear his head, but not before the referee counted the Pokemon on his fingers and signaled for the round to end.

Suddenly, from somewhere beneath them, there is a great rumbling noise, and the ocean seems to explode in a fountain of pressurized water. The spout flies up higher than the eye can see (which isn't necessarily that high since there's a crap ton of clouds in the way), then rains hard on all the battlers. œ, Pinch and Fluffy seem rejuvenated by the spray, if anything; Chief Zackrai's Pokemon on the other hand cry out in pain. Finally, the round is truly over.


Slimer (Male)
Ability: Stench
Health: 65%
Energy: 96%
Status: Hold the eff still!

Zeus (Male)
Ability: Simple
Health: 52%
Energy: 93%
Status: Rippling with muscle, but seemingly unaware of this fact. Encored (Work Up, one more action), +6 Attack, +4 Sp. Atk, mildly confused (12% chance of confusefail)

North Pole (Unknown)
Ability: Sturdy
Health: 66%
Energy: 80%
Status: Whirring mechanically, unblinking.


Fluffy (Female)
Ability: Water Absorb
Health: 100%
Energy: 88%
Status: Experimentally filtering water throughout her lower body.
Item: Dusk Stone

Pinch (Female)
Ability: Water Absorb
Health: 100%
Energy: 89%
Status: Trying to shake off the god damn pile of sludge.

œ (Female)
Ability: Water Absorb
Health: 86%
Energy: 86%
Status: Oh God that hurt. Severely Paralyzed (25% chance of fail; -3 Speed)
Item: Dawn Stone
-Taunt and Role Play are unusable by any of Chief Zackrai's Pokemon.
-Slimer's Taunt wore off on the last action. The Taunt also prevented Minimize and/or Screech, though according to Negrek he was still able to jump onto Pinch.
-Zeus confusefailed on the second action, and with +6 Attack, Kratos' calculator said he dealt 16% damage to himself as a result. Pray to the RNG gods that he hits everything else.
-No crits this round.
-Pinch did not get the Speed Boost speed boost because at the end of the round her ability was Water Absorb.
-Water Spout healed all of sreservoir's Pokemon, as did Surf (barring Poliwag, who used it)
-I used Kratos' calculator with most of this, taking a couple percent off of Water Spout since a the time neither Bidoof nor Magnemite nor Grimer were at full health. If you really want me to post the calculations I will, but I forgot to do it as I went along. If there's a glaring error, feel free to point it out.
-Bidoof are apparently very vain and derpy. Which makes more sense now that I remember Zeus' ability is Simple.
-This round was a little ridiculous because it was typed late and the tenses change a lot but who cares anyway
-holy fucking hell that Bidoof is gonna kill something

Next round:
-Chief Zackrai commands
-sreservoir commands
-I ref
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er, what happened to the arena's kyogre rain dance and water spout effects?

actually, I'm confused by the damage calculations in general, and you seem to be charging a bit too low in energy -- œ's encore ~ encore ~ surf should have required at least 16% energy by my lower estimations, and kratos' calculator (which seems to only apply to damaging moves) gives 19%. how did you arrive at those numbers?
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Ya know what I reffed it as being in there but I forgot to actually write it in there. The Water Spout I mean I totally blanked on the rain. Fixing.

EDIT: Fix'd. All that did was damage Zackrai's Pokemon more and heal œ just a tad more. Congratulations sreservoir you are now kicking more ass.
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Can i order now?


Okay, so it seems you get to Work Up the first action, Zeus. After this, if you're not confused, nail Fluffy with Shadow Ball. However, if you are confused, just derp there. Repeat for the third action.

Work Up (mandatory)~nothing if still confused/Shadow Ball @ Fluffy~nothing if still confused/Shadow Ball @ Fluffy


That worked what. Okay, still use Minimize to shrink yourself and conceal yourself on Pinch. Then use Screech on Pinch if you managed to hide yourself. End with either Screech or Toxic, depending on what worked the second action.

Minimize~Minimize/Screech @ Pinch~Minimize/Screech @ Pinch/Toxic @ Pinch

North Pole:

Well, that Zap Cannon thing actually worked. Huh. Start with a nice Psych Up at Zeus. Rain Dance is in effect, you say? Then use your now enhanced powers to use Double Thunders on œ and Fluffy.

Psych Up @ Zeus~Thunder @ œ~Thunder @ Fluffy
I don't think this will affect your commands at all, but I'm recalculating everything just to clear my own head. I'll actually write down the calculations too so stand by.
it's probably because I was accounting for rain, so never mind; they seem more or less reasonable now, mostly just some 1%-2% off my own calculations, which shouldn't really affect the battle very much. I think œ should have taken quite a bit more damage from that zap cannon, and ed: never mind, I forgot about water spout I'm puzzled as to why slimer and north pole have different health totals now despite having taken the exact same attacks at the same effectiveness, but no glaring problems.


hey, did you know you get heal bell? I didn't! so go ahead and chime for œ. we really can't very well afford unexpected dead actions, so one we'll just make sure our dead action is exactly where we expect it.

then, a curse for that bidoof, so that we can finish it by the end of the round. I mean, we can actually afford the cost for once, so we should do it if only for the awesome factor, right?

then go ahead and blast the bidoof with thunder if you think you curse won't take it out by the end of the round. otherwise, mimic œ's surf.

heal bell ~ curse @ bidoof ~ thunder @ bidoof / mimic @ poliwag


well, we need you to first keep the magnemite busy doing its useless business. that is, encore its psych up, waiting if necessary.

after that, dump water on everyone, because it's basically the quickest way you have to kill things dead, and has the nice bonus effect of healing everyone. Fluffy really will need it.

encore @ magnemite ~ surf ~ surf


your job this time around is to make sure the bidoof goes down by the end of the round, while simultaneously doing as enough damage to the other two that we can win by the end of next round. thus, air cutter.

now, air cutter isn't the most accurate of moves -- it's accurate enough that it's reliable, but not enough that you can take for granted that it hits. if you ever miss the bidoof with an air cutter, switch to your strongest perfectly-accurate move, which happens to be STAB bug buzz. make sure you hit the bidoof at least twice this round, with any combination of those two moves, and then switch back to air cutter.

air cutter ~ air cutter / bug buzz @ bidoof ~ air cutter / bug buzz @ bidoof
I've recalculated everything and here it is. Homework now, reffing later. Possibly not today.


Swagger- 3% energy
Encore- 5% energy
Taunt- 4% energy
Protect- 6% energy
Work Up- 3% energy
Jump onto Pinch- 4% energy

Mimic- 4% energy
Encore- 5% energy
Role Play- 4% energy
Lock On- 6% energy
Work Up- confusefailed (17% damage)
stay on Pinch- 1% energy

Role Play- 6% energy
Surf- 7% energy, 17% damage (boosted by rain and Dawn Stone), 9% healed (Pinch and Fluffy)
Imprison- 4% energy
Zap Cannon- 10% energy, 21% damage (paralyzed target)
Work Up- 3% energy
Stay on Pinch- 1% energy

Water Spout- 28% damage all around (150 base power in Kratos' calculator becomes 19%, in rain multiplies to 28%); heals 15% to anyone with Water Absorb.
Slimer (Male)
Ability: Stench
Health: 63%
Energy: 94%
Status: Hold the eff still!

Zeus (Male)
Ability: Simple
Health: 50% (CAPPED)
Energy: 94%
Status: Rippling with muscle, but seemingly unaware of this fact. Encored (Work Up, one more action), +6 Attack, +4 Sp. Atk, mildly confused (12% chance of confusefail)

North Pole (Unknown)
Ability: Sturdy
Health: 63%
Energy: 78%
Status: Whirring mechanically, unblinking.

Fluffy (Female)
Ability: Water Absorb
Health: 100%
Energy: 88%
Status: Experimentally filtering water throughout her lower body.
Item: Dusk Stone

Pinch (Female)
Ability: Water Absorb
Health: 100%
Energy: 87%
Status: Trying to shake off the god damn pile of sludge. -1 Speed.

œ (Female)
Ability: Water Absorb
Health: 94%
Energy: 83%
Status: Oh God that hurt. Severely Paralyzed (25% chance of fail; -3 Speed)
Item: Dawn Stone

Also, because it makes more sense, Slimer being on Pinch is slowing Pinch down, making its Speed -1. I'm pretty sure this changes nothing, but still.
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"a source equivalent to a final-stage water-type pokémon at full health" was supposed to mean 150 base damage.

I mean, I don't think the exact numbers will actually make a significant difference in this case, but still.

you seem to be neglecting mimic's "In addition, the use of a mimicked move costs slightly more energy than it ordinarily would, as the user is unskilled with the attack." clause which should cause Pinch to be expending more energy.

in any case, the fact that bidoof's health has changed to 50% means I'm issuing a change to Fluffy's commands:

hey, did you know you get heal bell? I didn't! so go ahead and chime for œ. we really can't very well afford unexpected dead actions, so one we'll just make sure our dead action is exactly where we expect it.

mimic œ's surf, because it really will be quite useful, and then go ahead and use it.

heal bell ~ mimic @ poliwag ~ surf
Gaaablarghaghaghah fuck.

I completely mixed up Water Spout as depending on the recipient's HP.


Also fixing the Mimicry thingy because I didn't see the clause when I looked at the A&A guide.

Will ref the next round as soon as possible.

EDIT: Fix'd. 2% extra energy to Pinch using Mimic'd attacks, and now sreservoir is kicking ALL the ass because water Spout does fucking ridiculous amounts of damage and heals a ridiculous amount of health.
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actually, no, I shouldn't be kicking quite so much ass. rain dance should improve water moves by 1.25×, not 1.5×, which comes out to water spout 23% and surf 14%, I think, so ... +5% health to each of zackrai's pokémon, I think.
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