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Christmas decorations.

Usually we just have a tree and decorate that! For most of my life we had an artificial tree, but once that one became so old and worn, we started getting real trees, which I loved (smells good). After a few years, though, my parents got tired of buying one each year and managing it, so we got a new fake one last year or year before.
For our tree we just have lights and ornaments, and sometimes a star if we can manage to make it stand upright (which we have this year!) xD We used to wrap the tree around with those long shimmery things, too, but that always got extremely messy, so we don't use those anymore.

In the past few years, Mom has been putting up wreaths on the door, too. Sometimes we'll have lights outside the house, but usually we don't, and it's kind of random when we do.
We just got our tree up on Sunday and it is LOADED with ornaments, including ONE (1) conksuck wreath my sister made when she was... 3? 4? man I don't even know, THREE (3) goats dressed up as Santa, Mrs. Claus, and Mrs. Claus in blue attire, ONE (1) little bell that's really low so our cat can play with it but she insists on attacking the garland instead, and NUMEROUS OTHER (???) nonstandard beautiful ornaments.

We've got lights up around our front door, but those are only up because we were too lazy to take them down several years ago. There are also white lights in our dining room bay window, along with some snowflake-shaped garland that there wasn't room for on the tree.
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