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Magna City Congressional Roundtable

The Flaaffy nodded, looking hopefully towards Steven. She procured a set of photographs – dark images rendered in lacquer on thin metal backings, their sheen oddly metallic when tilted against the light.
Steven accepted the photos from Saffron and scanned them carefully, puzzlement clear in his expression.

One by one he placed them back on the table and shook his head. "Unfortunately, these aren't any symbols I'm familiar with." He regarded Arthur with an odd look at the mention of fallers. "I can't claim to know every runic language, but there's a decent chance these aren't human in origin at all." Implying that it wasn't even necessarily a Covenant concern in the first place...

As the meeting devolved into something more akin to banter than logistics, he glanced first at one of the Knights, Ser Zaffre, and then Tawenna. "Perhaps it's best to consider the Wayfarers as additional manpower to any branch of the Covenant that requires aid. There are enough of us that we can bolster the numbers for several divisions while acting under leadership supervision."

An appeal to the less impulsive members at the roundtable...

He turned his attention towards Saffron directly with a polite, yet apologetic look. "If the Explorer's Office could use help investigating this matter, we'd be happy to lend you a hand."
Bellatrix looked over Steven's shoulder (did metang even have those?) to scan the photographs herself. Something about those markings were familiar, like she had definitely seen something like it before, but she couldn't put a finger on it. Maybe if she could get a better look once they were in Tyrrier...

Garnet immediately shot her pincer into the air. "Why, if it's an escort these fine Wayfares need, I would be happy to oblige. I've always wanted to visit Tyrrier with its rustic charms. Besides," she added, waving off the flaaffy, "explorers can only do so much. They need a knight around if things happen to get dicey." Clearly, Garnet was unfamiliar with the Wayfarers' current power. "It's been so long since I've been out on the field too."

"A question," Bellatrix interrupted. "If we do manage to uncover the source of the beam of light and it is indeed Radiant and retrievable, how does the Covenant intend to research it? Are there any potential plans you wish to consider with such an item in your possession?"
"Well, can't the Explorers' Office send an attaché with them? Saffron, surely you can spare your man Ralsen for a week or two? I believe he's made firm friends with these bright-and-shinings already!"

Ralsen held a claw to his chest. "I can't claim to be a knight, but I know my way around field research and I'd be happy to assist the Wayfarers on their expedition."

There was no mistaking the gleam in his eyes--this beam of light was of personal interest to him.
"I can't claim to know every runic language, but there's a decent chance these aren't human in origin at all."

"Human or not, it's still something we ought to look into!" declared Arthur.

Saffron nodded along begrudgingly.

"Perhaps it's best to consider the Wayfarers as additional manpower to any branch of the Covenant that requires aid. There are enough of us that we can bolster the numbers for several divisions while acting under leadership supervision. If the Explorer's Office could use help investigating this matter, we'd be happy to lend you a hand."

Arthur laughed heartily, and gave Steven an appreciative slow clap.

"That's the sort of selfless, proactive, go-getter attitude we need more of!" he boomed, before falling into a mild coughing spat.

Saffron stroked her chin. "Nearly every department is wanting for recruits. Perhaps you're right, Metang Steven. I would certainly appreciate a few adept delvers from among your group, and if your reputation is accurate, many of you would make fine knights..."

"I can't claim to be a knight, but I know my way around field research and I'd be happy to assist the Wayfarers on their expedition."
"Why, if it's an escort these fine Wayfares need, I would be happy to oblige. I've always wanted to visit Tyrrier with its rustic charms. Besides," she added, waving off the flaaffy, "explorers can only do so much. They need a knight around if things happen to get dicey. It's been so long since I've been out on the field too."

Ser Zaffre cleared her throat. "If I may? My partner and I are familiar with Tyrrier and have leave from the Grandmaster to accompany this expedition..."

Ser Aster's wings buzzed in anticipation of something actually exciting.

Arthur shook his head. "Sers, you are fine warriors, but Ser Garnet was here at this table from the beginning and eager to put herself forward. A promising young knight-cadet such as her deserves a chance to outshine the big names like yours from time to time, eh?"

Tawenna frowned. "Surely you can't be assigning this to a less experienced knight just because these two were late."

"Take it as motivation to shape up a little," replied Arthur, unperturbed.

Zaffre steepled her paws and stared forward, while Aster just simmered, immediately losing interest.

"A question," Bellatrix interrupted. "If we do manage to uncover the source of the beam of light and it is indeed Radiant and retrievable, how does the Covenant intend to research it? Are there any potential plans you wish to consider with such an item in your possession?"

"All in good time, Ms. Bellatrix! All in good time. Though I certainly hope it is retrievable!"

Tawenna coughed lightly. "If I may... Simply securing sources of Radiance ensures their safety and prevents their falling into the wrong hands – such as the Commonwealth Army, organised criminals, violent opportunists, or hapless wanderers. Once brought to the Congress, I would limit access to it, personally..."

"Nonsense," scoffed Arthur. "The light yearns to yield and be yielded to! I'm sure some bright-and-shining knight will be a worthy inheritor of the power, and we will see them do many a great deed forthwith!"

Saffron exhaled at length, somehow meaningfully. "We don't have a representative from 'Philosophy with us, but I'm sure that that Office would insist on getting a good look at the thing. They've been trying to synthesise artificial Radiance, or so I'm told."

Hey, um, guys? Some of you are at the roundtable, right? Maybe try asking if there's any intel on Radiant dungeons other than the one up north. But like, in a 'we're just curious' kind of way, not a 'we wanna head there ourselves' kind of way.

Amidst all the chatter, Laura raised a paw.

"So, is this the first Radiant dungeon you've heard about? I would've thought there'd be others..."

Saffron smiled at Laura with the look of someone bursting with information about a special interest. "Well, Radiant dungeons are rare but we have found some before. Of course, they are sometimes fleeting, or inaccessible, or yield only trace Radiance we can only study in situ. Or they are truly significant, but lie outside our sphere of influence—"

"Another time, perhaps?" interrupted Arthur. "I think we're about ready to sign off on this mission! Treasury, can we finance outfitting the Wayfarers for the trip?"

A meek-looking Spinda nodded, their face fretful. "A-about three or four, certainly..."

"Splendid. Very well, I think we have an exploratory party in the making. Ser Garnet, the explorer Ralsen, and a detachment of Wayfarers. Brilliant! I leave it to the Wayfarers themselves to decide amongst themselves whom to send."

"No point in us being here, then!" huffed Ser Aster, getting up from the table and buzzing straight out of the meeting chamber.

"Please excuse us," said Ser Zaffre, bowing stiffly, and following her partner out.

Arthur didn't pay this much heed. There was a mission to plan, and he was singleminded in finalising it. All that was left were the trivial details of times and dates, equipment, reporting in, and so on. He would see to it that the party was thoroughly prepared and sent off in haste to seek out the Radiance in Tyrrier... and to investigate the appalling dangers there to protect the inhabitants!
Bellatrix's ears flicked towards Saffron's comment regarding knighthood. Although there were more important things to consider at the moment, she couldn't help but note her immediate draw to the idea. Another echo of the past, perhaps?

She nodded at Tawenna. "Yes, I can imagine," she replied. "It would be... quite the issue if you had a rogue pokémon running around with Radiance, especially if you cannot be certain of their goals. Although that leads into another question: What if someone else gets it first? Think of it as a "what to do in the events of the worst-case scenario" type of question as opposed to any prediction.

Saffron's following comment about the Philosophy Office commanded her attention. Artificial Radiance... You mean like the ARK Unit? Bellatrix was about to ask but an analytical frown crossed her features as she noted the swiftness of Arthur's dismissal when Laura asked about other Radiant Dungeons. She doubted her query would have any tangible result. So instead...

The meeting at the roundtable appears to be drawing close to an end. A select number of us will be going to Tyrrier to investigate the oddities there but one of the Covenant officials has said something interesting. Apparently, one of the branches, Philosophy, has been trying to synthesise artificial Radiance, which may have a potential link to the ARK Unit. Be vigilant.

Meanwhile, Garnet grinned and gave a bow of her own, this one far more excited than Zaffre's. "Oh how exciting!" she fawned. "Thank you, Lord Arthur! I won't let you down! I'm so excited to not only be working with human Angels but pokémon ones too!" Turning her attention to Tawenna, she turned her chin up. "And I'll have you know that I have plenty of experience that deserves to shine from time to time."
The sight of the glyphs left Odette mentally T-posing for a long period of time as she wracked her brain for something that she might have read in one of the dusty ass occult tomes she'd pulled out of the library back in Frontier Town. She offered polite nods toward Laura and the other two "Sers" that had entered, but successfully managed to tune out pretty much everything else on her mental trip around her collective macabre knowledge about Forlas. She unfortunately didn't make it far enough to offer any insight before the sound of Garnet and Ralsen offering to escort them to fucking Tyrrier realigned all of her synapses, and she straightened. "Uh, hang on--" she tried to say. But, it was too late. She was too slow. It had all been decided just a second too quick. She had to claw into the fabric of her skirt to refrain from grunting outright, sliding an inconspicuous look toward Garnet while she spoke of her glee for leading the adventure. Odette began to grind her teeth just at the mere hypotheticals of what was going to come out of that scizor's mouth on that excruciatingly long trek.

"Some of the best 'mon I know are Pokemon descendent! They do my laundry better than anybody else."

"Isn't that cute? The Pokemon decedents are just as good at using Radiance as you are!"

"Sorry, I just cannot fathom how these non-Angel-blooded types could
ever understand my plights."

Dispatching her derringer's loaded chamber into her head suddenly sounded quite fun. Ignoring her twitching fingers, she felt her ears perk at the mention of a Philosophy branch. Synthesize artificial Radiance? Fucking bingo.

"Well," she pressed. "Is there anything the present three of us can do to help better prepare for this mission then?"
So it seemed very little would sway Arthur's opinion once he made up his mind. A little like how he'd met the Wayfarers, too. Still, it was odd to have a roundtable such as this when the input of most of the table went unheeded...

Speaking of unheeded, with the meeting drawing to a close, Steven tuned out Garnet's blustering in favor of neatly stacking the glyph photographs and offering them back to Saffron in a quite aside. "I know you've got a busy schedule, but if you're so inclined, I'm rather interested in learning more about Radiant dungeons another time." The emphasis on Arthur's phrasing meant he'd found the interruption just as off-putting as Saffron probably did herself.
Saffron nodded patiently to Steven, indicating that she'd be happy to discuss such things another time. From her glances his way, it seemed she'd gathered a good impression of him. Perhaps she felt he'd be well-suited to the Explorers' Office?

Arthur cleared his throat once more, and splayed his notes before himself, adjusting his glasses to examine them.

"Well, the quartermaster will need to outfit you with supplies and so forth, so it would be best to decide who's going as soon as possible and pass that information on to the fine people in Logistics, so there's that. It wouldn't hurt to do your homework reading up on the country, that too. But I think at this juncture... we'd best adjourn for now, and you bright-and-shining new initiates can get ready for the swearing-in! I'd best take my leave for now anyway, those damned physicians are telling me not to strain myself. Pah! I'm already bed-bound, what more do they want from me? They'll have me sworn off light reading at this rate, nevermind anything bloody well helpful to this poor world."

Laura squinted at the Hypno, wondering if he'd lost his marbles. None of the Covenant top brass seemed perturbed, though...

"That sounds... frustrating?" she remarked, cautiously. "We'll put together a list of Wayfarers for the Tyrrier expedition as soon as possible, we're all very keen to make ourselves helpful, uh, too."

Arthur smiled warmly, his eyes twinkling. "Glad to hear it, lass. That's a damn fine attitude. Would that we all had your youthful energy, eh? Very good, very good. Fare well, 'til next time!"

The Hypno slumped in his seat, eyes rolling back into hooded lids... then pinched the bridge of his nose and blinked rapidly.

"Welcome back," said Saffron, amiably. "Did you miss anything?"

"Why, thank you kindly, Miss Saffron," said the Hypno, his voice dropping an octave and changing accents entirely. "I do believe I've captured the entirety of our li'l assembly, now don't you fret. I shall have the minutes done in a jiffy. Please, gentle fellows, don't let an old man keep you – y'all feel free to rejoin the festivities, now!"

Laura blinked, and put up a paw in a meek wave. "Uh, hello. Are you, um, not Arthur?"

The Hypno glanced her way and smiled indulgently, his face somehow taking on a wholly different aspect than before.

"Ah, I do beg your pardon for my lapse of manners, Miss. Y'all can call me Bobby. It's my honour to serve as Speaker of this Council, and – my memory being clear as a midday sky in the month of Mind – I'm best suited to give my seat over to my good friend Arthur while he's laid up, bless 'im. Please excuse his rudeness, it's just like him to forget to explain our li'l peculiarity. Pay it no mind."

Already, the rest of the Covenant in attendance were getting up to leave, some of them bowing lightly or waving to 'Bobby'. It seemed like the meeting had come to a natural end – and this unexpected transformation was apparently fairly typical, Bobby himself certainly not minding being host to Arthur.

And with that, the Wayfarers were committed to another expedition north, this time to the Grand Duchy of Tyrrier...

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