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"So I gather that the Covenant has been studying Radiance for quite some time now," she stated. "I will gladly share what I know about the power but just so I'm not telling you anything you already know, do tell me about your own findings, from the baseline to any recent developments."
"However, I wouldn't mind knowing who else will be in attendance, just so I can prepare myself a little," she said as she sat.
"Wait, by festivities, do you mean that the live music out there, and the catering, is specifically for us? So then, are these meetings today on our account as well?"
However, being immediately offered a seat at the roundtable was partially shocking--he'd never met any of the Wayfarers, so how did he know none of the three of them were walking menaces to society? And he just willingly invited them into a meeting without thinking twice about it.
"So that would make you the descendant of a human? First generation, or...?" He trailed off, suddenly aware of what he was asking. He offered a polite and somewhat sheepish smile towards Garnet. "Forgive me, that might be a bit too personal of a question."
Though, Something in Garnet's introduction gave him pause. 'Bearer of Angel's blood'? Steven tapped a claw to his chin. "So that would make you the descendant of a human? First generation, or...?" He trailed off, suddenly aware of what he was asking. He offered a polite and somewhat sheepish smile towards Garnet. "Forgive me, that might be a bit too personal of a question."
"Wait, by festivities, do you mean that the live music out there, and the catering, is specifically for us?"
"So then, are these meetings today on our account as well?"
"Angel's blood is a... rather old-fashioned way of saying you're descended from a summoned hero," she said, discreetly. "Most Covenant are descended from humans, but not all from heroes." She smiled warmly at Steven. "I'm not human at all, actually. Flaaffy Saffron, head of the Explorers' Office. My pleasure to meet you."
"But does it not sound grand?" asked Garnet in response to the flaaffy. "Befitting of a celebration of this calibre?"
"Adorable?" she asked, sounding genuinely curious. "I mean, it's true, some aren't human."
"It's as Odette said. We have several in our group who aren't human, but I've found it hardly matters." At this, he turned to Saffron, where his smile grew more genuine. A silent thank you for her earlier kindness, and reassurance that it was a pleasure to meet her as well. "They answered the call, the same as us."
"So if I understood Articuno correctly, this is where all you Covenant luminaries and knights and whatnot meet to chat. If not specifically about us, what exactly else is on the docket today? In short?"
"So I imagine that you have a good idea of what the beam of Radiant light in Tyrrier is then? A potential topic for discussion this roundtable, perhaps?"
Lord Arthur, Speaker of the Council
Decidueye Tawenna, Head of the Sable Office
Flaaffy Saffron, Head of the Explorers' Office
Grovyle Ralsen, Explorer 1st Class
Scizor Ser Garnet, Knight-Chevalier of the Order of the Lantern
Metang Steven, Wayfarer
Mawile Odette, Wayfarer
Zoroark Bellatrix, Wayfarer
Steven hesitantly raised a claw. "I don't see anything wrong with some levity, considering the circumstances, but I don't disagree with Lady Tawenna, either...""If we believe that the Beacon summoned these Wayfarers in the usual manner, what does that tell us to expect their Crisis to be? We should be working at all hours, not celebrating, if such a great Crisis is to come."
"Do we have any recorded images of the glyphs? I have some... experience with deciphering ancient languages. Perhaps I could be of help in discovering their origin or meaning, and maybe shed some light on this mystery."
"The murkrow have been a persistent oddity not just in Tyrrier but across swaths of Luctemar. I believe that there has to be a honchkrow involved [...] wild, faller, a native Forlasian, I cannot say, though it would be rather odd if they were wild."
"Maybe they're just having a good laugh," giggled Garnet. "A delinquent who decided to take a prank just a bit far, conspiring with the glyph-maker to make things appear spookier then they are."
"With so many strange occurrences reported, it'd be an error to dismiss them without proper study first, wouldn't you agree?"