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Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?
...Don't, like, a lot of people get terminal cancer? You know, non-murderer people? Apparantly 1 in 3 people get cancer, so that would mean 1 in 3 prisoners. Which, though it would save a lot of cash, would see a third of all murderers be released. Of course, I know that's skewed, not all cancer is terminal/qualifies for release, but basically, by letting him out they're sorta... I don't know, they're forgiving him, I guess. Which a government is not allowed to do. There are no exceptions to the law, so why they let a plane hijackery guy out, I don't know.
...Don't, like, a lot of people get terminal cancer? You know, non-murderer people? Apparantly 1 in 3 people get cancer, so that would mean 1 in 3 prisoners. Which, though it would save a lot of cash, would see a third of all murderers be released. Of course, I know that's skewed, not all cancer is terminal/qualifies for release, but basically, by letting him out they're sorta... I don't know, they're forgiving him, I guess. Which a government is not allowed to do. There are no exceptions to the law, so why they let a plane hijackery guy out, I don't know.
Also, everyone is saying that he won't be able to kill anyone because he's going to die in a few days anyway. But if that's true, why bother letting him out of jail anyway? It's a matter of principal as was said earlier. If he's going to die anyway, keeping him in jail for a few more days hardly seems overly cruel, and he technically deserved the time in jail anyway.
Because a minimum of one person benefits, whereas nobody benefits by keeping him locked up.Also, everyone is saying that he won't be able to kill anyone because he's going to die in a few days anyway. But if that's true, why bother letting him out of jail anyway?
This isn't directed at you, Grimdour, just throwing it out there.
But it doesn't look as if these people are in Libya.Also, it is simply the law. And as Ipsum said earlier, Megrahi may have much more protection from public fury if he stays incarcerated. It would be better if he were in either house arrest in Libya or in jail with the sufficient healthcare. Remember that the public had mixed views and there are people out there who want to see him burn, and there are even some in the government such as Cameron and even your beloved Obama. If people like them are strictly against the man's release, imagine those who are still bitter about the deaths and would willingly murder him.
But Cameron's awful and Obama's gotten crappier so eh. I don't really care what America has to say about our affairs. They never listen to us, anyway.
Probably! I don't trust their motives either.My inner cynic wonders if the primary reason he was released was to improve relations with Libya.
...Don't, like, a lot of people get terminal cancer? You know, non-murderer people? Apparantly 1 in 3 people get cancer, so that would mean 1 in 3 prisoners. Which, though it would save a lot of cash, would see a third of all murderers be released.