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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

HG/SS Competitive Team

Well, maybe its because of the fact that I've won many matches that went down to the wire with Empoleon.

Odds are you'll win more "down to the wire" matches with a SubPetaya or Choiced Empoleon, as well as a few dead-even matches and a good number of battles in between.

And sreservoir pointed out where you can get Grass Knot so please get rid of that stupid Signal Beam. And stick Choice Specs on it because then your Empoleon's pretty much good to go.

I'm sorry if I am causing you all any trouble... T.T

Dunno about anyone else here, but if this kind of stuff was a problem for me, I'd never critique teams. No problem.
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