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Magna City Congressional Roundtable

The Flaaffy nodded, looking hopefully towards Steven. She procured a set of photographs – dark images rendered in lacquer on thin metal backings, their sheen oddly metallic when tilted against the light.
Steven accepted the photos from Saffron and scanned them carefully, puzzlement clear in his expression.

One by one he placed them back on the table and shook his head. "Unfortunately, these aren't any symbols I'm familiar with." He regarded Arthur with an odd look at the mention of fallers. "I can't claim to know every runic language, but there's a decent chance these aren't human in origin at all." Implying that it wasn't even necessarily a Covenant concern in the first place...

As the meeting devolved into something more akin to banter than logistics, he glanced first at one of the Knights, Ser Zaffre, and then Tawenna. "Perhaps it's best to consider the Wayfarers as additional manpower to any branch of the Covenant that requires aid. There are enough of us that we can bolster the numbers for several divisions while acting under leadership supervision."

An appeal to the less impulsive members at the roundtable...

He turned his attention towards Saffron directly with a polite, yet apologetic look. "If the Explorer's Office could use help investigating this matter, we'd be happy to lend you a hand."
Bellatrix looked over Steven's shoulder (did metang even have those?) to scan the photographs herself. Something about those markings were familiar, like she had definitely seen something like it before, but she couldn't put a finger on it. Maybe if she could get a better look once they were in Tyrrier...

Garnet immediately shot her pincer into the air. "Why, if it's an escort these fine Wayfares need, I would be happy to oblige. I've always wanted to visit Tyrrier with its rustic charms. Besides," she added, waving off the flaaffy, "explorers can only do so much. They need a knight around if things happen to get dicey." Clearly, Garnet was unfamiliar with the Wayfarers' current power. "It's been so long since I've been out on the field too."

"A question," Bellatrix interrupted. "If we do manage to uncover the source of the beam of light and it is indeed Radiant and retrievable, how does the Covenant intend to research it? Are there any potential plans you wish to consider with such an item in your possession?"
"Well, can't the Explorers' Office send an attaché with them? Saffron, surely you can spare your man Ralsen for a week or two? I believe he's made firm friends with these bright-and-shinings already!"

Ralsen held a claw to his chest. "I can't claim to be a knight, but I know my way around field research and I'd be happy to assist the Wayfarers on their expedition."

There was no mistaking the gleam in his eyes--this beam of light was of personal interest to him.
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